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MOD: Civ3 Fascist Patch

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  • #16
    No Bugs

    There should be no bugs at all. By your statement, I assume you mean the same place you get to by hitting the "F6" key.

    The Fascist Patch doesn't do any "trickery" to do what it does. It uses the default built-in editor, and stands by all the editing rules, there's no reason for a bug at all.

    I've played many games using the mod, and I have no problems reading the science advisor where the F6 key is concerned. It comes out clear as a bell... I'm under the assumption nobody else has had this problem either?!?!

    I fully playtested the mod before releasing it (that's how I squashed the other bug when I did try to bend the rules by adding a Fascist Tech Advance). What I posted is a "clean" mod with no funny-business. Odd that you should have any problems, as it runs fine on my end.

    Have you used any other mods of any sort, anything from a cracked exe to any other mod? The Fascist Patch changes no graphics and no game rules other than the Fascist Government, so I suspect your problem lies elsewhere not related to the Fascist Patch (assuming you did install it correctly).
    Wolfshanze Mod: for BtS... adds "flavored Civs", coal-fired navies, WWI units, plus Poland, Austria & Vietnam to Civ4!


    • #17
      Right up my alley Wolfshanze awesome. Really like the swastika graphic on the goverment choice list and the title fuehrer. Just something to think about is maybe later adding one special unit for each goverment type, like democracy gets maybe a navy seal, communist get maybe some kind of tatical shock trooper with better stats than infantry, and facist get of coarse facist trooper with different abilities. man know that would be cool. i know alot of work and patience goes into getting these different mods and things, but i really enjoy them and hope you continue to make civ 3 a even better gaming experience than it already is.
      "How must the man be constituted who will lead Germany back to her old heights?" The man, should be a dictator not averse to the use of slogans, street parades and demagoguery. He must be a man of the people yet have nothing in common with the mass. Like every great man, he must be "all personality," and one who"does not shrink from bloodshed. Great questions are always decided by blood and iron." To reach his goal, he must be prepared "to trample on his closest friends," dispense law "with terrible hardness" and deal with people and nations "with cautious and sensitive fingers" or if need be "trample on them with the boots of a grenadier." ---Rudolf Hess


      • #18
        Changes are coming

        Just letting you know I called it the Fascist Patch VERSION 1.0 for a reason! There will be future updates... I have many ideas in my head for the Fascist Patch... some I can impliment now, others will have to wait for better editing tools, but all will have to wait for me to have more time! (Maybe this upcoming 3-day weekend).

        For those wanting to visit the Fascist Patch's home page, try here:
        Civilization Fascist Site
        Wolfshanze Mod: for BtS... adds "flavored Civs", coal-fired navies, WWI units, plus Poland, Austria & Vietnam to Civ4!


        • #19
          You might want to increase the 'worker rate' to 3 also, since Fascism promotes a strong work force.

          And also- did you intentionally leave Fascist spies as 'Regular', instead of making them 'Veteran'? It seems to me that under Fascist rule, espionage would be a great deal more important so that spies are emphasized. Just a couple of suggestions.

          Now all you need is a Gestapo unit.


          • #20
            thanks, looks just as great as the Civ2 fascist patch
            In een hoerekotje aan den overkant emmekik mijn bloem verloren,
            In een hoerekotje aan den overkant bennekik mijn bloemeke kwijt


            • #21
              Originally posted by Anunikoba
              And also- did you intentionally leave Fascist spies as 'Regular', instead of making them 'Veteran'? It seems to me that under Fascist rule, espionage would be a great deal more important so that spies are emphasized.
              The Gestapo was very good at domestic counterintelligence, but was not responsible for foreign intelligence. I forget what the foriegn intelligence service of the 3rd Reich was called, but it was run by Admiral Canaris. Historically, the foreign inteligence service was abysmal - riddled with double agents, those who were not double agents were incompetent, etc... The entire German spy network in Britain was turned early in the war, and every time the Germans sent anybody new in the ones already there either turned him, saw to it he got "caught", or gave him the mushroom treatment ("keep 'em in the dark & feed 'em ****"). Similarly, the Germans landed some sabotage teams in the US vis U-boat and the FBI caught them before they could accomplish anything at all. Canaris himself seems to have been a member of the anti-Nazi resistance and perhaps a double agent himself (his widow quietly received a pension after the war from the Western Allies). So, actually under Fascism your own spies should be lame but you would have a lot of immunity to enemy spies, if you want to model it on history.


              • #22
                I put 100% for assimilation on mine...I mean, would Hitler have killed 4% of the Jews? Unlikely.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by MDR
                  I think I may have found a problem with the Mod...what can I say, I installed it...anyway, I can no longer read the science advisor's advice in the tech tree. The text screen where it's supposed to appear is now black with a few purple dots in it. Has anyone else had this problem?
                  I've had a problem like this without the patch, but it seems to go away and just be quite random where it appears. It so far has only happened on part of my Palace screen, and my tech screen once. I'd just assume it's a glitch in the game, rather than in the patch.
                  FURYsoft Entertainment


                  • #24
                    have you seen the AI use facism yet wolf?


                    • #25
                      i was just curious, how does one go about adding techs and changing images on the tech tree? as well as makin new images for governments and the like. i have only used the ingame editor so far, havent looked to deeply at the file structures, but if someone could give me some tips, id be very appreciative. and btw, ive found that setting a government to "shunned" doesnt stop the AI from using it if its a "powerful" government.
                      DEVM SVM
                      I cant think of anything else intelligent...except, check out my alternate history page:
                      Roma Invicta


                      • #26
                        The AI will tell us

                        Yes, if anyone who has played with the Facism patch could post here how well the AI uses it I would be very interested. Someone recently said in their game of 10 civs - 7 had democracy & 3 had communism. If Facism is too strong and too favorable all the AIs will be using it & none will be using the other government types. If Facism is too weak none of the AIs will be using it. Seeing all the AIs use all Facism, Communism, & Democracy would be ideal. Right now Republic & Monarchy suck real bad so no AI will touch them unless they have to.


                        • #27
                          I like the idea of the Fascist government, very realistic.
                          Just a few questions about your implemenation..

                          How did you choose to hurry production?

                          In my opinion, the ability to wage war and receive
                          the standard trade bonus is a HUGE advantadge.

                          Perhaps the fascist government needs some more
                          disadvantadges to balance it out.

                          Vis a Vis a Fascist Government, the only advantadges a
                          Democracy receives are minimal corruption and
                          increased worker rates.

                          Whereas the advantadge the Fascist government
                          receives are free units, higher draft limit, military
                          police, no war weariness(HUGE). When you add
                          in the standard trade bonus coupled with no unit
                          support costs, it seems like the gold income would
                          be MASSIVE.

                          Perhaps setting the spies to conscripts and lowering
                          the number of free units might add some more

                          Anyone who has used this government have any
                          feedback? By the way, none of this is meant to be
                          a criticism, just tossing some ideas into the ring.

                          Great job on the fascist patch.



                          • #28
                            Re: The AI will tell us

                            Originally posted by Pyrodrew
                            Yes, if anyone who has played with the Facism patch could post here how well the AI uses it I would be very interested. Someone recently said in their game of 10 civs - 7 had democracy & 3 had communism. If Facism is too strong and too favorable all the AIs will be using it & none will be using the other government types. If Facism is too weak none of the AIs will be using it. Seeing all the AIs use all Facism, Communism, & Democracy would be ideal. Right now Republic & Monarchy suck real bad so no AI will touch them unless they have to.
                            Currently, my game has 8 of the 10 civs I started with. All 8 are Fascist. Of course, we're in the middle of WW1 (The world vs France and I) so Democracy isn't a really great choice for anyone right now.


                            • #29
                              Small nitpick:

                              The government is called "Fascism", not "Fascist".


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Riso
                                Small nitpick:

                                The government is called "Fascism", not "Fascist".
                                Well, if you want to nitpick...

                                "Fascism" is a noun for the government type, or the ideology underlying the government type. "Fascist" is both a noun for someone/something advocating/practicing Fascism, and the adjective to ascribe the advocation/practice of Fascism to the noun it modifies.


                                "Grand Fenwick adopted Fascism": Fascism is a noun.
                                "The leader of Grand Fenwick's government was a Fascist": Fascist is a noun.
                                "The leader of Grand Fenwick's government was a Fascist dictator": Fascist is an adjective, modifying the noun "dictator".
                                The government of Grand Fenwick was Fascist: Fascist is an adjective, modifying the noun "Government of Grand Fenwick".

                                Knight's usage "All 8 [governments] are Fascist" is therefore correct. "Fascist" in this usage is an adjective modifying the noun "All 8 [governments]", ascribing the charactoristic of practicing Fascism to the governments in question.

