Q-can you have a naval blockade?
A-yes, position your ships in every square around the city you
wish to blocade. this only works if you are at war with them
Q- can you blockade by blocking roads?
A-not that i can see, but pillaging them would do it
Q-why do small, weak civilizations attack me randomly?
A-war is declared when a civ has to pay tribute, but they cannot. war is the way to end a trade deal nonpeacfully
Q-why is there no culture, or cultural buildings in cities i'v conquered?
A-when a citie changes control it's old culture is disgarded.All cultural buildings are destroyed.
E-an Egyptian city with 1000+ culture is captured by the Chinese. the Egyptian culture of 1000+ does not give any bonuses, because you are chinese.
Q-how do i get cities to celebrate the king?
A-it most have no unhappy citizens and have more happy citizens than content ones
Q-what does this do?
A-it lowers corruption and waste
Q-do you have any advice on hostile barbarian tribes?
A-yes, move your unpramoted units near it, but don't attack it. they will attack your unit, thus, maby, promoting it.
A-yes, position your ships in every square around the city you
wish to blocade. this only works if you are at war with them
Q- can you blockade by blocking roads?
A-not that i can see, but pillaging them would do it
Q-why do small, weak civilizations attack me randomly?
A-war is declared when a civ has to pay tribute, but they cannot. war is the way to end a trade deal nonpeacfully
Q-why is there no culture, or cultural buildings in cities i'v conquered?
A-when a citie changes control it's old culture is disgarded.All cultural buildings are destroyed.
E-an Egyptian city with 1000+ culture is captured by the Chinese. the Egyptian culture of 1000+ does not give any bonuses, because you are chinese.
Q-how do i get cities to celebrate the king?
A-it most have no unhappy citizens and have more happy citizens than content ones
Q-what does this do?
A-it lowers corruption and waste
Q-do you have any advice on hostile barbarian tribes?
A-yes, move your unpramoted units near it, but don't attack it. they will attack your unit, thus, maby, promoting it.