(Edit: Please read Base Square as Base Radius in the 6th and 7th poll options. )
(For once it isn't a multichoice poll. You have three days to vote.)
It's about time we determine some rules concerning borehole placement - if you want any at all of course. Therefore I offer you the following choices. For more discussion, have a look at the Centauri Preserve.
No boreholes at all!
Keep boreholes a rare event for special tiles - every one planned for construction needs to be mentioned or discussed in the Centauri Preserve.
Build them but keep it modest: zero to two per base depending on the surrounding terrain.
Build them but keep it within certain limits: two to four per base depending on the surrounding terrain.
Try to build as many as possible of them, but respect the Big Huge Terraformation poll, i.e. only on arid and rarely moist squares. Also don't reform already terraformed tiles.
Use some system to cramp as many as possible of them in each base radius (6?), regardless of underlying terrain (eg also on rainy squares), but don't reform already terraformed tiles.
Use some system to cramp as many as possible of them in each base radius (6?), regardless of underlying terrain (eg also on rainy squares), and reform already terraformed tiles.
That's it. Start voting!
(For once it isn't a multichoice poll. You have three days to vote.)
It's about time we determine some rules concerning borehole placement - if you want any at all of course. Therefore I offer you the following choices. For more discussion, have a look at the Centauri Preserve.
No boreholes at all!
Keep boreholes a rare event for special tiles - every one planned for construction needs to be mentioned or discussed in the Centauri Preserve.
Build them but keep it modest: zero to two per base depending on the surrounding terrain.
Build them but keep it within certain limits: two to four per base depending on the surrounding terrain.
Try to build as many as possible of them, but respect the Big Huge Terraformation poll, i.e. only on arid and rarely moist squares. Also don't reform already terraformed tiles.
Use some system to cramp as many as possible of them in each base radius (6?), regardless of underlying terrain (eg also on rainy squares), but don't reform already terraformed tiles.
Use some system to cramp as many as possible of them in each base radius (6?), regardless of underlying terrain (eg also on rainy squares), and reform already terraformed tiles.
That's it. Start voting!