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GRAPHIC: MonsterMan's Resources -- Play with 60!

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  • #46
    Thank you Gelvan!
    The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power. Not wealth or luxury or long life or happiness: only power, pure power.

    Join Eventis, the land of spam and unspeakable horrors!


    • #47
      Maybe i will tell something stupid, or maybe something that could be a beginning of solution or a solution for adding luxury icons.

      Maybe some of you know it is provocate more bugs in more of the mods that have been released since 1.21. I've thinked about one thing to test as we (all forum members of Civfanatics and Appolyton) go on to understand how it works.
      It appears that luxury icon are linked to a specific place in ressource.pcx. I will try to copy this to a new sequence of ressources. I think the game have a ressource sequence that allow it to work in game. (I think also that the max of icons would be 176, i know it is incredible but it is the last number written on luxury small icon PCX of city screen and the number sequence written on it is 22, 44, 66, 88, 110, 132, 154 and... 176. NOTA: there's 22 icons in civ3.)
      For the sequence I think it is: 8 strategic resources, 8 luxury resources and 6 bonus resources. But I believe it will never have errors with bonus resources cause not linked to specifics rules.
      And after that you've got a specific file for luxury small icons for city screen. I believe it is why some's got errors when they enter into city...

      I will try that ! And maybe it wouldn't be stupid...

      (posted also on Civfanatics forum)


      • #48
        The numbers ont eh luxurysmallicons.pcx of the city screen, aren't they just the positions? so each block has 22 pixies. pixels? (hm, how is this written in english?) you know DOTS, place for the picture.

        ...................... So in this Bloc you have to put in a small icon.

        I think also, that positions 9-16 of the editor and the resources.pcx are linked somehow with this luxurysmallicons.pcx what causes the game to crash if you use other "slots" for a luxury than number 9-16.

        Has anyone tried to add MORE small icons to the luxurysmallicons.pcx?


        • #49
          Explain a little more for the block

          I think it was i say by "sequence" but not sure.


          • #50
            But doesn't work it seems to be the luxury smal icon PCX of city screen that cause crash...


            • #51
              Yeah that seems to be sure. It's an odd file anyway, the luxury icons are there twice, but in a completely different sequence.

              Well, you've written that it should be possible to have 176 icons, but I believe this number means the dots (graphically) there are in the luxurysmallicons.pcx and each icon has 22 dots for being drawn.

              The question is, if the civ3.exe needs all 16 icons in the luxurysmallicons.pcx - and if not, if it would be possible to use at least 16 resources. If so the question is which positions in the editor corespond with which position in the luxurysmallicons.pcx

              you know what I mean? sorry my english is a bit out of order.

              here's the luxurysmallicons.pcx and the numbers are the luxuries (the icons):

              first sequence 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
              second sequence 3 7 6 5 8 1 2 4

              So maybe the program uses right now only the first sequence and the second may be used by us to add more than 8 luxuries, if we find out, where in the editor (at which position) the luxury has to be defined, so that it uses this small icon.


              • #52
                I don't know about 1.21 because I am just in the process of upgrading my version of the LWC mod to 1.21 and was reading this thread to try to take advantage of the promised ability to show more resources but in earlier versions, the game would crash (at least for me and most others) when opening the city view of a city having any luxuries past the first eight. This could be your city or, e.g., opening an embassy to a capital with said luxury. Too bad because I agree with the logic that 10 luxuries gives me some shot at getting 8. As for total resources which appear, before 1.21 only 24 distinct icons would appear but if you were willing to use the same icon for 2 or more resources, then you could have almost unlimited resources that way. As others have said, there is an absolute limit but it is way below my needs (I have about 32 total resources). In my experience, strategic and bonus resources work just fine but luxuries are the problem.

                For reference. I modded the in-game bic file and always play randomly generated maps. If I ever finish my upgrade, I'll let people know how Monsterman's extra resources work for me - if there are still questions outstanding.

                Since Mizaq is reading this, maybe he can answer a question or two about his excellent tool for the graphically challenged (me). I am adding 20+ buildings and his tool has 12 slots for added buildings. My question therefore is: Is it easier for me to learn how to add more blank slots or Gramphos' multi-tool? Gramphos' disclaimer pretty well states that I am underqualified to use it but other sources say it's easy to use (not that there is necessarily a contradiction here). Once my sons finish their exams, maybe I'll get them to do some graphics for me, I did pay for their computer graphic courses after all. Anyway, I love the game and doing mods but am better at the first than the second so any advice from the talented would be greatly appreciated.

                One last thought; I have been playing 1.16/1.17 with added buildings (using the hacked editor to add them directly to the in-game civ.bic file without adding anything to any of the picture files). I did create the BLDG_ file but left it blank. This didn't seem to create any problems as the buildings could be built and worked as designed even though they were invisible in all the screens. Was I just lucky or does that graphically challenged approach actually work?


                • #53
                  The upper limit is 36 different resource-icons (though you can add more using the same picture for different resources), but Mizac says, it would be possible to add more than 36. Maybe a problem with V1.21 or with Gramphos Multitool 0.92.

                  The upper limit with luxuries is 8. And it seems to stay there.

                  As for the Multitool, learn how to use it! It is a GREAT help when creating a mod. Especially the Civilopedia-Change-Ability is something I love. It's not very complicated, the most difficult thing is to download the .dll files, but thats written in the readme. I try to attach it (not sure if this works).

                  After you have those .dll's just start it, load the civ3mod.bic (or your own scenario) and chose which thing (resource, unit, etc) you want to copy and how many copies you want.

                  As for the buildings: I suppose you were lucky
                  No Civ3 seems to make problems only with units and luxuries. All other things may be graphically invisible without causing any problems.
                  Attached Files


                  • #54
                    They also worked well in my game....Im using 36 of them and everyone has showed up....Keep up the good work
                    " Kill one man and your a murderer, Kill a thousand and your god "


                    • #55
                      luxurysmallicons.pcx anyone have an updated copy?
                      I screwed up mine.

