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LEADERHEAD: Helen of Troy (Animated)

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  • #76
    Thanks Gramphos.


    • #77
      Perhaps you should give modern Helen a bare midriff with a belly-button ring. Ha. That would be interesting, wouldn't it?
      The Apolytoner formerly known as Alexander01
      "God has given no greater spur to victory than contempt of death." - Hannibal Barca, c. 218 B.C.
      "We can legislate until doomsday but that will not make men righteous." - George Albert Smith, A.D. 1949
      The Kingdom of Jerusalem: Chronicles of the Golden Cross - a Crusader Kings After Action Report


      • #78
        I have to have ideas for the other females now don't I?


        • #79
          That's a sexy leaderhead.

          I will use her as my Gothic leaderhead I think...Queen Amalasuintha. :goodjob:


          • #80
            In the Myth, Helena does flash her ample bossums to get Apollo or Artemis to do her bidding.. anyway i've caught your attention, next.
            I think she could be a Roman civ leader too, as Trojan from Troy or someone beginning with T settled Venice (furthest east of Italy) .

            Shes very good, the clothing effects look nice.. good middle ages dress.

            I've started adding the Polynesians civ to my Mega Mod Scenario ( 7 ages of man ).
            I would be grateful if someone could make a leadherhead for the Maori Princess Queen Tahuna.. I don't remember her name, or perhaps theres a better leader for them.. maybe Snoopy?.
            The polynesians include the pacific islanders from hawaii to New-zealand(the maori tribes) , and the original aborgines and modern day Australian , New Zealand Civilisations. Cities of Sydney , Wellington, Auckland, Ayrs Rock etc. Special Unit : corruption bringing backbacker no , maybe a War Canoe instead of curragh.
            P.S She looks like Pamela Anderson put her in a red bikini the Modern Era

            P.S. sneaky Mark G has made it so you can only download this file if you wait for the 15 second advert to finish its pause, or i get a bandwidth complain message with 'mail us if you don't like this'. I don't have a problem with this, except it would be useful to know you have to wait to get your download and shouldn't press skip.


            • #81
              Originally posted by GhengisFarb
              Hmmm.... "The conquest of Troy" all these little Greek civs vying for the Helen.
              A perfect "capture the Princess" scenario


              • #82
                Originally posted by CharlesBHoff
                That woman court in France have the power to impose and carry out than death sentence on than male found gueity of than crime against woman of hight brith of than heinos crime
                against woman of any birth hight or low. So that court have pentry of power behind it. That court ended in the 15th century. Than none of I wrote is off topic realy. Unlike the Zionist control media in America I than not suripe that suidedi bomding are takeing place in Israel. If you mistreat than people who will alway have this ploblem. It than simple

                law of nature. But Israel is too dumb to understand it espeal their far right wing anti crivil right anti human right anti UN and anti International Criminal Court parties in Israel.
                Damnit, how hard is it for you to understand, take your stupid incomprehensible rambling to the OTF! A thread in the Civ3-Files forum about a Helen of Troy leaderhead is not a place for one of your pathetic anti-Israel/anti-Bush threads.



                • #83
                  Originally posted by Admiral PJ
                  I think she could be a Roman civ leader too, as Trojan from Troy or someone beginning with T settled Venice (furthest east of Italy) .
                  I have a Roman one in the works and she's probably the hottest one yet (except maybe for Bresta "Jessica Rabbit".) I just have the Ancient Animation done and she's still topless except for the garland and red sash.


                  • #84
                    Thanks for not providing any information on how to get this to work


                    • #85
                      Originally posted by Node
                      Thanks for not providing any information on how to get this to work
                      There are several threads describing how to install leaderhead flics.


                      • #86
                        I would like to see these threads.


                        • #87
                          I honestly don't know what happened to them, they used to be topped and have instructions on how to install units, leaderheads, and all the other files.

                          EDIT: Try this thread.

