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UTILITY: Civ3MultiTool - A second thread for the Program ;)

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  • #61
    Yes, I put in the wrong SAVExpnd.exe.

    Here is the correct version (17kB), I'll update the zip as well.
    Attached Files
    Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


    • #62
      If you have added LUXURY resources the game will crash. so far it's only possible to add strategic and bonus resources. Luxury resources only work with the eight positions on which the original game luxuries have been placed. If you want to change luxuries that's possible, but only if you replace one of the eight, on the position they are now (rename them).


      • #63

        Thanks! It works correctly now.


        • #64
          Originally posted by Gelvan
          If you have added LUXURY resources the game will crash. so far it's only possible to add strategic and bonus resources. Luxury resources only work with the eight positions on which the original game luxuries have been placed. If you want to change luxuries that's possible, but only if you replace one of the eight, on the position they are now (rename them).
          Thanks! I did add luxuries! I'll change it and see how it goes....
          Thanks Again!
          Get 84 Resources, 96 Resources, or the NEW 153 Resources! Get Rockier Bonus Grassland versions1.0 or 2.0! Get My Mix of Snoopy and Womocks early terrain! Get Varied Goody Huts!
          Upcoming Mods - Optimator (with over 1000 new units!!!) & Godzilla, Revenge of the Kaiju!
          I am in dire need of new dino and Kaiju units!


          • #65
            took me 3 days and this forum to find this out :-)

            and another thing is, that you can only have 36 different pictures.
            there are people here and at civfanatics who claim to use more than 36 pics, but so far, no one has posted a description on how this would be possible. I tried it, and every picture 37+ hasn't shown up in the game itself, even if they were visible in the editor. seems to be a problem with the civ3.exe.

            But you can (not with luxuries) add more than 36 resources if you don't care to have the same pic with different resources. KittenofChaos has introduced this with his fertilized wheat and feudalism cattles. Available with a later advance. Works quite well in the game.


            • #66
              My mod uses 36 pics. Although I hadn't seen it anywhere, I figured more than that would not work because the .PCX file only had 36 slots. I just figured that was the max. Which I guess it is. Haven't thought of reusing pics, don't think I will as that can get confusing. I noticed a MAJOR lag in map generation with 36 resources - Huge maps take about 15 minutes! Of course I have a PII 266 with 224MB RAM....
              Get 84 Resources, 96 Resources, or the NEW 153 Resources! Get Rockier Bonus Grassland versions1.0 or 2.0! Get My Mix of Snoopy and Womocks early terrain! Get Varied Goody Huts!
              Upcoming Mods - Optimator (with over 1000 new units!!!) & Godzilla, Revenge of the Kaiju!
              I am in dire need of new dino and Kaiju units!


              • #67
                Please upload, may be separately, c3mt.txt with _override keys in English. I want translate them in Russian.


                • #68
                  Originally posted by Imp. Montezuma
                  Please upload, may be separately, c3mt.txt with _override keys in English. I want translate them in Russian.
                  I've made some modification to it since the last version. So it is a little extended now. There are still many changes being made, and many things to make before next version, but as soon as I have most strings ready I'll send it out to the translators, and will also post a screenshot on what I'm working on right now... Email me so I get your address, and I can send you the file then.
                  Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


                  • #69
                    I found a backup of the 0.92.5 file. So you can start by translating it. Then when I send you the other, use a file comparation program to see what changes I've made.
                    Attached Files
                    Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


                    • #70
                      After today, it stands totally clear that the next version can't be ready before the end of next weekend, and for it to be really good and 'almost' bugfree I'll need the week after that as well.

                      So with this said: If you find any bugs in the current version just make sure they are posted before the newxt weekend when I'll probably begin with bugfixes.

                      If any major bugs are found I might release other subversions with the new toolmember in work disabled, and totally hidded. (As the Civilopediaeditor was during some fixes the version before it got added.) (Yes, I'm working on a new membertool. As soon as I have the major lineup for it I'll post a screenshot for suggestions (probably next weekend)) Once that is posted I'll begin with the hard work, to get the tool to work under the hod. (Well, what's done to it now is working, but there are still some things left to add, and I alos hope to be able to improve the Civilopedia Editor some for the next version, but no promisses. (I'll try to add the fields from pediaicons.txt to it, and allow save of entries into separate files)) But as usual, all is a matter of time, and I don't know if everything will make it into the next version. I also plan some improvents on the BIC-import/export to give an option to import rules into a save (as I see this feature is wanted very mush, and isn't hard to implement (but I had decided not to do for the same issues as when you made some changes to civ3mod.bic, that the save wouldn't handle that. It also requires a new way for the tool to separate SAVrules from Civ3Mod rules. (Currently it mixes them to one ruleset on a load of a save, but to be able to save them back it muust keep them separeately. (That latest thing is the biggest obstacle right now (affects the entire SGE) for import of rules.))))
                      Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


                      • #71
                        Note that if you have problems with lock ups check that the SAVExpnd.exe is in the directory of C3MT, if not, get it from an earlier post.
                        Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


                        • #72
                          Gramphos, I'd just like to say that you're great. 'Poly really does owe you for all of your hardwork.

                          A suggestion for organizing this Files forum. You should consider doing what Civ Fanatics have done, seperate files into different categories. Possibly, make a section for all the utilities, a section for maps, a section for mods, a section for scenarios, a section for unit graphics, and also section for the rest of the graphic files. Of course these are only preliminary suggestions for the sections, but doing some thing similar with the files would really be welcomed. It's pretty difficult to find a certain file, such as unit graphic files with the current format. Unless I'm missing some thing, you should consider what I'm saying.

                          BtW, what I first had to say had no corralation with the former of what I said
                          However, it is difficult to believe that 2 times 2 does not equal 4; does that make it true? On the other hand, is it really so difficult simply to accept everything that one has been brought up on and that has gradually struck deep roots – what is considered truth in the circle of moreover, really comforts and elevates man? Is that more difficult than to strike new paths, fighting the habitual, experiencing the insecurity of independence and the frequent wavering of one’s feelings and even one’s conscience, proceeding often without any consolation, but ever with the eternal goal of the true, the beautiful, and the good? - F.N.


                          • #73
                            When I try to view a map, it gives me the error "Runtime Error 401: Can't show non-modal form when modal form is displayed."


                            • #74

                              Great work with your MultiTool:
                              If you need someone to translate it in Italian....... Here I am

                              "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
                              The trick is the doing something else."
                              — Leonardo da Vinci
                              "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
                              "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by Trip
                                When I try to view a map, it gives me the error "Runtime Error 401: Can't show non-modal form when modal form is displayed."

                                That must be an error since the name change... (Addition of main menu) Sounds as none is using the feature. It will be fixed.
                                Creator of the Civ3MultiTool

