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Modmakers Tutorial: How to add new units, improvements, wonders, and technologys!

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  • #61
    I have been compiling this faq to try and make it easier for my own personal use. i was wondering if you guys could comment on it and let me know if i missed something

    attached at the bottom is the text of this picture in a txt file.

    Attached Files


    • #62
      If you add a new technology or change technology prerequisites, etc, does the Science Advisor screen update automatically, or do you have to mess with the suspicious-looking science_ancient.pcx, science_middle.pcx, etc in the \art\advisors\ directory?

      Those files seem to contain the arrows for the Science Advisor screen.


      • #63
        yeah i think you have to edit that. there is also a spot somewhere in which you enter the coordinates for the new tech's box. in that same spot you would change coords for the techs that had to be moved to make room.


        • #64
          Originally posted by joespaniel
          Plutarck - Good work man.

          Any idea if you can (or will) post a downloadable mod for those of us who arent smart enough to make all these modifications ourselves? Like a scenario file or something.
          I second this vote. I'm ok working wiith the editor and doing simple stuff like changing the names on .ini files, but I'm just over my head with stuff like the C3CT. I've been making a mod using the LWC mod as my base, and then changing unit names, etc. But If someone could use the C3CT, add a half-dozen each of wonders, units, improvements, and especially civs, it'd truly warm the cockles o' my heart.


          • #65
            Check out this thread!

            Mizaq's Root Mod for the MultiTool Challenged

            So far I have 12 blank city improvements, 12 blank great wonders, and 12 blank small wonders. I call them blank because they are just copies of temple, pyramids, and heroic epic but set to integrated defense as prerequisite.

            Included in the file is a read me on how to change the text, and which wonder splash corresponds to which entry.

            Please, let me know what you think. I plan on adding a couple copies of everything to it, but its 430am and I have class tomorrow so I need to sleep and I'll work on it later. LOL, I couldn't sleep last night either thinking about making this.

            ps. tested using the correct 1.17f editor and includes civilopedia.txt and pediaicons.txt and a readme and bic of course.


            • #66
              I added a new Tech but when I opened the science advisor screen all of the techs where in the right place but the arrows where in the wrong direction and i couldn't select a tech. also what cordenets do you recomend puting a knew tech at if you are in the modern age. Another thing how do you package the .txt and with what packager.


              • #67

                please repost the file as it seems to be currupted...



                • #68
                  did you remember to change the file to a .zip


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by Big Fish
                    did you remember to change the file to a .zip
                    yes... it downloads as tried 3 diff programs: winzip, winrar, and winace. one file in the little zip thinks it is 550+MB. downloaded it a couple of times to make sure it wasn't damaged during the transfer.

                    you know... it is such a small zip why didn't you just download and try it.



                    • #70
                      *off topic mode*
                      Wow, dutcheese, good to see you're still alive! Haven't seen you in a *LONG* time... Still as busy as always? If not, you should should come and visit the CtP2 forums sometimes, we've done some pretty interesting things with the game since it was released. I think you of all people will appreciate what we've done with SLIC as well...
                      */off topic mode*

                      On topic (somewhat):
                      Since the server change many people are having trouble downloading attached zip files. There are two solutions for this: (1) the people to whom this applies should use the program GetRight to download files and/or (2) people should avoid attaching zip files. Either attach files in a different file format (txt, doc, whatever) or people should upload their files to external websites and link to those websites from Apolyton.
                      Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


                      • #71
                        I did download it. Than I changed the name to and it worked fine


                        • #72
                          dutchees check out this thread. Download the pkzipfix that I am hosting, and then run it on that corrupted .zip and it will work properly.


                          • #73
                            Hi, I was wondering if you could prevent certain civ's to build certain units. I'm planning on doing a very detailed WW2 scenario and i want to have every civ have its own units (like the germans the panther and me109 and the americans the sherman etc.) Now I know its probably not possible to completely change the tech tree but at least I could take the existing one and just rename the techs, is that right? Now of course I don't want e.g. the americans to be able to build panthers etc. so is there a way to turn that off? Any help greatly appreciated, also if anyone wants to get together with me to do this too. I'm more of a graphics person (i can model all the units needed with 3ds max) but not really a coder.


                            • #74
                              open up the civ3editor and look at how they made only americans build the F16.


                              • #75
                                OK... I followed your instructions for a new city improvement. Everything works ok except:

                                After clicking on the building in the queue it won't display the image of the building in the box when the queue is closed? And it never appears on the city display screen. I have added the image at the end of both building pcx files. Am I missing something?

