The Nazi intelligence service was the Abwehr and was indeed run by Canaris, until he was removed. There was also a competing intelligence service run by the SS, under the direct command of Himmler. Himmler had Canaris removed and then took over the intelligence gathering (such as it was) for the entire Third Reich.
In my Fascism gov't, I have not included the trade bonus, on the rational that 1) it unbalances Fascism (witness all Civs using it) and 2) it's not terribly realistic based on historical fascist gov'ts. I have also made the workers set at 3.
Does anyone know if it is possible to make civs that have the same gov't more likely to form Alliances?
Walter R. Strapps
In my Fascism gov't, I have not included the trade bonus, on the rational that 1) it unbalances Fascism (witness all Civs using it) and 2) it's not terribly realistic based on historical fascist gov'ts. I have also made the workers set at 3.
Does anyone know if it is possible to make civs that have the same gov't more likely to form Alliances?
Walter R. Strapps