Originally posted by King of Rasslin
I can see 3 civs with marines fighting 1 with tanks right now
[ . . . ] The marine actually has a use when you don't have oil.
I can see 3 civs with marines fighting 1 with tanks right now
Originally posted by notyoueither
The biggest effect of Marines in MP...
You have how many important coastal cities? 8 did you say?
OK. The 'possibility' that there are 8 Marines in a Transport floating around out there will tie down how many units?
The biggest effect of Marines in MP...
You have how many important coastal cities? 8 did you say?
OK. The 'possibility' that there are 8 Marines in a Transport floating around out there will tie down how many units?
NYE (among others) will spend some time in the "classroom," "tutoring" others on the value of marines.
Originally posted by Zachriel
The lesson? Use massive bombardment to prepare the strike zone. If you send Marines in without shore bombardment, you are sending good soldiers to die needlessly.
The lesson? Use massive bombardment to prepare the strike zone. If you send Marines in without shore bombardment, you are sending good soldiers to die needlessly.