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Modmakers Tutorial: How to add new units, improvements, wonders, and technologys!

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  • #31
    I don't know exactly what the mistake I'm making is, so I'll present the facts of my editing and what the game is doing specifically, and hopefully someone can figure out what I'm doing wrong and give me some advice?

    I created 3 new buildings, and a new unit. The first two were the Coracle and the Chichen Itza, of course. After those, I created the small wonder "Community Service Project" and the Wonder "National Football League"

    I placed these in the civilopedia.txt and pediaicons.txt files as the tutorial instructed, I also added the splash numbers.

    That's the cause, now here's the effect.

    When I build my first city, the game freezes up. When I fixed the splash numbers, though, it did close and show me an illegal operation message. Soo....any ideas?

    Please, email me if ya kin help. (


    • #32
      Plutarck - Good work man.

      Any idea if you can (or will) post a downloadable mod for those of us who arent smart enough to make all these modifications ourselves? Like a scenario file or something.

      Thanks - joespaniel


      • #33
        Game crashed after adding new unt. After I added a new unit everything looked great. The civilopiada and everything was awesome.

        But once i right clicked on a city and went to change production to build the unit the system crashed.

        Anybody have this problem? I didn't try and change it in the city view but i will once i get back.

        Help Anybody!



        • #34
          Ok i tried it in the city view and i can scroll down but once i get to the stealth bomber it crashes on me ( i'm assuming that the new unit is after that ).

          So in short it looks like everytime it tres to show me the unit it crashes. Am i missing something here?


          • #35
            Im having the same problem Aghhhhhhhhhhhhhh
            John Plavchan


            • #36
              This tutorial is missing one thing with regard to new units.

              Look into your /Art/units folder. Note all the folders inside, each named for a unit in the game. When you create a new unit, you need a new folder with the name of that new unit. This folder must include:

              -An .INI file telling the game which .flc files to display, and which .amb files to play
              -The .amb file that the .INI calls
              -The .flc files that the .INI calls
              -The .wav files that the .amb calls

              You can copy these right across from another unit's folder if you want, but the new folder and the new INI need to be named for your new unit. So if I made a "Bronze Swordsman" unit, I'd need to create a new file in /Art/units, named Bronze Swordsman, with a file called Bronze Swordsman.INI inside it. This INI of course could call swordsmanattack.amb and swordsmanattack.flc, it doesn't matter what the .amb and .flc files are called, but the INI needs to be named for the unit. The version of Civ3CopyTool that I have does this automatically, but if it isn't being done automatically then I'd suggest you make sure this is true for your setup.



              • #37
                Yeah i did that already. I have all those files and even copied the images over to the civpedia directory so they show up in there just fine also. But it still locks up.

                I also noticed that when i view list in the city view i noticed that my settler know has the worker icon and the worker don't have an icon at all. So i think i screwed up big time somewhere.

                So i'll just reinstall the patch and hope that fixes the problem with the worker and settler issue and sets the files for the new unit i added. This will allow me to start over with adding the Attack Chopper.



                • #38
                  One more thing, when you add a unit is it supposed to show an icon in the editor? Because mine don't show the icon at all.

                  ( the settler and worker show the correct icons in the editor so i'm assuming they take those images from a different locatino then the build list? )



                  • #39
                    Originally posted by TheSettler
                    Yeah i did that already. I have all those files and even copied the images over to the civpedia directory so they show up in there just fine also. But it still locks up.

                    I also noticed that when i view list in the city view i noticed that my settler know has the worker icon and the worker don't have an icon at all. So i think i screwed up big time somewhere.

                    So i'll just reinstall the patch and hope that fixes the problem with the worker and settler issue and sets the files for the new unit i added. This will allow me to start over with adding the Attack Chopper.

                    This is a problem with how the era dependent icons are calculated. They begin at number of units. So you have to move them some positions (one for each added unit.)
                    Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


                    • #40
                      So i have to change ALL units icon numbers or just the worker and settler?



                      • #41
                        You have not to change any icons, but to move the icons after the privateer as many steps to the right as you add units.

                        I attach a gif showing how it should look with one exta unit.
                        Attached Files
                        Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


                        • #42
                          Ah that makes sense.



                          • #43
                            The fle can be extended with more rows if needed.
                            Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


                            • #44
                              hey gramphos,

                              question on adding resources. is there a numerical cap somewhere in the .bic file or elsewhere that limits them to 22 resources?

                              the original resources.pcx file is arranged so slots 0-7 are strategic, 8-15 are luxury, and 16-22 are for bonus. it only has 21 slots filled however, so we get 1 empty slot that the game reads. so if you only add 1 new resource it works just fine.

                              my new resources.pcx file is filled all the way. i made all the new resources bonus for now, and just tossed them in slots 22-35 of the resources.pcx. used the hacked civ3edit.exe to add them and their corresponding terrain changes. added them in the civilopedia.txt and pediaicons.txt files as well.

                              the only graphic that displays is the one is slot 22, although all the other resources are there, as i can examine the terrain tile by tile and see them listed on the tile as well as their benefits to the tiles...i just can't see the actual resource icons. and they also show up in the civilopedia, just not on the map.

                              any ideas?


                              • #45
                                I think there is a limit to 24 resources, as the bitwise number of what resources a terraian can hold only are 3 bytes.
                                Creator of the Civ3MultiTool

