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  • Test driving this patch

    Can I create a renamed duplicate copy of the pre-existing .bic file and copy your patch into that file so I can see if I like it?


    • Wish list of changes

      One quick note in response to a post from a few days ago. The AI seems to build fewer obsolete units if there is a clear upgrade path, so I'm willing to put up with a few upgrades that don't make perfect sense (cavalry to tank) in order to keep the game interesting and challenging.

      Now to the wish list:

      In my own game I bumped transport capacity back up to 8. Even with the increased speed I found it maddening to make several trips at 5 units a trip.

      Are obelisks buildable without the Pyramids? Perhaps they should be; any civilization can reasonably construct edifices proclaiming their own glory, and it helps keep the Pyramids from being overbalancing. In my current game, I'm having trouble staying ahead of the Japanese in culture because they beat me to the Pyramids. All the other AI players are lagging far behind on culture, it's all those obelisks that are keeping him up with me.

      Also in my own game I made both harbour and port facility increase food from sea tiles. I wish we could make them increase trade from water tiles. I did this because most of the real world's largest and most important cities are on the ocean or have a short and easy access to it. With three food from water tiles I can mine out most of my land squares and get a city at least equal to those that have no sea tiles.

      I also wouldn't mind a second small wonder with the forbidden city affect, but I can't imagine what it would be. Maybe instead a small wonder that puts a corruption-reducing building in every city, Telecommunications. The ability to 'reach out and touch someone' makes it easier to keep track of resources and how they are being used. Of course if the corruption reduction in the patch is significant enough, we may not need this.
      EDIT: Duh, I just remembered we can't do this with a small wonder. Perhaps make it a great wonder called Satcom based on satellites.

      I gave pirates better units in my mod, at least for their advanced and sea units. I wish we could assign them basic and advanced sea units for early and late in the game. Still, they're somewhat more intimidating in frigates than they were in galleys.
      "De maximus ni curat lex"--The law does not apply to giants.


      • btw i too experience the hitpoint graphic thing
        Seems to be a graphical glitch, it's not unique to you mod.
        "Five hundred years of democracy and peace, and what has it produced? The Cuckoo Clock... goodbye Harold"


        • Are obelisks buildable without the Pyramids? Perhaps they should be
          Instead of doing that I think the Pyramids should build a Forum in each one of your cites and just drop the Obelisk completely. Or to have the Pyramids build a Obelisk in every, make Obelisk available for building individually, and dropping the forum completely.

          Since harvesting forest will give a boost only once in the game, I think that boost should be more than 10 shields now, maybe 30 shields.

          Incorporate my ideas for Scouts and Explorers, but don't include the part about Conquistadors.

          Lower the cost for spy missions.

          If after playing the game, and we still feel that corruption is too deadly, then lower it via the editor.

          The Privateer should become available at Navigation.

          I have a question, since armies can only support two units originally, how many units will armies be able to support after building the Military Academy? Before any changes the Military Academy would allow for armies to support four units. I can't seem to remember what happens on this one, mainly because I never paid much attention to it.

          Added some slight variations in unit graphics would be nice. What I mean by this is slightly change the General's graphics from a Leader's graphics and the same goes for Partisans and Infantry. That is if you do have the capabilities to do so, but I'm not talking about major graphical changes here, though. Just something that will allow us to depict the two units apart from each other.
          However, it is difficult to believe that 2 times 2 does not equal 4; does that make it true? On the other hand, is it really so difficult simply to accept everything that one has been brought up on and that has gradually struck deep roots – what is considered truth in the circle of moreover, really comforts and elevates man? Is that more difficult than to strike new paths, fighting the habitual, experiencing the insecurity of independence and the frequent wavering of one’s feelings and even one’s conscience, proceeding often without any consolation, but ever with the eternal goal of the true, the beautiful, and the good? - F.N.


          • Originally posted by korn469
            so after playinga few games, anyone got a list wish of changes once the patch comes out?

            btw i too experience the hitpoint graphic thing
            I don't have jet, I am only playing ojne game now, and I pretty much like the thing they are at the moment, especially the HP's. I will tell you my feelings when I finish the game (1.5c). Hopefully this weekend.
            Socrates: "Good is That at which all things aim, If one knows what the good is, one will always do what is good." Brian: "Romanes eunt domus"
            GW 2013: "and juistin bieber is gay with me and we have 10 kids we live in u.s.a in the white house with obama"


            • Korn469

              I am playing a test game on chieftan (about 1820) and I have had no major problems. I like the way it plays, overall it is excellent

              Some so far comments.

              Still can't upgrade swordsmen or longbowmen. I will send the save game later if you want to take a look at it.

              Some problem with the military advisor. When you switch to units worker are not imaged. The line is there but it is blank. Says I have 11 but I have about 30. This may not be the mod but it is a new problem.

              The general only lets you load 2 units (3 after pentagon). It seems to count the general as a unit.

              BTW is there a way to update units in an Army?

              That's it for now. If you get the art work in and the civopedia updated you will have a superior game IMO. You might also consuder adding the attack copter unit. I haven't tested that unit but it sounds good


              • Well it seems that I have finished, however with a crash.

                I was playing 1.05c without applying the patch, and in the year 1808 the game crashed the first time, just saying that civ III performad an illegal operation. I tried the autosave and the game crashed again. Everyone was set to automate and no major moves. I went backl to the earliest autosave and played again. I went torugh 1808 without the crash but it happened again in 1862. this time around when i played again from the earliest autosave the game crashed again. I will zip and post both saves here if you want to take a look, or for future reference if this will happen to someone else as well, and you decide to investigate.

                Personally I think that those building additions that you put in are a must, and really good, since even wiht them I am running out of buildings to build for shorter periods, without them my cities could only produce wealth or units that I don't need. HP increase has trully a positive effect, and overall the game is better. No specific ideas at the moment from me, I woul dlike the airplanes to behave like in civ II, but i don't think it is possible as of now, and they should be able to sink ships at least. The same goes for ships bombardment is good, but I still prefered the way ships could actually kill unit in the city or on the coast, just for gameplay reasons. At present the naval or arial aspect of play does not seem to important to me, when you cannot finish the unit off. But it migh be just me, nevertheless we cannot change this aspect yet to what I know.

                here are the save files:
                Attached Files
                Socrates: "Good is That at which all things aim, If one knows what the good is, one will always do what is good." Brian: "Romanes eunt domus"
                GW 2013: "and juistin bieber is gay with me and we have 10 kids we live in u.s.a in the white house with obama"


                • and the other one:

                  just that idea if you want to tamper with it, telecommunications aspect in the modern times which could have be a building that would eliminate corruption in the city, with democracy being the only government that can build it? or something similar, but I think that at the end when you or AI is going for a kill that would be welcome, anyway it seems pretty realistic as well since today distance does not represent an obstacle to conquering or to managing.
                  Attached Files
                  Socrates: "Good is That at which all things aim, If one knows what the good is, one will always do what is good." Brian: "Romanes eunt domus"
                  GW 2013: "and juistin bieber is gay with me and we have 10 kids we live in u.s.a in the white house with obama"


                  • Wow, I am blind, but...

                    I just dl'd the mod, and read the important readme. I am trying to find the Infantry.INI thing, but I must confess I do not know where to look. Could someone help me please?
                    Hey, whas tha pointy thing, and why is it sticking in the ground? And why is there a human head on it... Oh damn.


                    • Re: Wow, I am blind, but...

                      Originally posted by Honour_Shogun
                      I just dl'd the mod, and read the important readme. I am trying to find the Infantry.INI thing, but I must confess I do not know where to look. Could someone help me please?
                      In the Civilization 3/art/units/infantry folder. Copy the whole folder and rename the folder to partisan. The files in the partisan folder will all still be infantry, but the only one you need to rename is infantry.ini.


                      On an unrelated matter, I'm about halfway through a game after applying the patch and applying the changes to this mod, meaning I'm playing with both the patch changes and the mod changes. Maybe it's just a fluke this game, but the AI seems a little less aggressive (on Monarch). I don't notice the change to chance to culturally capture an enemy city, in fact I have yet to get one this game and I'm well on my way to a cultural victory. Corruption is still significant enough that I'm glad to have the extra buildings to reduce it.

                      Based on the past several posts, it sounds like most people are in favour of only one ancient building that is culture only (forum/obelisk). I think the best solution is probably to get rid of one and make the other buildable by anyone. Probably keep obelisk, since the Pyramids putting a forum in every city doesn't feel right. The Pyramids still give a nice advantage, since you don't have to build or maintain any of them.
                      "De maximus ni curat lex"--The law does not apply to giants.


                      • i've been swamped with exams, but as soon as i am finished with them |sometime this week | i will implement a bunch of new nefarious changes to v.106

                        so please just stay with me guys


                        • Of course...

                          I was wandering what happened to you
                          Socrates: "Good is That at which all things aim, If one knows what the good is, one will always do what is good." Brian: "Romanes eunt domus"
                          GW 2013: "and juistin bieber is gay with me and we have 10 kids we live in u.s.a in the white house with obama"


                          • Originally posted by korn469
                            so please just stay with me guys
                            I´m really looking forward to the 1.06 readme ... There´s a lot of ongoing discussion about modding Civ3, and there are also some interesting actual mods (especially ancient´s, monkspider´s and plutarck´s), but so far I like your work the most. It´s not about cool additional features but about 'what needs to be done to make this game better'.
                            "As far as general advice on mod-making: Go slow as far as adding new things to the game until you have the basic game all smoothed out ... Make sure the things you change are really imbalances and not just something that doesn't fit with your particular style of play." - WesW


                            • Korn, could you post some info on how v1.06 is coming along?

                              Concerncing the current version, for some reason in my game I am not capable of building a General. I'm not sure why this is, either, because I have all of the pre-game and in-game requirements to do so.

                              -An idea for v1.06 I have is to make a regular elephant unit (the graphics are already available with the Indian War Elephant). The unit should come available not at Polytheism, yet at Monarchy. The reason for this is because Monarchy doesn't seem to be all that useful, IMO, and this will increase Monarchy's value. The Indian War Elephant should also now become the upgrade of the Elephant instead of the Knight. Here are two proposals for implementing the Elephant.

                              1)The stats of the Elephant should be 3att/1def/2mov with a cost of 40 shields and require zero resources. The Indian War Elephant should have the stats of 4att/1def/2mov with a cost of 40 shields and require zero resources.


                              2)Make a new resource called Elephants; the resource should not be all that abundant, either. The stats of the Elephant should be 3att/2def/2mov with a cost of 4 shields and require the Elephant resource. The Indian War Elephant should have the stats of 4att/2def/2mov with a cost of 4 shields and require the Elephant resource.

                              However, if you have a better plan feel free to go with that, but I do wish you would include an Elephant unit.

                              -The Charriot unit should also be of more use. I have yet to build one Charriot! Maybe making the shield cost 1 instead of 2 will do the trick.

                              -Pyramids should give an Obelisk in every city on the same continent, but Obelisks should be available to build individually, as well. The Pyramids will still be very powerful even with that. Forums should, also, still be available for building.

                              -I think Newspapers should not be available for buidling until a Courthouse and a Library have been built. Both the Courthouse and Newspaper should give off a +1 culture. The Newspaper then should cost 14 instead of 12 representing it's increased power.

                              -The Palace should only cost 35 for building instead of 40.

                              -Tundra should only have a terrain bonus for mining. Now I know I have said this plenty times, but I strongly believe it prevents the AI from building in tundra more often.

                              -The Labratory should be completely ridden of because having 4 science buildings is an overkill.

                              -As said before, Scouts should have the stats of 0/0/1 with the cost of 1 and should count all terrain as road. Explorers should become available with Map Making. The stats of Explorers should be 0att/0def/2mov with the cost of 2 and should count all terrain as road.

                              I hope to see v1.06 out soon.
                              However, it is difficult to believe that 2 times 2 does not equal 4; does that make it true? On the other hand, is it really so difficult simply to accept everything that one has been brought up on and that has gradually struck deep roots – what is considered truth in the circle of moreover, really comforts and elevates man? Is that more difficult than to strike new paths, fighting the habitual, experiencing the insecurity of independence and the frequent wavering of one’s feelings and even one’s conscience, proceeding often without any consolation, but ever with the eternal goal of the true, the beautiful, and the good? - F.N.


                              • well right now i'm stuck on rebalancing conventional combat units i tried going from scratch last night but that didn't turn out exactly how i wanted it to, but i think i might have came to a conclusion

                                double all of the stats of ancient units (except warriors)
                                so a chariot would be 2-2-4 for example

                                then multiply attack defense stats of middle age units by 2.5
                                musketman 5-10-2 for example

                                triple industrial age units
                                tank 48-24-6

                                then modern units either 3.5 or 4 times as great
                                modern armor either 84-42-8 or 96-48-8

                                i haven't decided completely on that

                                i'm thinking about ditching generals and just allowing the military academy to be built without any units and let it the pentagon (add increase chance of leaders appearing for it) and battlefield medicine all increase army size

                                make nukes slightly cheaper

                                i've been trying to build a SAM unit but i haven't got it to work yet

                                and that is about all i have been playing around with so far
                                but the building ideas sound good

