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GRAPHIC: MonsterMan's Resources -- Play with 60!

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  • GRAPHIC: MonsterMan's Resources -- Play with 60!

    No, I'm not lying!
    With my modified resources.pcx, you can play with 60 resources simultaneously, and they all have their own icon.

    See the attached chart for a preview before downloading. Note that the chart in the picture is a combination of two files in the zip, hence it has some 90 icons.
    Attached Files
    I'm not sure.
    Last edited by MonsterMan; February 24, 2002, 22:40.
    MonsterMan's Mod:

  • #2
    The mod comes with a very detailed step-by-step guide so everyone can enjoy modding. So, here is the zip file then.
    Attached Files
    MonsterMan's Mod:


    • #3
      Action pics!

      1. Calamari (squid) are ripe for harvest in the seas.
      2. Melon joins wheat on flood plain tiles.
      3. Brittain would wish for this colony; plenty of fish in the seas ('school' resource) to go with their chips; tea in the southern jungle and bananas for export to the north.
      4. Plains get a profile. Oranges give a food and trade bonus, Cattle (below hut) looks better, and Oat (center right) takes the place of Wheat. To the upper left is Desert Bloom.
      5. Timber is needed to build rennaisance ships (if u want, that is), valuable pearls can be dived for, and to the bottom right we see half of the grassland Apple resource.
      Attached Files
      MonsterMan's Mod:


      • #4
        have you played a game where your city had all 60 resources? do the increased luxury and strategic icons scroll to the right without crashing the game?


        • #5
          The majority of the new resources are Bonus resources that doesn't get shared. There are three strategic, ten luxury and twenty bonus resources. I have been told by a respectable source that the ninth and following strategic resources get hidden in the city screen window - they don't make the game crash. But no, I haven't taken a week to investigate if that's true yet.

          I don't have any problems at all creating maps with my chart or starting a new game (I wouldn't have posted it if I wasn't confident it worked).

          I think one dude started spreading the rumour that there was an absolute limit of 24 resource icons; the 25th would be invisible on the map. He must have screwed up his resource.pcx because it is obviously not true, as seen from my screenshots.

          If the lux and strat resources turns out to do bizarre things -- then it's just a matter of setting them as bonus resources in the editor and continue playing.
          MonsterMan's Mod:


          • #6
            Originally posted by MonsterMan

            I think one dude started spreading the rumour that there was an absolute limit of 24 resource icons; the 25th would be invisible on the map. He must have screwed up his resource.pcx because it is obviously not true, as seen from my screenshots.
            Well I'm one dude who's been saying that 24 resources was the limit since when I tried it, the 25th icon was invisible. And there have been others who've been saying the same thing. Are you sure all of these are appearing? I'm thinking maybe that might be an undocumented change in 1.17f, since it definitely didn't work before. I guess I'll have to try it and see for myself. It would be great if you were right! I hope you are.

            PS, Yes I do see that watermelom thing on the screen, and that's certainly more than 24 down in the file. It looks like they've changed that. Cool!

            PPS Well I just tried it and the same thing, the icon doesn't appear after the 24th one. I don't know how you managed to get yours working because mine doesn't.
            Last edited by Willem; February 25, 2002, 20:19.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Willem
              Well I'm one dude who's been saying that 24 resources was the limit since when I tried it, the 25th icon was invisible. And there have been others who've been saying the same thing. Are you sure all of these are appearing? I'm thinking maybe that might be an undocumented change in 1.17f, since it definitely didn't work before. I guess I'll have to try it and see for myself. It would be great if you were right! I hope you are.

              PS, Yes I do see that watermelom thing on the screen, and that's certainly more than 24 down in the file. It looks like they've changed that. Cool!

              PPS Well I just tried it and the same thing, the icon doesn't appear after the 24th one. I don't know how you managed to get yours working because mine doesn't.
              I didn't want to suggest that you screwed up your resources.pcx but I always thought that was the only answer. I got these icons to work in 1.16 too, sorry man. Try downloading my mod and see what happens If you like it I've just finished all the pedia icons and pedia text so it'll be more useful.

              What I have noticed is that there is a limit to resource icons. I had added lots of empty rows while working with resources.pcx and suddenly the game crashes, I can't open the editor or start a game. So I cut off some empty rows, and it works fine. Perhaps the magic number is 82 á la tech icons?
              MonsterMan's Mod:


              • #8
                Originally posted by MonsterMan

                I didn't want to suggest that you screwed up your resources.pcx but I always thought that was the only answer. I got these icons to work in 1.16 too, sorry man. Try downloading my mod and see what happens If you like it I've just finished all the pedia icons and pedia text so it'll be more useful.

                What I have noticed is that there is a limit to resource icons. I had added lots of empty rows while working with resources.pcx and suddenly the game crashes, I can't open the editor or start a game. So I cut off some empty rows, and it works fine. Perhaps the magic number is 82 á la tech icons?
                Well I used your resources.pcx file and had a look around with the cheat, and I didn't see #25 anywhere. One question, are you using your mod as a civ3mod.bic or as a seperate scenario? I'll have to try that, maybe that's what the problem is. I'm just altering the civ3mod.bic.

                PS I tried it again as a scenario file using your resources.pcx file and still nothing. I should be seeing that blue thing after your Timber on the Plains buut I'm not. I think you just got lucky somehow. I certainly can't explain it.
                Last edited by Willem; February 25, 2002, 22:10.


                • #9
                  Of course... you have to add a resource with Gramphos multitool, scroll to the appropriate icon in the editor, and then go to the Terrain tab and specify a terrain type where the resource may appear. I was guessing you knew that. Then open the editor and generate a map. Generate a gargantuan 256x256 map to be sure there's room for all resources to appear.

                  I'll update my mod later with all these things, so you can wait until then and just download it if you'd rather do that.

                  Can't anyone else confirm if it works?
                  MonsterMan's Mod:


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by MonsterMan
                    Of course... you have to add a resource with Gramphos multitool, scroll to the appropriate icon in the editor, and then go to the Terrain tab and specify a terrain type where the resource may appear. I was guessing you knew that. Then open the editor and generate a map. Generate a gargantuan 256x256 map to be sure there's room for all resources to appear.

                    I'll update my mod later with all these things, so you can wait until then and just download it if you'd rather do that.

                    Can't anyone else confirm if it works?
                    Well yes, I know how to set them up, I didn't need an explanation. But I know what the difference is, I've been using the random maps the game creates, not the editor. I don't like using the editor to create maps, it's kind of like cheating to me. After all you can see everything and everybody. So I guess I'll just have to settle for 24 icons I suppose.


                    • #11
                      Not that I wan't to keep b*tching but I've seen icons above no.24 in game-created maps.
                      Last edited by MonsterMan; February 26, 2002, 20:27.
                      MonsterMan's Mod:


                      • #12
                        Fine. Consider yourself lucky, it doesn't work on my system.


                        • #13
                          Can you use luxuries in the sea? You can't build a road to them. Can you connect to them with a harbor?
                          The difference between industrial society and information society:
                          In an industrial society you take a shower when you have come home from work.
                          In an information society you take a shower before leaving for work.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Optimizer
                            Can you use luxuries in the sea? You can't build a road to them. Can you connect to them with a harbor?
                            They have to be connected by a road so as it is, you can't. I was thinking for awhile though of creating a Sea unit with the ability of building roads and colonies. However, even if it worked, there'd be no way to get the AI to understand how to use it.


                            • #15
                              I haven't playtested that, actually. But if the city can't get access to it, I think it can still be used for Small Wonders. SW have a toggle Required goods must be within City Radius so that's nice, because we can control the appearance ratio of non-bonus resources.
                              MonsterMan's Mod:

