Some observations from my first completed testgame with beta 7.5:
- Test result: Armies can be upgraded to Modern Armies both empty and loaded with units. However, the upgrade can only be performed in the city that built the Military Academy. (While I'm typing ... I guess barracks are a second requisite, though I didn't try without one.)
- Postponing of map/communication trading and especially of MPP's made for a quite different game. No 'world-war' situation in the Industrial Age this time. Tech whoring is also reduced because of the decreased tech devaluation. OTOH, not being able to trade maps to known civs makes the technology Map Making rather pointless. I'd say, keep these features in the mod for now and reassess them when the next patch is out.
- Due to my conversion from builder style to hybrid style (necessary to survive and prosper on monarch), I encountered the scenario I've been criticizing for quite some time: The Indians, who bordered my civ (the Chinese) to the west, had a stronger culture, which was largely due to the fact that they had managed to build the Pyramids. (Obelisk in every city ... you know the story.) I decided to wage a limited war to round off my territory. Having conquered two Indian cities, I wanted to switch back to builder mode, but the Indians wouldn't acknowledge my envoy. So I geared up my Rider production, conquered another two cities and suddenly found myself in control of the Pyramids. After that, my relative culture went through the roof in a little while due to my brand-new obelisks. Gaining culture because of waging war ... sorry, it just doesn't feel right.
- Another case of a completely passive and stagnating AI civ occured. This time, it was the Japanese who started on a large subcontinent, separated from three other civs by jungles and a mountain chain. The AI founded its first city (Kyoto), sent a warrior to the south (and found me, so I knew of its existence), and that's all. Next time I checked (already in the middle ages), the Japanese still had one measly city with no improvements at all. At first, I blamed this pathetic peformance to the changes you did to the building traits (sorry, korn), but then I noticed that the AI's only city (and therefore, capital) didn't have a palace. So I guess the Japanese became the easy prey of a massive barbarian uprising and the ransacking barbarians destroyed their palace in 3300 BC (Kyoto's culture production had stopped at 14 points when I investigated the city). Somehow, this incident must have paralyzed the AI for the rest of the game (after all, it didn't have the possibility to reload
). Conclusions for the mod-maker: a) drop the defense bonus of the palace, and b) consider to weaken the barbs so that the AI can handle them.
- Renamed 'culture-only'-buildings ((amphi)theater, opera, museum),
- Symmetric judgement of cultural levels,
- A different kind of Pyramids.