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Modmakers Tutorial: How to add new units, improvements, wonders, and technologys!

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  • #76
    To make matters more interesting I added a 5 wonders and 5 new improvements. Now they all show up fine in the queue BUT when you select them they don't display in the little box?

    So if I understand the programming the buildingsmall.pcx file is working but the buildinglarge.pcx isn't but why? Makes NO sense.



    • #77
      Originally posted by Mizaq
      I have been compiling this faq to try and make it easier for my own personal use. i was wondering if you guys could comment on it and let me know if i missed something

      attached at the bottom is the text of this picture in a txt file.


      How do I go in to edit the units_32.pcx file, it keeps opening in MS Photo Shop, is there other software I should use? I think my problem with using the new unit lies here, since my unit is not on this icon list. Also, beside shifting anything after privateer to the right, do I need to do anything else to this pcx file?

      Let me know. Thanks.
      Note: the Law Offices of jdjdjd are temporarily closed.
      "Next time I say something like 'lets go to Bolivia', lets go to Bolivia"


      • #78
        Argh, email me you guys, I've been gone a lot lately (knee deep in schoolwork). Anyways, I use paint shop pro v4.12 for my pcx editing needs, but you could probably use the newest version of PSP (or even adobe photoshop) to do the editing with. I went as far as to associate the file type .pcx with PSP so I could skip that other crap loading up.

        NoS, do you have the civilopedia entry in there as well?


        (in pediaicons.txt)

        and make sure that you added room in the small and large buildings art file.


        • #79
          *sigh* excuse my n00bishness but I only recently got back into Civ3 editing b\c of the ability to place cities and units w\ the new patch but for some reason the editor always has both options blanked out. I don't know why, and its somewhat annoying as other parts of my scenario tinkering are close to done but I have yet to be able to place cities and units. Any help is much appreciated


          • #80
            jreza99, you must first set the active player to the player you want to add the cities and units for you can set the active player by clicking the Shield looking icon on the toolbar (next to the world icon).
            For your photo needs:

            Sell your photos


            • #81
              yay! Ty, I can't believe I didn't see it before. Oh well, its been awhile since I've done any editing (civ3 or otherwise). Thank you for a prompt reply


              • #82
                I added 3 units to my civ3mod.bic using Civ3Edit, adding 3 icons to units_32.pcx and creating the appropriate folders. Everything about the units works fine, except that now workers and settlers look like armies and leaders (I know what causes this, but I don't know how to fix it). I added the new icons in the proper location (before the age-specific icons), so this should work fine, but it doesn't. Is this some kind of bug in Civ3Edit (perhaps the editor fails to save the new number of units in the UNIT section)?
                This program has performed an illegal operation and will be shut down.
                If the problem persists, please contact the program vendor.


                • #83
                  I have read a post somewhere on here, about how when you change Magellan's Voyage to give all cities a Harbor, it WILL give ALL cities a Harbor, including inland cities.

                  Now, I might be nitpicking, but I want to change Magellan's Voyage to give a Harbor for all COASTAL cities. Why would it give a Harbor for inland cities, when Harbor is already designated as a coastal facility on the Buildings Editor section??

                  Also, I have read about new terrain and new resources in this thread, and that thread. Is there one central thread on this particular topic??
                  I want to preview people's comments and ideas on the new terrain and resources that have been proposed and/or created.

                  A lot of Republicans are not racist, but a lot of racists are Republican.


                  • #84
                    Also, I have another question; has someone created a graphic for a Magna Charter great wonder for it's Civlopedia and its splash screen??

                    And what about for it's build list icon and city view??

                    A lot of Republicans are not racist, but a lot of racists are Republican.


                    • #85
                      Crash in game

                      I have problems when I want to discover tech which I have added. When I discover it game crasch.

                      There is this communique: "missing entry in Pediaicons.txt _LARGE"

                      But in Pediaicons.txt is entry to icon.

                      I don't now that is wrong.
                      Can anybody help me?


                      • #86
                        Each tech needs 2 entries in the Pediaicons.txt - one for the small icon and one for the large icon - apparently you are missing the one for the large icon (or both).

                        I'm not sure if you are quoting the error in its entirety, but if the tech is not named in the error message, it's because you haven't added the Civilopedia entry in the BIC. In the Civilopedia Entry box you have to write "TECH_MyTechname".
                        Double Your Pleasure mod | DYP Forums | DYP Mod thread


                        • #87
                          I have entry to small & large icon, in BIC file and entry in civilopedia.


                          • #88
                            In the entry for the large icon, do you have _LARGE appended to the entry?

                            So it in effect says: #TECH_MyTechname_LARGE

                            If you do - email me the BIC and Pediaicons.txt, and I'll take a look at it, and see if I can figure it out.
                            Double Your Pleasure mod | DYP Forums | DYP Mod thread


                            • #89
                              Ofcourse I HAVE!!


                              • #90
                                No need to shout

                                So why is the file not in my mailbox yet?
                                Double Your Pleasure mod | DYP Forums | DYP Mod thread

