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Jedinica Vrijstaat

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  • Planned, then Green.

    Jedinica is the region the most accessible to Yang's evil plan of world domination. By running Green, our empaths are positive that we'll be able to capture mindworms and raise them as an easy grown-up army. Seeing the large fields of fungus northern of Jedinica, we'll be sure to find some mindworms around here.
    "Just because you're paranoid doesnt mean there's not someone following me..."
    "I shall return and I shall be billions"


    • Concur completely with Pande. Planned, then Green.

      I echo your feelings about the lack of choice ("no economics choice... represent[s] my RP idea of a meritocratic socialist economy"). However, since I feel that ecology and the environment is also important, I favour Green.
      For though he was master of the world, he was not quite sure what to do next
      But he would think of something

      "Hm. I suppose I should get my waffle a santa hat." - Kuciwalker


      • Hämm this internet costs are raising higher and higher.. you should do something about it maniac, they cut off the connection to my NodeBook..


        • I will check out your problem Comrade Chris and get back to you. In any case, always remember datalink connections are FREE at your local public network node.
          /me checks out Comrade Chris' problem.
          Ah I noticed you live in Terminal Dogma! Some twenty years ago that was declared a "Vrijstad" where businessmen could freely invest without much government interference. Unfortunately that experiment has failed on certain points (most of the trade has moved to Pandemonium, which is now Jedinica's biggest economic centre, also the biggest in peacekeeper territory on the field of research & development of especially nanonics - that is, it will be after my orders of this year will be implemented, creating libratians at Pandemonium and boosting the labs rate) and monopolies have arisen in certain sectors, among them the internet branch. As a consequence the corporation that controls the sector can ask the price it wants. But do not worry, my cabinet is now preparing to start an antitrust lawsuit against that firm. The prices should get back to normal quite soon.

          Anyway, here's a copy of my orders for review by the citizens:

          Jedinica Vrijstaat orders, MY 2222 onwards

          Requests for the DPO Hercules

          Could you please rehome the Pandemonian trance scout skirmisher garrisoned at Terminal Dogma to Terminal Dogma?
          Could you please send one of the police infantries garrisoned at Concordia to the new base U.N. Criminal Tribunal and rehome it as the new garrison?

          Questions for the DIA TKG

          Is U.N. Criminal Tribunal the final name of that base or is it just temporary? If a poll will follow, could you please include "Shangri La" as one of the options?
          I have seen other governors request for huge hurry orders, even bigger than those of the last session. Will these be granted? Or will there come a more conservative use of our cash reserve? In any case, if our money will all be used, I'd like to request some hurries too before all the goodies are gone. A hurry of the tree farm production at Concordia, the network node production at Sheathed Sword (if not rushed there will be a drone riot unless of course I use specialists), and the recycling tanks production at U.N. Criminal Tribunal once 10 minerals are accumulated.
          A last question? If the two already planned bases in the north are built, will there come a new region? Will there be a base of the current Jedinica Vrijstaat region transferred to the control of the new governor? Sheathed Sword or Terminal Dogma? In any case, for now I will presume Sheathed Sword will be put in a new region, as that is the most northern base.

          Build queues

          Concordia (changes)
          tree farm
          supply crawler
          supply crawler

          Pandemonium (changes)
          trance plasma sentinels
          hab complex
          supply crawler

          Sheathed Sword (changes)
          network node
          police infantry
          colony pod
          police infantry
          colony pod

          Terminal Dogma (changes)
          supply crawler
          children's creche
          network node
          tree farm

          U.N. Criminal Tribunal (changes)
          recycling tanks
          children's creche
          rec commons

          Worker allocations

          Change the NW fungal worker to a more productive tile once available, for example a forest. Or when no forest is available, the tree farm is finished so nutrients are sufficient, please change it into a librarian specialist (or doctor of course if needed due to pop growth).

          Move the NW worker off the field and change it into a librarian specialist. Also change the current doctor specialist into a librarian. This should result in three librarians.

          Sheathed Sword
          Move the SE-SE flat&rainy worker to the SE-E forest (after moving the crawler off that square - please see the crawler orders)

          Colony pods

          For the colony pods constructed at Sheathed Sword, please send them to (14,54) and (19,59), as was decided long ago. Please ask TKG where to send the first CP to and where to the second.

          Supply crawlers

          Sheathed Sword crawler E-SE of ShSw (15.63), convoying minerals
          -move to U.N. Criminal Tribunal
          -move to (11.69) SW of Pandemonium
          -convoy nutrients

          Crawler produced at Concordia
          Convoy minerals at (12.74), NE of Concordia. Change the local worker to a free forest or rolling & moist tile. Or make it a librarian/doctor specialist when food is sufficient.

          Crawler produced at Pandemonium
          Crawl some nutrients on a nearby free condenser farm.

          Crawler produced at Terminal Dogma
          Convoy nutrients on (22.68) E-E-S of Terminal Dogma.


          Two Sheathed Sword formers E-NE of ShSw (15.61), constructing a solar collector
          -finish solar collector
          -move one tile E
          -build road
          -move one tile N
          -remove fungus
          -build road
          -construct mine

          Sheathed Sword former SW of ShSw (11.63), waiting for orders
          -move two tiles E
          -construct sensor array
          -move one tile SW
          -build road
          -move one tile SW
          -build road

          Concordia former E-E-S of Terminal Dogma (22.69), waiting for orders
          -construct condenser
          -move to (16.64) NW-NW of TeDo
          -build road
          -plant forest

          Two Terminal Dogma formers E-E-S of TeDo (22.69), waiting for orders and building condensor
          -finish condenser
          -move five tiles NW
          -plant forest
          -if road at (16.64) one tile SW is finished, plant forest there. If not, go one tile N and plant forest there.

          Three Pandemonium and one Terminal Dogma formers NW of Pandemonium (11.67), constructing condenser
          -all finish condenser
          -move one tile S
          -all construct condenser
          -the entire group moves to (12.72) two tiles S of Pandemonium. There the group splits up.
          ->One former goes one tile W and builds road
          ->One former goed one tile E and builds road
          ->Two other formers go one tile SE and plant farm & solar collector
          If any of these four formers are finished with their task before the turnchat has ended, help the others perform their task or start constructing mine at (14.72) W-NW of UNCT when that task is finished as well.

          Concordian former at (13.77) SE-SE of Concordia, waiting for orders
          -move one tile NE
          -build road
          -move one tile NE
          -build road
          -move one tile back SW
          -plant forest
          -move one tile NW
          -build road

          Concordian former 1 at UNCT, waiting for orders
          -REHOME to U.N. Criminal Tribunal
          -move one tile SE
          -build road
          -move to help the other Concordian former around UNCT (see orders below)

          Concordian former 2 at UNTC, waiting for orders
          -move one tile W
          -cultivate farm
          -move one tile N
          -plant forest
          -move one tile NE
          -plant forest
          -construct sensor array

          Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
          Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


          • Originally posted by Maniac
            Gametechnically seen, arguments for each economy could be given as well:

            Free Market would give each citizen +1 energy, which benefits us even more than the other regions seeing our high population. On the other side, due to our rapid population growth, a lot of our drone management is done by police forces which would become uneffective under a drone exploiting FM economy.


            I'll let my vote and Jedinica's official stance depend on the opinion of the Jedinican citizens. Therefore, could you please post your preferred SE choice? It is not the intention of starting another FM/Planned/Green debate however!!!
            Free Market of course, but only with 20% Psych. No such Drone Problems then unless one wants to be a warmonger and send troops outside our territories.
            Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos


            • Well, just to explain some in-game terms...

              1) It's a myth that 20% Psych will solve our drone problems. Actually, in some bases it can even trigger Golden Age. OTOH, in the other bases drone riots will continue. It simply depends on the base's infrastructure - the more PSYCH amplifiers, the more talents. It includes, at our stage of the game, Tree Farms and Holo Theatres, but not Rec Commons.

              2) It's true we need some fungal pops, but not too many, because too many native speakers would occur, too many improvements would be destroyed and we can even trigger a global warming. And it's not enough to build Empath Rovers, because too many of the natives are actually Locusts of Chiron. But I admit it's sometimes beneficial to endure a pop and kill some MWs.

              In SP I play FM a lot (with 20% Psych), so don't tell me such things like 'next time try FM, babe'. But your mileage may vary, of course...


              • It varies quite a lot obviously. See the Silkanders Builder game thread for my current game. I'm expecting to trancend by 2240 at the latest.

                Also, just how do you figure we'd have Locusts of Chiron at this stage of the game, when we've made hardly a pop?

                Also, handy dandy solution to improvements being destroyed. Clean former teams. Of course, we don't have that yet, because certain people have seemed intent on keeping our research rate down by staying away from FM...
                Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos


                • 1) It's a myth that 20% Psych will solve our drone problems. Actually, in some bases it can even trigger Golden Age. OTOH, in the other bases drone riots will continue. It simply depends on the base's infrastructure - the more PSYCH amplifiers, the more talents. It includes, at our stage of the game, Tree Farms and Holo Theatres, but not Rec Commons.
                  Oh look Kirov, now you've gone and broken the BS meter.

                  The only base that would riot if we went FM at the present time is TBIBTU - and that's because a scout patrol from there is out of territor down south; it will return next turn. Moreover, this problem will be fixed in any case by the Tree Farm which is to be rushed there.

                  2) It's true we need some fungal pops, but not too many, because too many native speakers would occur,
                  ...? Speakers?

                  [quote]too many improvements would be destroyed and we can even trigger a global warming.[quote]

                  Not likely. The ecodamage problem isn't nearly as big as you make it out to be. Only three bases will suffer from it, and there will only be 1 major sufferer, this being Tacticus Academy, which will be constructing a Tree Farm soon, which will substantially reduce the amount suffered, and will also be build an Empath Rover or two to destroy any mindowrm boils that do pop up.

                  And it's not enough to build Empath Rovers, because too many of the natives are actually Locusts of Chiron.
                  Once again, BS. Locusts don't appear for quite a while, at the very least not before we have some SAM systems in place - and once we do, bring 'em on, because some SAM artillery followed up by Empath SAMs will make charcoal out of them.

                  But I admit it's sometimes beneficial to endure a pop and kill some MWs.
                  I'm glad you've managed to transmit at least one bit of sense in that post.
                  Last edited by GeneralTacticus; January 15, 2003, 06:06.


                  • And, yes, what Archaic said.


                    • Originally posted by GeneralTacticus

                      Oh look Kirov, now you've gone and broken the BS meter.
                      I don't know what's BS.

                      The only base that would riot if we went FM at the present time is TBIBTU - and that's because a scout patrol from there is out of territor down south; it will return next turn. Moreover, this problem will be fixed in any case by the Tree Farm which is to be rushed there.
                      I haven't checked it. I've described only the general rule.

                      ...? Speakers?
                      It was meant to be a joke. *sigh*. Native life forms, of course. *rolleyes*

                      Once again, BS. Locusts don't appear for quite a while, at the very least not before we have some SAM systems in place - and once we do, bring 'em on, because some SAM artillery followed up by Empath SAMs will make charcoal out of them.
                      In my recent SP game LoC appeared at about fourth pop, and they were almost in every one later. But let me explain something once again - YOUR MILEAGE MAY VARY. I'm only describing my experiences.

                      I'm glad you've managed to transmit at least one bit of sense in that post.
                      I'm upset you're getting more and more Archaickish.


                      • General_Tacticus, if you keep up that tone, my police forces will have to expel you out of Jedinica Vrijstaat. No insults in this place. I hope I won't have to turn to higher authorities like army commander Sheng-yi Ming to make my point clear.

                        Anyway, thank you for your vote Archaic. The current standing is two for Planned->Green, one for FM. I'll see if anyone else votes. Else Green will be my vote.
                        Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                        Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                        • Originally posted by Maniac
                          Sheng-yi Ming

                          now, i thought i posted in this thread re: your orders...

                          EDIT: that was in the IA office...carry on


                          • General_Tacticus, if you keep up that tone, my police forces will have to expel you out of Jedinica Vrijstaat. No insults in this place. I hope I won't have to turn to higher authorities like army commander Sheng-yi Ming to make my point clear.
                            My apologies. I was not having a particularly good day at the time.

                            I don't know what's BS.
                            Your statement that ti won't solve our Drone problems. Of course, it won't in the sense that didn't have any to begin with, but ti will prevent them.

                            I haven't checked it. I've described only the general rule.
                            Ok, well I have, and I can tell you what the results will be.

                            It was meant to be a joke. *sigh*. Native life forms, of course. *rolleyes*
                            I don't the see joke.

                            In my recent SP game LoC appeared at about fourth pop, and they were almost in every one later. But let me explain something once again - YOUR MILEAGE MAY VARY. I'm only describing my experiences.

                            I'm upset you're getting more and more Archaickish.

                            Once again, my apologies. Such was not my attention, and I was not in a aprticularly good mood at the time. Is ahll delete those sections of my post if you like.


                            • Maniac: Now that Akiria is up and running, and ready to accept new migrants, I am now officially no longer a citizen of Jedinica Vrijstaat. I am sad to leave your great region, although I have the lush, beautiful lands of Aurora to look forward to. STEP has moved to Aurora too.

                              Please take a look at Akiria and tell me what you think.
                              For though he was master of the world, he was not quite sure what to do next
                              But he would think of something

                              "Hm. I suppose I should get my waffle a santa hat." - Kuciwalker


                              • Originally posted by GeneralTacticus
                                My apologies. I was not having a particularly good day at the time.
                                I'm glad this dispute was settled without street fighting. My police infantry is already overworked as it is. Enjoy your further stay at Jedinica.
                                Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                                Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)

