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  • #46
    Originally posted by Harlan
    I'd say be more mellow on the hit points, if only cos there is a graphical limit on hit points, beyond which the hit point bar is too high (I once played a mod where all hit points were doubled and this was a problem for that). Howabout 3 different eras, first one starting at gunpowder, and +1 for each era? Much easier for people to understand. +1 for UU, I'm kind of split on that idea. Has it been playtested?
    As far as i can see, the graphics prob hit hit points was resolved in 1.21. From my early games so far, the increased HP has worked wonderfully. There is still the occasional unexpected result, but in general, I'm thrilled by outcomes. The best is the Jaq Warrior versus warrior. The Jaqs get the bonus HP and win more often which is what I expected. I havent had any knights vs riders battles but I would expect ridrs to have a slight advantage (after all, UU were the elite of the elite).

    Also, I notice AW that you have Socialism and City Alliance as new government types. I'm not so big on those, esp. Socialism (since it seems more like a compromise thing than a thing on its own). City Alliance would be okay if you mean City State, and plan that to be an early Republic type, with Republic coming much later (Renaissance or so).

    What do you think about my Theocracy, Fascism and Empire? Oops - don't think I mentioned the last one before. That would be like an early Communism in function (Communal) allowing large empires but bad science, kind of a Despotism plus. I also think there should be more max science limits on gvmt types, to help slow science progress.
    I'm horrible at the government part, and these were just my initial atempts. i almost always play with exclusively monarchy. City Alliances was my attempt to simulate early Republics
    I thought most of Europe was Socialist (a non-miltaristic communism), so it seems to be a viable government type. I'm not really sure of how governments should be designed, whether by power structure(elected vs inherited, etc), or ruling philosophy (religious vs commercial vs military, etc)

    Here, by the way, are some thoughts I wrote up the other day on two new strategic resources. There would be a bunch of new Bonus resources too, along the lines of the resource graphics I've been making.

    Copper (available with Bronze Working)

    Cannon (plus Iron)
    Ship of the Line
    All air units (perhaps)
    All modern ships (perhaps)
    Statue of Liberty (a new Democracy-only wonder)

    Timber (available at start)

    Man O' War
    Ship of the Line
    Magellan’s Voyage

    I'm also toying with the idea of adding a Marble strategic resource, which would most facilitate the building of wonders and big buildings like Bank. Is that a good idea?
    Love the concepts but they didnt work out when I tried them before. The major problem being that you cant trade or colonize these resources so only those cities with the resource in their city influence could build the units. i dont think the AI could figure that out. I did add ivory as a requirement for elephants since its tradeable. I would add them as bonus resources (plus clay on flood plains) for now, and hope that the XP allows us to add more than 8 luxury resources. Might even think about replacing incense and/or dyes with yours


    • #47
      Quick comment: why wouldn't Copper or Timber be tradable? They're strategic resources, after all. I've already tried a game or two with Timber added, and it worked fine (and was tradable).

      I vaguely recall there being a limit of two extra working strategic resources, so we should leave it at that.


      • #48
        I'm on a roll. I've collected my thoughts regarding wonders, and here they are. It may seem I went overboard on new things, but I hope not. My thinking is, there are now so many different prerequisites, esp. government types, that the total number of wonders available to you will be pretty limited in fact. Hopefully it will be as if you are playing a different wonder race than your opponents most of the time.

        My main thinking was to add wonders that would facilitate a balance between different government types, each getting their own share.

        Then I threw in a few extras either cos they were "must haves" or fit the wonder powers really well. I wanted to have more Small Wonders, but unfortunately the powers they can have are so limited, and mostly used already.

        Regarding Alpha Wolf's ideas, here was my reaction:

        olympics (double colosseum)

        Historically, Colosseums (mostly Roman thing) came basically after the Olympics (mostly a Greek thing)

        polio vaccine (renamed cure for cancer)

        I liked the idea of renaming this, but came up with a different name

        code of hammurabi (free courts)

        included this idea

        Refrigeration (renamed longevity)

        Sounds more like an advance, but I did the rename and move here as well

        GPS (+1 sea movement)
        I'm very involved in using GPS and it doesn't boost sea movement. If it did, it would do it equally for all civs, not just one

        internet (modern great library)


        radio network (free radio stations)

        I really like the idea of Hollywood, so I'm thinking of that and movie theater instead of focusing on radio

        treasury bonds (5% interest)

        Seems too much like a current wonder, plus not very exciting title

        This first section just explains more requirements for existing wonders. In a couple cases I thought the name should change. In the section of new wonders, I give requirements and effects. I'm just throwing ideas out there though, so consider this all very open and likely to change.

        Note on the wonder prerequisites below: a lot is just common sense. You need to walk before you can run. For instance, obviously a civ would need to have some Harbors before needing the Lighthouse, and the city with the Lighthouse in it especially would need a Harbor.


        Copper, Monarchy, Coastal only, city must have Marketplace

        X Libraries, city must have Library

        National Healthcare (Cure for Cancer renamed)
        X Research Labs, city must have Research Lab

        Great Library
        X Libraries, city must have Library

        Great Wall (change function to Walls in every city?)
        X Walls, city must have Walls
        Despotism only

        Lighthouse (Great Lighthouse renamed)
        coastal, X Harbors, city must have Harbor

        Hanging Gardens
        Despotism only

        Hoover Dam
        coastal, X Hydro Plants ?

        JS Bach’s Cathedral
        X Cathedrals, city must have Cathedral

        Leonardo’s Workshop
        Republic only, city must have Barracks, Library

        Pasteur’s Institute (renamed from Longevity, moved to Medicine)
        city must have Hospital, University

        Magellan’s Voyage
        Timber, coastal, city must have Harbor

        Manhattan Project
        Uranium, city must have Factory

        Newton’s Principia (Newton’s University renamed)
        X Universities, city must have University

        Theocracy only, X Temples, city must have Temple

        Pyramids (change function?)
        Despotism only

        SETI Program
        must have Moon Landing

        Shakespeare’s Theater (boost usefulness)
        Monarchy only, X Colliseums, city must have Colliseum

        Sistine Chapel
        Theocracy only, city must have Cathedral

        Smith’s Trading Company
        X Banks, city must have Bank
        Monarchy only

        Sun Tzu’s Art of War
        city must have Barracks

        Theory of Evolution
        Republic only, city must have University

        United Nations
        Democracy only

        Universal Suffrage
        Republic only, city must have University


        Moon Landing (renamed Apollo Program)
        Aluminum, 4 Research Labs, city must have Research Lab

        Battlefield Medicine
        5 Hospitals, city must have Hospital

        Sacred City (Forbidden Palace renamed)
        at least 8 cities (how to change this in the editor???)

        Heroic Epic
        must have victorious Army

        Intelligence Agency
        Espionage advance

        Iron Works
        Iron, Coal in city radius

        Military Academy
        must have victorious Army

        at least 3 Armies in field

        Strategic Missile Defense
        5 SAM Batteries

        Stock Exchange (Wall Street renamed)
        5 Banks, city must have Bank


        Royal Foundry
        requires: Monarchy, Copper and Iron in city radius
        effect: +50 production in city

        Oil Refinery
        requires: Oil in city radius
        effect: 50% Production boost in city

        National Museum
        requires: 6 Public Schools
        effect: boosts culture a big amount

        Great University
        requires: University in city
        effect: big culture gain, +25% production in city

        National Mint
        requires: Copper, city must have Marketplace
        effect: +3 happiness, good culture amount

        NEW GREAT WONDERS: (17)

        requires: 6 Movie Theaters
        effect: +3 happiness in every city

        Angkor Wat
        requires: Theocracy, Spices
        effect: +50 production in city, +1 happiness in continent

        Cluny Abbey
        requires: Theocracy, Cathedral in city
        effect: free Monastery in every city, Monastery gives +25% production (Monastery cannot be built otherwise)

        Code of Hammurabi
        requires: Empire, Courthouse in city
        effect: free Courthouse in every city on continent

        Taj Mahal
        requires: Empire, Ivory
        effect: +6 happiness in city, +1 happiness in all other cities

        Wild Goose Pagoda
        requires: Empire, Silk, 6 Marketplaces
        effect:+2 free advances

        Grand Canal
        requires: Empire, coastal
        effect: free Granaries in every city on continent

        requires: Republic, 6 Courthouses
        effect: free Courthouse in every city on continent

        requires: Democracy, 6 Public Schools
        effect: free advances known by 2 other civs

        Statue of Liberty
        requires: Democracy , Copper
        effect: reduces war weariness

        Supreme Court
        requires: Democracy, 6 Police Stations
        effect: Police Station in every city

        requires: Communism
        effect: Walls in every city on continent

        Das Kapital
        requires: Communism, Mill in city
        effect: Mill in every city

        Five Year Plan
        requires: Communism
        effect: free Collective improvement in every city, Collective gives +25% production, pollution (Collective cannot be built otherwise)

        Krupp Works
        requires: Fascism, Coal, Iron, Oil, Factory in city
        effect: Barracks in every city

        Secret Police
        requires: Fascism, Intelligence Agency
        effect: Police Station in every city

        Nuremberg Rallies
        requires: Fascism
        effect: +2 happiness in every city on continent

        wonders per gvmt type:

        3 Despotism (Great Wall, Pyramids, Hanging Gardens)
        4 Monarchy (Colossus, Royal Foundry, Smith’s Trading Company, Shakespeare’s Theater)
        4 Theocracy (Sistine Chapel, Oracle, Angkor Wat, Cluny Abbey)
        4 Empire (Taj Mahal, Wild Goose Pagoda, Code of Hammurabi, Grand Canal)
        4 Republic (Forum, Theory of Evolution, Universal Suffrage, Leonardo’s Workshop)
        4 Democracy (Internet, Supreme Court, Statue of Liberty, United Nations)
        3 Fascism (Nuremberg Rallies, Secret Police, Krupp Works)
        3 Communism (Kremlin, Gulag System, Five Year Plan)

        This was done assuming the gvmts of Empire, Theocracy and Fascism are added. City Alliance/ City State could be factored in pretty easily by moving Colossus, Oracle and Forum to that category, leaving most gvmt types with 3 wonders. I'd actually like that better.

        I'm ready for suggestions, criticisms, etc... Explanations of why this or that if you need it.

        And here already are the graphics we could use for each (I've had a pool of wonder pics to draw on for a long time now):

        One concern is the ability of religious civs to switch governments without Anarchy. I could see the human player abusing that sometimes just to get a certain wonder. (I wonder, when you start producing a wonder limited by government type, and you switch governments while building it, do you have change production at that point?)
        Last edited by Harlan; May 9, 2002, 05:38.


        • #49
          If you change governments, do you lose the advantages?

          "You're an American."

          "That's right. From America."


          • #50
            Oh, and as for copper, you'd probably have to set it to last for a long time without running out, since it would be needed and the beginning and very end of the game. It wouldn't do anyone any good for it all to run out just before you start needing copper wire.

            "You're an American."

            "That's right. From America."


            • #51
              Man, I should be in class now, but my mind is on this.

              Is it possible to have small wonders that can do the things that large wonders can?

              Also, I think the maximum air range needs to be increased. An option to select how many squares radar could see would also be useful.

              "You're an American."

              "That's right. From America."


              • #52
                Originally posted by Canadian_Patriot
                Man, I should be in class now, but my mind is on this.

                Is it possible to have small wonders that can do the things that large wonders can?

                Also, I think the maximum air range needs to be increased. An option to select how many squares radar could see would also be useful.

                this one is easy to answer so I'll tackle it first. Wonders and small wonders have different usable sets of flags, so unfortunately you cant turn a wonder into a small wonder with the same benefit

                I totally agree about the air range limitation. Max of 8 is ridiculously small.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Canadian_Patriot
                  If you change governments, do you lose the advantages?

                  CP beat me to this one. i have alot of concern about government specific buildings in gameplay terms. Wil the AI start a wonder then change gov mid-stream thus wasting tons of shields?


                  • #54
                    I can understand why a democracy wouldn't be able to use a Nuremberg Rally, but why can't Communists use the Internet?

                    "You're an American."

                    "That's right. From America."


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Harlan
                      My main thinking was to add wonders that would facilitate a balance between different government types, each getting their own share.
                      we need to determine if the AI can handle this effectively. One thing I've noticed about the AI when settlers=3 pop is that the AI will queue a settler long before they get to a pop of 4, so sometimes they are waiting for the pop to grow to 4 and arent producing anything as the settler sits at 1 turn to completion. Based on that, I doubt the AI can handle it

                      Historically, Colosseums (mostly Roman thing) came basically after the Olympics (mostly a Greek thing)
                      I was thinking a cross between the 2 olympics (greek vs modern). In this case, a spread of colosseums creates a desire for international competition. What I really wanted was a small wonder called sports league that doubled colosseums.

                      Refrigeration (renamed longevity)

                      Sounds more like an advance, but I did the rename and move here as well
                      I thought of calling it an advance then coming up with a ganary type building and have ganaries obsolete with industrialization.

                      GPS (+1 sea movement)
                      I'm very involved in using GPS and it doesn't boost sea movement. If it did, it would do it equally for all civs, not just one
                      I partially disagree on this one. GPS allows exact positioning which decreases course corrections whch allows you to get there faster (thus traveling farther). If I had satellites up, there's nothing to say i MUST allow others to use it. I'm greedy...mine mine mine

                      radio network (free radio stations)

                      I really like the idea of Hollywood, so I'm thinking of that and movie theater instead of focusing on radio
                      I picked radio because we already have that advance, and it had such a unifying effect its its early days, plus its range is greater than tv. Notice that in most coups, radio stations are targeted very quickly. Also, i'd double their effect, not free stations, since it takes x number of them before you get a network.

                      treasury bonds (5% interest)
                      Seems too much like a current wonder, plus not very exciting title
                      Its a late industrial age wonder. I couldnt think of a good name. i had toyed with Commodities Exchange (there's those chicago roots again)

                      EXISTING GREAT WONDERS (24)

                      Copper, Monarchy, Coastal only, city must have Marketplace

                      X Libraries, city must have Library

                      National Healthcare (Cure for Cancer renamed)
                      X Research Labs, city must have Research Lab

                      Great Library
                      X Libraries, city must have Library

                      Great Wall (change function to Walls in every city?)
                      X Walls, city must have Walls
                      Despotism only
                      I'd leave its benfits as are. I wouldnt attach a gov-type to a physical wonder. The wall once built is there regardless of gov type.

                      Lighthouse (Great Lighthouse renamed)
                      coastal, X Harbors, city must have Harbor

                      Hanging Gardens
                      Despotism only

                      Hoover Dam
                      coastal, X Hydro Plants ?
                      I'd leave exactly as it currently is. Unless you want to change it to the TVA (tennessee valley authority). The dam MUST be a river wonder not coastal. In the case of Hoover, its a lone dam supplying power for a large region.

                      JS Bach’s Cathedral
                      X Cathedrals, city must have Cathedral

                      Leonardo’s Workshop
                      Republic only, city must have Barracks, Library
                      not sure about the library, maybe university instead, if at all.

                      Pasteur’s Institute (renamed from Longevity, moved to Medicine)
                      city must have Hospital, University
                      my original name had been pasteurization but i wasnt sure if i was spelling it right so i went simpler

                      Magellan’s Voyage
                      Timber, coastal, city must have Harbor

                      Manhattan Project
                      Uranium, city must have Factory
                      i would say barracks and universty being that the University of Chicago did alot of the initial work as i understand it.

                      Newton’s Principia (Newton’s University renamed)
                      X Universities, city must have University
                      if memory serves me, this is a city affectng wonder so i'd only require the city to have a university.

                      Theocracy only, X Temples, city must have Temple

                      Pyramids (change function?)
                      Despotism only
                      To me this is a cultural impact only since IRL they are giant tombs and not ganaries. Korn i thin it is creates a culture building in every city for pyramids. that building cant be built any other way. I like that approach for this one.

                      SETI Program
                      must have Moon Landing
                      see note on moon landing

                      Shakespeare’s Theater (boost usefulness)
                      Monarchy only, X Colliseums, city must have Colliseum
                      i'd favor adding a theatre building and using that instead of colosseums. Affects 8 citizins is pretty good benefit already. Only requirement would be city has a theatre.

                      Sistine Chapel
                      Theocracy only, city must have Cathedral

                      Smith’s Trading Company
                      X Banks, city must have Bank
                      Monarchy only
                      Disagree on this being gov dependent. I'd love to make it civ attribute dependent (commercial only).

                      Sun Tzu’s Art of War
                      city must have Barracks
                      would love this to be a militaristic only wonder

                      Theory of Evolution
                      Republic only, city must have University
                      why republic?

                      United Nations
                      Democracy only
                      what about civs that supposedly shun democracy?

                      Universal Suffrage
                      Republic only, city must have University
                      what about other govs that suffer war weariness? What does women's right to vote have to due with war weariness any way?

                      EXISTING SMALL WONDERS: (10)

                      Moon Landing (renamed Apollo Program)
                      Aluminum, 4 Research Labs, city must have Research Lab
                      awww, give the USA credit. We are still the only ones to walk on the moon.

                      Battlefield Medicine
                      5 Hospitals, city must have Hospital
                      i made this medicine and victorious army, after all this is a benefit for warring civs.

                      Sacred City (Forbidden Palace renamed)
                      at least 8 cities (how to change this in the editor???)
                      At one point I had this called "Provencial Capitol". If possible for only elected type govs. FP is based on half the optimal cities for the map size.

                      Heroic Epic
                      must have victorious Army

                      Intelligence Agency
                      Espionage advance

                      Iron Works
                      Iron, Coal in city radius

                      Military Academy
                      must have victorious Army

                      at least 3 Armies in field

                      Strategic Missile Defense
                      5 SAM Batteries

                      Stock Exchange (Wall Street renamed)
                      5 Banks, city must have Bank

                      NEW SMALL WONDER IDEAS: (5)

                      Royal Foundry
                      requires: Monarchy, Copper and Iron in city radius
                      effect: +50 production in city
                      good idea, but way way too powerful. when its available, most cities are lucky to have 10 shields. adding 50 shields to a ancient city would create a monster production center that would unbalance the game.

                      Oil Refinery
                      requires: Oil in city radius
                      effect: 50% Production boost in city

                      National Museum
                      requires: 6 Public Schools
                      effect: boosts culture a big amount

                      Great University
                      requires: University in city
                      effect: big culture gain, +25% production in city

                      National Mint
                      requires: Copper, city must have Marketplace
                      effect: +3 happiness, good culture amount
                      i'd think bank would be a better requirement than market.

                      NEW GREAT WONDERS: (17)

                      requires: 6 Movie Theaters
                      effect: +3 happiness in every city

                      Angkor Wat
                      requires: Theocracy, Spices
                      effect: +50 production in city, +1 happiness in continent
                      i'd lose the production boost, i dont see the connection.

                      Cluny Abbey
                      requires: Theocracy, Cathedral in city
                      effect: free Monastery in every city, Monastery gives +25% production (Monastery cannot be built otherwise)
                      neutral on this one

                      Code of Hammurabi
                      requires: Empire, Courthouse in city
                      effect: free Courthouse in every city on continent
                      This code was the basis of most civs, so I'd not make it gov specific.

                      Taj Mahal
                      requires: Empire, Ivory
                      effect: +6 happiness in city, +1 happiness in all other cities

                      Wild Goose Pagoda
                      requires: Empire, Silk, 6 Marketplaces
                      effect:+2 free advances
                      never heard of it

                      Grand Canal
                      requires: Empire, coastal
                      effect: free Granaries in every city on continent
                      not sure of the correlation between a canal and free granaries

                      requires: Republic, 6 Courthouses
                      effect: free Courthouse in every city on continent
                      in general, i'm against requiring too many of a building to get free ones. If we remove the gov dependency on Code of Hammurabi, this is a dup wonder.

                      requires: Democracy, 6 Public Schools
                      effect: free advances known by 2 other civs
                      dont tell china that they cant have the internet (they are #2 in the number of real life users)

                      Statue of Liberty
                      requires: Democracy , Copper
                      effect: reduces war weariness

                      Supreme Court
                      requires: Democracy, 6 Police Stations
                      effect: Police Station in every city
                      How about this being MI6, or CIA, KGB, or FBI?

                      requires: Communism
                      effect: Walls in every city on continent
                      Iron Curtain?

                      Das Kapital
                      requires: Communism, Mill in city
                      effect: Mill in every city

                      Five Year Plan
                      requires: Communism
                      effect: free Collective improvement in every city, Collective gives +25% production, pollution (Collective cannot be built otherwise)

                      Krupp Works
                      requires: Fascism, Coal, Iron, Oil, Factory in city
                      effect: Barracks in every city
                      As i understood it, krupp was an industrial complex.

                      Secret Police
                      requires: Fascism, Intelligence Agency
                      effect: Police Station in every city
                      Combine wth Supreme Court

                      Nuremberg Rallies
                      requires: Fascism
                      effect: +2 happiness in every city on continent
                      : rallies dont have lasting effects for millenias

                      Love the graphics.

                      PS.....hope we didnt hijack this thread too much from CP


                      • #56
                        Heh...too late...

                        I'd still like to talk about units eventually....

                        "You're an American."

                        "That's right. From America."


                        • #57
                          Blow by blow reply (part 1!):


                          Originally posted by Harlan
                          My main thinking was to add wonders that would facilitate a balance between different government types, each getting their own share.

                          we need to determine if the AI can handle this effectively. One thing I've noticed about the AI when settlers=3 pop is that the AI will queue a settler long before they get to a pop of 4, so sometimes they are waiting for the pop to grow to 4 and arent producing anything as the settler sits at 1 turn to completion. Based on that, I doubt the AI can handle it

                          Numerous other mods have government specific wonders, and I don't know of any problems. If you change governments, apparently the effects of the wonder still last. The AI Settler thing doesn't sound good. Howabout trying increasing the shield cost of Settlers, and see if the AI is smarter about that? That could have the same slow down effect.

                          Historically, Colosseums (mostly Roman thing) came basically after the Olympics (mostly a Greek thing)

                          I was thinking a cross between the 2 olympics (greek vs modern). In this case, a spread of colosseums creates a desire for international competition. What I really wanted was a small wonder called sports league that doubled colosseums.

                          I'm not against that, and a doubling of Colosseums would be a good thing as a non-religious happiness boost. We can throw it on the list.

                          Refrigeration (renamed longevity)

                          Sounds more like an advance, but I did the rename and move here as well

                          I thought of calling it an advance then coming up with a ganary type building and have ganaries obsolete with industrialization.

                          Given the limited flags available, I don't like the idea. Because just when food production should be surging, all your granaries disappear and your growth actually goes down. Rebuild them, and you're only back where you started. CTP had an improvement flag that allowed you to boost food growth by 10 or 20%, so there was a modern Silo building. But lacking that flag, no need for this (also the Granary graphic changes to a Silo looking thing over time).

                          I partially disagree on this one. GPS allows exact positioning which decreases course corrections whch allows you to get there faster (thus traveling farther). If I had satellites up, there's nothing to say i MUST allow others to use it. I'm greedy...mine mine mine

                          Its one of those things where you can't stop others from using it, just like anyone with a radio can pick up radio stations. No matter how greedy you are! So I still disagree that the makers of a GPS system have their ships go faster.

                          radio network (free radio stations)
                          I picked radio because we already have that advance, and it had such a unifying effect its its early days, plus its range is greater than tv. Notice that in most coups, radio stations are targeted very quickly. Also, i'd double their effect, not free stations, since it takes x number of them before you get a network.

                          I still prefer Hollywood. Come on - the stars, the action, the glamour! Radio can't compete. True, radio had its moment, but Hollywood was huge then, and is still huge now. Also, a very specific thing, as opposed to "radio network", which seems to me nothing more than a bunch of radio stations.

                          treasury bonds (5% interest)
                          Its a late industrial age wonder. I couldnt think of a good name. i had toyed with Commodities Exchange (there's those chicago roots again)

                          I still don't see the point - you already have another wonder doing this, isn't that enough?

                          Great Wall (change function to Walls in every city?)
                          X Walls, city must have Walls
                          Despotism only

                          I'd leave its benfits as are. I wouldnt attach a gov-type to a physical wonder. The wall once built is there regardless of gov type.

                          The problem is, is Walls aren't being built, then what's the point of doubling them? If we can solve the problem of getting more Walls built, then keep current function, if not, then change it.

                          As I mentioned before, the effects of a wonder stay even when you change gvmts. Clearly only a Despotic type gvmt could mobilize the workforce to build the Great Wall. Apparently hundreds of thousands died during the construction.

                          Hoover Dam
                          coastal, X Hydro Plants ?

                          I'd leave exactly as it currently is. Unless you want to change it to the TVA (tennessee valley authority). The dam MUST be a river wonder not coastal. In the case of Hoover, its a lone dam supplying power for a large region.

                          Whoa - I just realized something through this typo. The river flag is an improvement flag, which means improvement flags work for all great and small wonders! I didn't really realize that. That could lead to some cool stuff.

                          Perhaps X Factories is a better requirement than X Hydro Plants (plus river). I don't want this very powerful wonder to be easy to make.

                          Leonardo’s Workshop
                          Republic only, city must have Barracks, Library

                          not sure about the library, maybe university instead, if at all.

                          I like the idea of tough prerequisites for this one, since this is such a powerful wonder. So university is even better.

                          Pasteur’s Institute (renamed from Longevity, moved to Medicine)
                          city must have Hospital, University

                          my original name had been pasteurization but i wasnt sure if i was spelling it right so i went simpler

                          Actualy should be Pasteur Institute. Its a real thing, and was/is one of the biggest organizations in medical research, so definitely fits the bill.

                          Manhattan Project
                          Uranium, city must have Factory

                          i would say barracks and universty being that the University of Chicago did alot of the initial work as i understand it.

                          Okay. I was trying to get at the fact that one needs a large industrial base to even try to make the Manhattan Project, so maybe keep Factory prereq as well, or X Factories in civ.

                          Newton’s Principia (Newton’s University renamed)
                          X Universities, city must have University

                          if memory serves me, this is a city affectng wonder so i'd only require the city to have a university.


                          Pyramids (change function?)
                          Despotism only

                          To me this is a cultural impact only since IRL they are giant tombs and not ganaries. Korn i thin it is creates a culture building in every city for pyramids. that building cant be built any other way. I like that approach for this one.

                          Yes, but actually I can see the argument for Granaries here. The Pyramids are an example of a form of rule called Hydroraulic Despotism by some historians. In river valleys like the Nile, lots of irrigation is needed to benefit from the main river, and a powerful central organization is needed to plan and build all that necessary infrastructure. Governmental involvement and control is much higher, so having everyone follow the government without question is much more important. Thus such rulers typically call themselves Gods, and create huge works to magnify their importance. So there's a direct link between big monuments like the Pyramids, and boosted food production, through a government organized irrigation system. You see the same thing go on in other river valleys needing lots of irrigation, with the Tower of Babel, Angkor Wat, and so on.

                          So I say keep it, but add the river flag.

                          Shakespeare’s Theater (boost usefulness)
                          Monarchy only, X Colliseums, city must have Colliseum

                          i'd favor adding a theatre building and using that instead of colosseums. Affects 8 citizins is pretty good benefit already. Only requirement would be city has a theatre.

                          I can see the appeal of a Theater Building, but what would it do? I'm against culture only things, as mentioned before.

                          Smith’s Trading Company
                          X Banks, city must have Bank
                          Monarchy only

                          Disagree on this being gov dependent. I'd love to make it civ attribute dependent (commercial only).

                          Unfortunately we can't make these attribute dependent, which really sucks. Some of these government assignments are kind of arbitrary just to have a number of unique ones for each gvmt type. I drop this requirement if you like. Part of the thinking was to prevent Empire or Theocracy gvmts from being able to build this. We can't have more than one gvmt requirement, or I would make it Republic or Monarchy. Maybe make a Republic equivalent?

                          Sun Tzu’s Art of War
                          city must have Barracks

                          would love this to be a militaristic only wonder

                          So would I!

                          Theory of Evolution
                          Republic only, city must have University

                          why republic?

                          Think of the other types likely in existence at this point in time - Empire, Theocracy, and Monarchy. The first two are low on science things, and certainly wouldn't allow such heresy. You could make an argument for Monarchy, but a Republic would be most open to new ideas.

                          United Nations
                          Democracy only

                          what about civs that supposedly shun democracy?

                          They wouldn't build this. This definitely needs a civ limit - would you trust a United Nations built in a Fascist country?

                          Universal Suffrage
                          Republic only, city must have University

                          what about other govs that suffer war weariness? What does women's right to vote have to due with war weariness any way?

                          I think there's only two: Republic and Democracy. Statue of Liberty is essentially a duplicate of this, for Democracy. A common gmvt path would be going from Republic to Democracy, in which case you could get both and get double the effect. Second question I can't answer!

                          Moon Landing (renamed Apollo Program)
                          Aluminum, 4 Research Labs, city must have Research Lab

                          awww, give the USA credit. We are still the only ones to walk on the moon.

                          If you think there's nothing strange in have 5 or more Apollo Programs, then fine. I guess the God Apollo is just really popular!

                          Battlefield Medicine
                          5 Hospitals, city must have Hospital

                          i made this medicine and victorious army, after all this is a benefit for warring civs.



                          • #58
                            I'm a wordy guy, but I believe this is the first post I ever had to split in two!

                            Sacred City (Forbidden Palace renamed)
                            at least 8 cities (how to change this in the editor???)

                            At one point I had this called "Provencial Capitol". If possible for only elected type govs. FP is based on half the optimal cities for the map size.

                            Good to know, but there's no flag to check regarding this - it must be hard wired to the additional Palace effect (lame!).

                            Royal Foundry
                            requires: Monarchy, Copper and Iron in city radius
                            effect: +50 production in city

                            good idea, but way way too powerful. when its available, most cities are lucky to have 10 shields. adding 50 shields to a ancient city would create a monster production center that would unbalance the game.

                            A couple of notes. First, I haven't included tech prereqs for any of these, since the tech tree is in flux. Maybe you want to go through all the wonders and suggest which techs they'd belong to. This could have a tech making it come later. Second, I also haven't included when wonders expire, for similar reasons. But this is one I definitely would want to expire, or else it would get really huge once Factories and such came along. So a productive city yes, but only for a limited time. The Iron Works is 100% boost and isn't destabilizing, and Mills would give a 25% boost, so I don't think a 50% boost is that big. Esp. since you have no control over what city has both Copper and Iron, if any - it could be a marginal city.

                            Bottom line - I get a kick out of the Iron Works, and this is essentially an earlier version of that.

                            National Mint
                            requires: Copper, city must have Marketplace
                            effect: +3 happiness, good culture amount

                            i'd think bank would be a better requirement than market.

                            I'm thinking this would be a much earlier thing, maybe even Currency as prereq. After all, governments had Mints making coins as far back as there were coins.

                            Angkor Wat
                            requires: Theocracy, Spices
                            effect: +50 production in city, +1 happiness in continent

                            i'd lose the production boost, i dont see the connection.

                            Connection: see the comments about Hydraulic Despotism, and how these huge monuments actually helped the economy. Which reminds me - this should be another river only.

                            Cluny Abbey
                            requires: Theocracy, Cathedral in city
                            effect: free Monastery in every city, Monastery gives +25% production (Monastery cannot be built otherwise)

                            neutral on this one

                            Do you know much about the Cluny Abbey? Its a bit obscure since it was destroyed and thus isn't a tourist attraction and all that. But in the Middle Ages the Cluny Abbey was the largest church in the world, bigger than the Vatican. It was the headquarters of the Benedictine Monks, who established a network of Monasteries that became very effective economically. So much so, they grew so wealthy and powerful that there was eventually a big backlash.

                            I looked through history for an example like this, cos I'm thinking the Theocracy gvmt is going to be great for happiness, but very lousy for science, not great for production either. So this could modify those negatives a bit. Similar thinking of Das Kapital and Five Year Plan and Communism (kind of sucky gvmt gets good if you get the wonders that goes with it).

                            Note that this would expire before Industrialization, or else it would be too powerful (esp. if this and the Communist wonders were operating simultaneously).

                            Code of Hammurabi
                            requires: Empire, Courthouse in city
                            effect: free Courthouse in every city on continent

                            This code was the basis of most civs, so I'd not make it gov specific.

                            Yeah, but you need an absolute ruler to force everyone into obeying something like this, initially.

                            Wild Goose Pagoda
                            requires: Empire, Silk, 6 Marketplaces
                            effect:+2 free advances

                            never heard of it

                            This is a pretty obscure thing. Its a building in Xian, China. Xian was the Chinese end of the Silk Road, and I went for this over having a Silk Road wonder, since its just a road. I believe it was the 600s AD, a Chinese Buddhist priest went down the Silk Road to gather knowledge about Buddhism. He ended up staying several decades in India, and came back to China with literally tons of books, which boosted knowledge not only of Buddhism, but also science and the outside world generally. The Emperor was so happy about this he built the Wild Goose Pagoda to house all the stuff the priest brought back, and it became a very important Buddhist shine (and still is).

                            So part of the thinking is to have something Silk/ Silk Road related (I love those resource requirements), and also trying to have more than just Europe/ US stuff.

                            Grand Canal
                            requires: Empire, coastal
                            effect: free Granaries in every city on continent

                            not sure of the correlation between a canal and free granaries

                            The Grand Canal was built (also around 600 AD I think, but it was rebuilt several times) to secure China's food supply. Basically, the south of China had all the food, and the capital (Peking) and other big towns up north suffered from periodic famines. So the canal supported a steady stream of ships carrying food for those towns. About as good a free granaries wonder example in real life as one could hope for, I think.

                            requires: Republic, 6 Courthouses
                            effect: free Courthouse in every city on continent

                            in general, i'm against requiring too many of a building to get free ones. If we remove the gov dependency on Code of Hammurabi, this is a dup wonder.

                            I can see that. Then it should just be a Courthouse in that city, then. This is a dup wonder with gov prereq on purpose, so more than one civ could have this kind of thing (since we can't make it a Small Wonder). We might even want another for Monarchy and/or Theocracy! (In effect almost make it a small Wonder by having multiple, hopefully mutually exclusive versions).

                            requires: Democracy, 6 Public Schools
                            effect: free advances known by 2 other civs

                            dont tell china that they cant have the internet (they are #2 in the number of real life users)

                            My thinking here wasn't that only Democracies could have the Internet, but that only a Democracy could start such a thing. Once its out there, such a thing is impossible to stop (a number of gvmts, including China initially, tried), but a repressive gvmt wouldn't ever approve of the research to invent it.

                            But, thinking about this some more, I realized you can't have the Internet as a Great Wonder that only one civ benefits from. It really needs to be a Small Wonder, don't you think? Maybe Internet as small wonder (I can't think of a function as I'm not at home, but something science related) , and then Silicon Valley as a Great Wonder giving trade requiring the Internet as a prereq. WHat do you think?

                            Supreme Court
                            requires: Democracy, 6 Police Stations
                            effect: Police Station in every city

                            How about this being MI6, or CIA, KGB, or FBI?

                            There already are so many wonders like that, from Intelligence Agency to Secret Service to Pentagon. It just gets confusing. Also, this is also a duplicate of the Secret Service wonder for Fascism, so I thought naming it Supreme Court could symbolically show the difference between those two types.

                            requires: Communism
                            effect: Walls in every city on continent

                            Iron Curtain?

                            I already have a good Kremlin picture!

                            Das Kapital
                            requires: Communism, Mill in city
                            effect: Mill in every city


                            I was thinking this would be a good wonder for a civ that has fallen back on production (rapid industrialization being a key Communist goal). So I initially thought a Factory in every city, but decided that was too powerful. Mill is only half that, and this would be a cool thing in that it could put Mills in towns that otherwise wouldn't have them (no river), so in theory the Communist gov. could leap ahead in production.

                            Krupp Works
                            requires: Fascism, Coal, Iron, Oil, Factory in city
                            effect: Barracks in every city

                            As i understood it, krupp was an industrial complex.

                            Yes, and we can have it boost production in the city is it built in some, too. But it was essentialy a military industrial complex (the Krupps got started centuries earlier as artillery manufacturers), and the industrial heart of Hitler's war machine. The superior weaponry they made gave Germany's new soldiers a leg up. The best fit I could think of for a Barracks - Fascist connection.

                            Nuremberg Rallies
                            requires: Fascism
                            effect: +2 happiness in every city on continent

                            : rallies dont have lasting effects for millenias

                            If you assume this wonder couldn't be made till 1900s and the game ends in 2000, then you don't worry about millenias. In fact, we may want to boost some of the 1900s wonders for that reason (short duration).


                            Thanks for all the specific comments. However, I would also like to hear some "big picture" comments. For instance, are this many new wonders too many? How many is too many? What do you think generally of the "more wonders but tough requirements to build them" concept? Do you want the City State gvmt in the game or not?

                            What about the religious type civ switching without anarchy problem? I think having more wonders expire could help (so benefits don't multiply, for instance seeking out every production wonder and becoming a production monster), but it still would be a powerful feature.

                            I say we quickly resolve which wonders to include, and also which improvements and units, and have a rough idea what they do. We can hone and playtest later. But have that stuff first, and then when you make the tech tree you can factor all this in, in determining which techs to include and their relationships.

                            Next post, I'll work on getting the quote thing down .


                            • #59
                              Regarding units, I already put forth my ideas on which units to add in an earlier post. I didn't really get a lot of comments/ questions/ counter suggestions about that. I still stand by that list, which is based on a lot of research. If you want more details on what I mean by certain units, why I think any unit is worthy or unworthy, or the time/tech for it, or rough stats, I'd be happy to explain. For stats though, I'd wait till AW puts forth his new unit strength system (which I'm a little unclear on - are you changing hitpoints, attack/defense, or both?) to fit those into that.

                              We could also try to figure out which units to add we actually have graphics for (as I said before, I'd rather do without, at least for the time being, than have two units share the same graphic), and then start adding them. Things like the Crossbowman or Horse Archer should be non controversial, and good to go right now.

                              We also never did talk about unique units. I was thinking a second unique unit for each civ would be cool (though the graphics for that may be a long time coming, and you wouldn't want to give a second to some civs and not others). If people liked that idea, I think it would be better to have the second be a different time period than the first. For instance, don't have both German units be from WW2 - the Germans have been around since Roman times. For some civs like the Zulus, that could be hard though, since they never really did have a second time period!

                              I know you're big on naval - do you have any specific suggestions? I would agree to adding a Cruiser, and post WW2 replacements for Carrier, Destroyer, etc, and maybe a Dreadnaught. But beyond that I think stuff like Frigate is too detailed for Civ3's (non-scenario) level of abstraction.


                              • #60
                                You could be right, Harlan, but there's a sweet frigate graphic up at Civfanatics. Look up Perry-Class, Dark Sheer.

                                "You're an American."

                                "That's right. From America."

