Originally posted by lockstep
IMO, this is a very big change in gameplay with mixed effects. I don't like the idea.
IMO, this is a very big change in gameplay with mixed effects. I don't like the idea.
But maybe not too bit change.
Originally posted by lockstep So making the Jaguar Warrior to Swordsman upgrade tactic impossible (as until v1.33 of your mod) is a good compromise. (BTW, when playing as the Zulus and having no horses, I also lose my own mobile unit at some point. Does that mean Impis should upgrade to Horsemen too?)
That's pretty late in game.
And even then, it's possibile that you also have no Saltpeter.
And some people realy like "pay 40gp, get upgraded unit" tactic.
You know, that could benefit Aztecs too.
Converting all those Jaguars to Horsemen (if not to Swordsmen).
Originally posted by lockstep Skipping parts of the upgrade chain for a UU is one thing, entirely changing a UU's upgrade chain is another thing. And what if I'd like to build jaguar warriors (cheaper) and horsemen (more powerful on the attack, and still mobile) at the same time? What if I'd like to build jaguar warriors in the early middle age (which is impossible in v1.34 of your mod because Horseback Riding is needed for era advancement)?
You could just keep several weak cities unconnected with Horses.
Your more powerfull cities would probably not need such thing since they would be capable of building highly advanced units anyway. (and there is always pillaging Explorer)
Jaguars are just much more importatnt in ancient era then in medivial anyway.
Somehow if you look more closely Jaguar Warriors are just better Chariots.
Cheaper and can go through Mountains and Jungles.
What if I want to build Mounted Warriors after I get Chivarly?
Much cheaper and still with good attack.
Pretty similar probelm.
Unfortunately you can't get both "pay gold for upgrade" tactic and "build cheap unit" tactic with same unit.