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What would you like to see in a MoM 2?

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  • What would you like to see in a MoM 2?

    Since nobody else has brought up this topic yet, I thought I would throw out a few ideas of my own to get the ball rolling.

    I loved MoM, and would love to see a well done sequal to it released some time.

    Some of my ideas are pretty simple, others are a bit farther out in left field...

    1. More victory conditions

    Not exactly the most original of ideas for improving a TBS, but hey, its worth a shot. Having ways of winning that favor the explorer and peaceful perfectionist players would be nice.

    One way could involve searching the dungeons and ruins for pieces of a powerful artifact that when put together might act like the Spell of Mastery. There would have to be a good number of those pieces around, spread across the maps of both planes. They would have to be immune to item teleporting and block hero teleporting, so once discovered, the hero would have to travel overland all the way back to the Fortress town to return that piece to the treasury, or contiune carrying it with them, thus taking up item slots, and risking loss if the hero dies. It would be especially interesting if the more pieces the hero carried the more obvious it was that they had 'em and the more everyone else on the map would go right after them.

    Another victory condition might be quests from the gods. Missions given from above or below to do certain tasks. Complete enough of them and victory might be handed to you on a divine or infernal platter.

    And these are just a couple of ideas for victory conditions, I'm someone else could think of more.

    2. More customizations for each race

    There was some customization for each race, but I think there could have been more of it. For the most part, each race just had buildings that they couldn't get, some unique units, and maybe a few other specials. My idea would be to try making each race more different and unique. More fitting with what that race is supposed to be like.

    It could be done through a combination of having some special building(s) that only available to that race, maybe some more variety to the the units, and a bit more effort to making each race different.

    One example that just hit me is the Nomads. This may sound weird, but to me it seems silly that a race called the Nomads would settle and have towns. I don't remember how far into the building tree one could get with the Nomads in MoM, but here is an idea. Instead of building real buildings, a Nomad "town" is just putting up different types of tents and other portable structures. A special ability that the Nomads might have would be to uproot the entire "town", move it somewhere else and replant it in the new location. You've settled a new village, and ten turns later you decide you don't like the spot? Thats fine, as a Nomad, you can always move the whole town. Or perhaps if you're really crazy, you actually decide to plant a "town" or two right next to one you are trying to capture. The uprooting process should probably take at least several turns of "deconstruction" time, and the "unit" that appears for the move would have to be among the slowest around. The "towns" would probably also need limits on how often they can uproot, and an upper limit on their size that is not just terrain dependant(or perhaps, being nomads they just don't get as much food from the land as other races could). It would definitely be different, and make the Nomads much more Nomadic than just a few building restrictions and some special units.

    If combined with my #3 idea, this could work especially well.

    3. Race relations

    Selection of your initial race did not really have any effect beyond determining what buildings and units you started with. You could always capture towns of other any other races and fully utilize them later. I thought it would be interesting to have that selection make an actual impact on how fully you could utilize races other than your starting one.

    For example, if you started with the High Elves, you might be able to get the full range of buildings and units from Halflings, only be able to get basic buildings and units out of Dwarven towns, and if you capture a Dark Elven town, it is automatically razed. Humans might be able to get about the same out of every other race, but that would be only slightly better than the basics. And to really stretch the idea to its fullest, perhaps the Klackons, being hive oriented and so different from everyone else, can take over a town only by killing off all its inhabitants and settling some of their troops in their place, converting it to a Klackon village. (Of course some balancing would have to be done on the growth of that conversion, to prevent the Klackons from being able to swarm across the map too easily). And a converse to this would probably have to be that any other race that takes over a Klackon town would always raze the town with no choice for taking control.

    Another suggestion for this might be inclusion of some spells and/or artifacts that allow better control over various races. So one might allow you better control over Nomads where another might affect Lizardmen. How much more control could be open for debate, and should probably still depend on exactly what your starting race is.

    4. Seperate building and unit construction queues.

    My reasoning for this one is (to me at least) simple and logical. Most of the man power that goes into building mills, temples, and towers is not the same man power that would go into forging spearheads, shields and swords, or the man power that goes into wielding them.

    Yes, there would have to be some play balancing in modeling exactly how fast construction of buildings and units would occur, and it would have to be slower than the original (or other TBS games) to compensate. However, part of that could be done by having two seperate types of builders to adjust your construction speeds, so that along with the farmers for food, you might have light and heavy builders for units and buildings respectively. This would naturally tend to balance out the seperate queues a little all on its own. Reason being that if you focused a town on heavy construction to get a building done faster, its unit production would be at a virtutal standstill, and vice versa. The one exception to this would of course have to be ship building, as it would be appropriate for that to take up the entire industrial focus of a town.

    I also thought another touch that could go along with this would be to have unit construction cause an adverse affect on town population. Ie. if you build a unit, your population is actually going to decrease by an amount appropriate to the unit under construction. The early, weak units like the spearmen might take away less population than the later stronger units. For most units it wouldn't have to be a huge number, though a settler unit should be. But it could be something that might add up to significant numbers if a town is balanced to zero or near zero growth, and its industrial capacity focused on units. Crank out too many units too fast and your town has shrunk a size. Unit damage healing could also be tied into their supporting towns population. As the unit recovers, the town experiences a lower popultion growth. I suppose you could even allow the population to jump back up when a unit is disbanded, though I would say that if a unit is disbanded in a town different from its original, there should be some negative effects on town happiness for a while to represent letting loose all those soldiers somewhere that isn't home.

  • #2
    Dam*! it must be something like 6 years since
    I played MOM. (I don't own a copy) I would be
    *HAPPY* if they would release a remake, that
    I could play with my win98. hopefully they do
    My Words Are Backed With Bad Attitude And VETERAN KNIGHTS!


    • #3
      ummm, gosh!

      I don't have near the deep thinking that bleyn does on this matter. I would be happy with a windows port of MOM, to tide us over until we can get at MOM II.

      Sayyy! That's not that bad of an idea! see if Infro can put out a little bit of time for a "Greed" edition, like the Myst masterpiece or some such. then they could put quicksilver to work for a couple of years on a true sequel.

      For an updated MOM for win9x: better AI, 16 bit graphics, and multiplayer. bring us all back into the fold after not being able to run it on newer OS's.

      For MOM II: a few things would be awesome.

      1. more planes. or at least the option for more. maybe choose from 2 to 6 planes as a startup option. I played around with the Planar Seal spell for a while, and fantasized about being able to cast it only between selected planes. Imagine not being able to break that spell, but sneaking in an invasion force around a back way through another plane. to avoid using towers like a "planar elevator", I suggest that each tower is only a portal to a certain plane, and all planes might not be directly accessible from the plane you start from. especially on small maps.

      2. More classes of spells. In addition to the unit, city, and global enchantments, I suggest planar enchantments, which are like global, but only affect conditions for the plane you cast it for. naturally, there should be an increased cost for casting on a plane other than where the wizards fortress resides. come to think of it, using a spell blast on a wizard residing on another plane should bring higher cost. increased further if there is a planar seal of some sort in operation. that might give the incentive for the going around the seal action I suggested.

      Bleyn, I don't know about the further customizations, as they were pretty diverse already. I mean you couldn't even count on spearmen being the same. this race had regeneration, that one had eight figures per unit instead of 6, and so on. still, if it's done well, I have no real objection.

      Your race relations suggestion is excellent, but was somewhat already implemented in MOM. happiness ratings for various races were dependent on your wizards starting race.

      the more victory conditions suggestion is certainly welcome, though I don't know if I like the ones you've suggested.

      and finally, I detest the idea of separate unit and construction queues. I think that is part of the unrealism that should stay in the game.

      anyway, if I think of more suggestions, I'll be back
      Any man can be a Father, but it takes someone special to be a BEAST

      I was just about to point out that Horsie is simply making excuses in advance for why he will suck at Civ III...
      ...but Father Beast beat me to it! - Randomturn


      • #4
        Re: What would you like to see in a MoM 2?

        Originally posted by Bleyn
        And to really stretch the idea to its fullest, perhaps the Klackons, being hive oriented and so different from everyone else, can take over a town only by killing off all its inhabitants and settling some of their troops in their place, converting it to a Klackon village. (Of course some balancing would have to be done on the growth of that conversion, to prevent the Klackons from being able to swarm across the map too easily). And a converse to this would probably have to be that any other race that takes over a Klackon town would always raze the town with no choice for taking control.
        * imagines a world where a klackon player takes over the world with stag beetles and decimates every single other race *

        This is Shireroth, and Giant Squid will brutally murder me if I ever remove this link from my signature | In the end it won't be love that saves us, it will be mathematics | So many people have this concept of God the Avenger. I see God as the ultimate sense of humor -- SlowwHand


        • #5
          I would like to see: LESS BUGS, where my unit gets all possible unit enhancements (invisible, invunerable, blessed, undead, first-strike, armor-piercing, illusory, wraithform, holy bonus, meld-with-node, create-outpost, regeneration, immune to all, flight, wind-walking, lucky, caster, sage, blade-master, constitution, leadership ect.)
          I'm not a complete idiot: some parts are still missing.


          • #6
            BETTER AI!

            I played game recently. And AI is just too stupid.
            Easy to beat on middle or hard difficulty, while on impossible it cheats outragesously too make game unplayable.

            Probably because there is too manu balance loopholes which human player can exploit.

            And human is ALWAYS better in tactical combat.

            And game is VERY RICH in options (also reason for weak AI), which could make it an MULTIPLAYER HIT.

            But, there is no MP versrion of MoM

            MP & AI are first things to fix.
            Rest should come later.

            There is an rumor that Quicksilver (they are maaking MOO3) is interested in makig an MoM2.


            • #7
              Fromwhat I understand that depends partly on how MOO3 does.
              Don't try to confuse the issue with half-truths and gorilla dust!


              • #8
                And that they would like it make that sequel.

                Although no one had asked Infogrames about it (and they own the rights on MoM game).


                • #9
                  What MOM2 needs is better AI clearly. The tactical combat should be reworked, as running around a lot of slow beasts with a mounted archer is a painful but always winning tactics. Age Of Wonders had a better tactical combat. They seem to have crippled it in AoW2 because walls were really very good in the first version (if you can't breach walls with a specific unit, you can't take the city).

                  About race customization: I'd rather have more balancing. Klackons were IMO lame. I want to point out a few special abilties beyond building/units: Dwarves produced double gold and gained double bonus from ores. Also, nomads had 50% extra gold but no bonus from roads, and elves and others gave mana by population, halflings gave more food. That was pretty good enough.
                  I think a special building per race would be cool (dwarves getting more production, elves more mana, klackons more... klackons?).

                  And I loved having mixed races armies. Don't make it impossible to conquer or use effectively races other than your own. Make them unhappy, yes. Cripple them, no. Actually, I can't see why I couldn't have a city with 3 high men and 1 halfling in it. You could build the base city race buildings and units of any available race in it ?

                  Also, more heroes, and AI that uses magic items.
                  The plane enchantment idea sounds cool.
                  Clash of Civilization team member
                  (a civ-like game whose goal is low micromanagement and good AI)
                  web site and forum here on apolyton)


                  • #10
                    Yep, AI heroes with magic items... when slain, you can claim those items...

                    And what if you beat an enemy unit/army, you could use the weapons of the defeated units for something? Building of one same/similar unit is cheaper...? No... what a lame idea
                    I'm not a complete idiot: some parts are still missing.


                    • #11
                      Did ANYBODY played Gnolls?

                      There are realy looking like bad choice of race (exept if you try some early rush when thay can be usefull).


                      • #12
                        I just finished a game with gnolls... they are easily expanding.

                        They have good attack rating, and the wolf riders are quite decent. For a lesser unit, but I suggest you pic warlord and alchemy retorts. They can't make Alchemist guilds (to make magical weapons).
                        I'm not a complete idiot: some parts are still missing.


                        • #13
                          Yeach, when I played gnolls, Alchemy & Warlord IS MUST, since they are pretty limited in number of builidngs.

                          So they are really good, if you try to conquer AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBILE (and gain some other races cities for later game)

                          In other cases (which includes Impossibile diffculty level, since AI gets Wizard Tower and Chatedrals VERY early) they are NOT good choice.


                          • #14
                            I almost always play the halflings, slingers are the best unit in the game! the will destroy nearly anything. Elite or super elite slingers can even damage units with missile immunity.
                            Don't try to confuse the issue with half-truths and gorilla dust!


                            • #15
                              Gnolls were rather good IMO. Their wolves are so fast that you cannot lose many in a fight, you just make those wounded run back. And they do deal lots of damage. I agree slingers are very strong, but they are hopeless against invisible units, and even the AI seemed to love invisible werewolves quite a bit. They are quite useless against invisible flying paladins. Is there anything stronger than that?
                              Clash of Civilization team member
                              (a civ-like game whose goal is low micromanagement and good AI)
                              web site and forum here on apolyton)

