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  • Found the first crash. The picture for the Republic's wonder had the wrong dpi. I use CorelDraw to edit the images and while the image was 320x320 pixels and 8 bit (optimized) it was set to 600dpi. The default is 72. So I fixed that. I let you guys know if I find anything else.

    EDIT: Well I guess I need to shut my arogant butt up. That didn't fix the problem. Although I confirmed that it is a problem with the Socrates wonder. I'll let you know.

    Last edited by Elucidus; February 26, 2002, 23:27.
    Yours in gaming,


    • What is the latest version of this MOD? Does it work with the 1.17 patch?


      • I can't be much help to you, I never research monarchy or republic. The revolution length is so rediculously long that I just shoot straight for democracy and just trade for those other techs later on when they are dirt cheap.


        • the last time was when I tried "unit mania", that destroyed my whole civ3, I couldnt even use my backed up files.
          I duno what may be wrong, unless its certain patches, I have tried it with all the patches, (and no patching )

          Last edited by Synthetik; February 27, 2002, 04:56.


          • Monarchy, Hagia Sophia, available with Republic
            Republic, School of Socrates, available with Monarchy
            Democracy, Statue of Liberty, available with ???
            Communism, Classless Society, available with ???
            Fascism, Reichstag, available with ???
            Reichstag = nazi Reichs-Parteitage, see my post


            • Yes, saw your post...thanks, but I am working on getting the mod working with 1.17f. So far, except for one minor glitch it seems to be going okay. After I get everything working correctly I will consider the change, I will have to confirm what you say with some of my own research, though.

              I'll let everyone know how it goes later tonight when I can do some more testing. Like I said, so far it works with 1.17f and the version I am working with now is the Balancer 2.0a.
              Yours in gaming,


              • mizaq,
                I have to agree with you, the revolution is really too long on that, unless, and this happens rarely, you happen to be in a golden age.

                I think your doing an awsome job on this, and I thank you for spending the time.
                Im not sure what happened to the original author of "balancer", but your work will be the work I remember.


                • Monkspider started it and I did a lot of work for him at that time. The civilopedia in 1.5 and the Staue of Liberty Pics are good examples of what I did. But I haven't heard from him in a while and I couldn't let our "baby" fade. So, and I hope he doesn't mind, I took over the project.

                  I wish there was something I could do about the anarchy time period for the early gov'ts. Although, in the last test run I did from despotism to republic took two turns.


                  It is really nice to here that my work is appreciated. Thank you. I have been debating releasing a version in test-status. It is a lot of work to make sure everything works as intended and that takes a lot of time for one person to do. What do you guys think?
                  Yours in gaming,


                  • Well, I'm at a loss. I have determined the problem is with the wonder by not building it and moving on. I've determined it isn't the wonder pic by using a pic that came with the game. So then I had to determine if maybe it was a setting. Maybe they changed the functionality of requiring a Gov't for a wonder. So I turned off that requirement. Now change, still crashed. Then I tried making it give something else, still no good. So I went back to the Balancer 1.5 files I had and checked the settings in there, the ones I tested before 1.17f and I know worked then. Everything is the same. The entries in the PediaIcons.txt are in order and correct. But wait, there's more. I think I have just seen the problem you were talking about. I suddenly cannot load any files. At 48% in loading a file I get DataIO operation System Error: CNSL. Then it says there is something wrong with my save, the one I have been using to test this one error and I've loaded a million times. I think okay, well, no problem I saved a turn before no big deal. That one has the same problem. Seems my entire thing is now corrupt. I'm guessing a nasty bug has slipped into 1.17f. I haven't even implemented all of Balancer 1.5 into this one and it is already unstable. I'll keep working on the problem, but since it looks like I'll have to reload the entire program, I don't know how fast I will make any progress. Maybe I will try a fresher Bic. Anyone else have any ideas?
                    Last edited by Elucidus; February 27, 2002, 20:05.
                    Yours in gaming,


                    • Here is a copy of what it said:

                      Damn geocities. Fine:::
                      Yours in gaming,


                      • Here: Wow, I feel retarded. I thought it would have been better to link to the stupid picture. Oh well.
                        Last edited by Elucidus; April 20, 2002, 20:49.
                        Yours in gaming,


                        • Well, the inability to load anything turned out to be a corrupt BIC file. I am still working on the other problem. Maybe I am looking in the wrong area.
                          Yours in gaming,


                          • RE: DataIO operation System Error: CNSL


                            i've encountered that error a few times, basically if you save a game then use the copy tool to add a building to your civ3mod.bic and try to open the save game that is what causes it


                            • Except I have done nothing to my BIC. I haven't used any tools on it. I was simply testing the Mod I created with the editor. All I did was play it. I think it happened because within 15 mins I reloaded the game probably 20 times trying to figure out why it was crashing. Of course each time it would crash the game, so it got pissed at me.

                              BTW, I fixed that. I got sick of trying to figure it out so took some time to create the icons for most of the new wonders in the civilopedia, then I figured I would try again to figure out the problem, and now suddenly it works. Maybe because they added the ability to view the civilopedia when you right click on most things, it needed to reference where the icon is or something. Whatever it was that fixed it, or at least so far. Now I just have to fix the icons I had. It seems that pure black is the color the civilopedia uses as its transparency. Well, I hope the closest color I had to pure black is good enough.
                              Last edited by Elucidus; February 28, 2002, 00:04.
                              Yours in gaming,


                              • Okay, well that was an easy fix. A little time consuming, but fairly simple. The icons are now fixed. I have to apologize, though, they are not anything special. They are simple mini-wonder screens until I can work out something better. It looks better than those yellow squares for icons, anyway. I think I'm gonna take a break for the rest of the night.

                                Everything is going well, for the most part, so hopefully we'll have a nicely functioning version up and ready in a few days, or if all goes well, sooner. I'm not quite happy with what we have yet, but almost. I still have some unit adjustments to make, as well.
                                Yours in gaming,

