I forgot the ESPN section.
One long added. Represents the base Cost.
One long added. Represents the base Cost.
4 long small wonders (binary):
increases chance of leader appearance .......1
build armies without leader ......1.
build larger armies .....1..
treasury earns 5% ....1...
build spaceship parts ...1....
reduces corruption ..1.....
decreases success of missile attacks .1......
allows spy missions 1.......
allows healing in enemy territory .......1
required goods must be in city radius ......1.
requires victorious army .....1..
4 string VER#
4 long Number of headers (1)
4 long Remaining length of header
4 long 0
4 long 0
4 long BIC major version number (2)
4 long BIC minor version number (10)
640 string description
64 string title