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The Official Apolyton Bug List

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  • #91
    CORRUPTION is a bug.
    At least I hope it is.
    Corruption has such a catastrophic influence on gameplay it would be terrible if it had been intended this way.
    You can`t expand, you can`t conquer.
    But the Computer adversaries can of course.
    Where`s the use in that??
    Courthouses have only minimal to no effect.
    I have cities where I have a Courthouse and STILL over 90% corruption.(Republic, 20 cities)
    That`s just silly.
    From what I`ve heard Democracy doesn`t help much either, despite the fact that corruption is supposedly "minimal" it still cripples lots of cities. I have the feeling that corruption does not change when switching between governments.
    I think that maybe the corruption setting for Despotism is somehow valid for all types of government.
    I implore Firaxis to PLEASE dampen the effect off corruption to a LARGE extent. In a Republic or democracy with a courthouse corruption in a self-started city should never exceed 30 % no matter how far from the capitol city or how big the empire.
    Corruption is making the game highly frustrating.
    The Hidden Palace is of VERY limited use as it can`t be built within a reasonable time where it is needed most!


    • #92
      I have - republic, tiny map, 22 cities, chieftain

      speciel note,

      All the citys in the same continent as my capital city has low corruption,

      the citys on other continentals have corruption like this picture

      note, I have even build the court house

      Is the corruption concept a bug?


      • #93
        Aside from some of the problems mentioned above I would like to say the speed is a bug that needs to be taken care of. I have a game on a huge map with 8 civs, I am currently in 1987 and the game takes 30 seconds or more in between my movements of my troops where it just displays "please wait..." in the bottom corner. While this may not be considered a bug by some, it is enough of an annoyance that I no longer have the desire to play this game, which for the most part I do enjoy.
        I also have to say that memory usage for this game seems to be rather high, when I reload my game my memory usage increases by about 150mb

        1.1 Ghz Thunderbird
        512 pc133 cas2
        geforce2 gts (21.83)
        sb audigy
        Win XP


        • #94
          Here's a bug I allude to in another thread. If I leave Civ3 running on my computer and my screensaver activates, when I resume all the diplomatic lines in the foreign minister screen are erased. Reselecting the portraits doesn't help, nor does reloading the game. The only way to get them back is to restart.

          Here's a shot of it. As you can see, I have all the options and portraits selected:
          Attached Files


          • #95
            And here's ANOTHER bug. When I was moving my loaded transport I happen to hit a hidden sub belonging to the French, who I was at peace with at the time. Without any of the usual warnings my transport opened fire and, of course, got creamed. Next turn the French starts attacking.

            I've tried reproducing this from a saved game but now I properly get a warning. Weird.


            • #96
              Seraphim, I've had the no leader shows up in the diplo screen thing. There's still a spot for another civ, just mouse over it and it should highlight and then you just have to shift-right click and select a new civ to put there. Hope that helps!
              I never know their names, But i smile just the same
              New faces...Strange places,
              Most everything i see, Becomes a blur to me
              -Grandaddy, "The Final Push to the Sum"


              • #97
                Originally posted by MacTBone
                Seraphim, I've had the no leader shows up in the diplo screen thing. There's still a spot for another civ, just mouse over it and it should highlight and then you just have to shift-right click and select a new civ to put there. Hope that helps!
                MacTBone, I have no idea what you're trying saying. I was playing with the default number of civs on a normal map.


                • #98
                  Problems that I've experienced

                  Here are some bugs/problems that I've experienced:

                  First, my system requirements:
                  AMD 1.4 ghz with 1 gig of ram.
                  Windows ME, geforce 2 pro, sblive audio.

                  1. When I built a worker in a German city I had recently captured, which was still resisting; it listed my worker's nationality as barbarian (when I right clicked on it) and then in the information window it had a bunch of ASCII characters.

                  2. Also, it appears that my Lighthouse Wonder isn't working as described. I've never had a galley sink in ocean squares.

                  3. When I am in the city screen, right click on a unit, there is a typo under "Upgrade to". It tends to leave out a space.

                  4. My fighters do not intercept enemy bombing missions, ever.

                  5. I also am unable to precision bomb.

                  6. Once I clicked on my city, and a message from Ghandi came up with ASCII characters stating "Take me to your Leader".

                  7. Regarding resources:

                  Sometimes it does not evenly distribute resources. This is GREAT. No problems with it giving all the oil to a different civ on a different continent. That could lead to an interesting challenge. What *IS* a problem is that I can not initiate trade of that resource, UNLESS the opposing civ can refine it. This isn't right. The first civ that can refine or use a resource should enable all civs to view and create a road to that resource. That way each civ can still trade it, whether or not they can use it. I would of paid a ton of resources, money, even a city or two for oil access. But since I was so far ahead of everyone, I was forced to use military action where diplomacy *could* of been useful.

                  The way resources are distributed isn't the problem, it is the heavy restriction on trade of these resources. If they get the refinement before me, I should still see that resource so I can trade it.

                  8. When I bombard a civ (that I'm at peace with) with naval units, it will enact the bombing and THEN my foreign advisor will ask if I want to do this.

                  9. It would be nice if the game actually listed (under the Domestic Advisor Screen) which cities were in civil disorder. It claims it does this in the manual, but that is untrue. The only way I can tell is if the city is smoking or that brief message. The problem is when you have 30 cities, sometimes you miss it.

                  10. Even though I bought XP, I havn't installed it since I heard about the nvidia driver problems. Add one more for the record on wanting this issue resolved.

                  11. Bring Back Sentry. It would be nice if you could sentry units again. I can fortify, but they never become active from enemy presence. That makes it quite a burden when you are protecting a bottleneck or outskirts of your border. The only other option is to always end turn, which is a quite a pain later in the game.

                  12. Fortress and Coastal Fortress Zone of Control. I've never noticed this working. I've had hundreds of units pass by and not a single "free shot"

                  13. It be nice to have at least hotseat. I don't see why something "innovative" has to be done or a change in MP of these kind of games. The way SMAC handled simultaneous turns was just fine, at least I thought so.


                  • #99
                    One of the Iroquois Great Leaders is called "Shenandoah".
                    This is rather disturbing, since Shenandoah means "Daughter of the Moon".
                    Firaxis probably aimed for the warrior chief "Skenandoah", which means "The White Man's Friend", whose original name was Oskanondonha.

                    Someone must have slipped up (I think there is a book or movie called "Shenandoah").

                    So please, Firaxis, correct this horrific blunder, it's like having Barbarella as a Great Leader for the Germans! (They'd wish ).

                    While you're at it, why not make a decent list of Iroquois Great Leaders
                    including Joseph Brant, Sagoyewatha, Canaqueese, Tiyanoga (King Hendrick), Honyere Tehawenkarogwen and Canassatego.
                    A horse! A horse! Mingapulco for a horse! Someone must give chase to Brave Sir Robin and get those missing flags ...
                    Project Lead of Might and Magic Tribute


                    • The Histograph checkbox says it's displaying "power". However, changing the selection to "score" does not change the graph. changing it back to "power" does however.

                      Conclusion: The histograph initially shows "score" even though it says it's showing power.

                      (I haven't got Civ3 at this computer so I might have mixed it up somewhat, can't check now)


                      • Hey All!!

                        Since this is my very first post (and I have had very little sleep since picking up the game) I ask you all to bear with me a bit.

                        I am compiling a list of little bugs I have found that I will post later, but wanted to share the worst of the bunch right away.

                        Compaq Presario 5465
                        AMD KD-2 477 w/3-D Now
                        192 MB RAM
                        Soundblaster Live Soundcard
                        48 X CD-ROM
                        12 GB Hard Drive with 1.61 GB free

                        The game installed flawlessly (installed full version - largest program on my machine!) and all started up perfectly. Graphics run smoothly (though a bit small to these aging eyes ) Then...

                        1). Anywhere from thirty minutes to three hours into play (really no rhyme or reason as to when this happens) the sound effects start to loop (bird chirping over and over... wolf howling over and over... etc.) OR the music track would loop the same drum beat. Then horrible static sounds take the place of any game sound and I might or might not have time to save the game before getting a GPF in SOUND.DLL. I have noticed this error in a couple of other posts and each time it has been associated with a Soundblaster Card, so I wonder if it is a driver problem with that card.

                        2). I love all the new advisors, BUT have noticed a little glitch with the Domestic Advisor that I wonder if anyone else has noticed. According to the manual (which I have read cover to cover twice and found it almost useless - except for the tables at the back which need expanding - seems good for real newbie Civers only) the Domestic Advisor will show cities which have gone into Civil Disorder and will show the current state of your Citizens (Happy, Content, etc). I keep close tabs with her, but several times a City has went into Civil Disorder, having several PO'd Citizens, but the Advisor's screen shows all the Citizens content or happy and no notation that the City has fallen into disorder! Anyone else have that experience?

                        3). I have tried over and over, unsuccessfully, to upgrade my military units. I think I am doing this right... move the unit into a city with a barracks and while the unit is selected (and the unit is able to be upgraded and you have the proper tech/requirements for upgrade) it should work. I have tried everything I know, but always get the Military Advisor popping up saying "You do not have a single "unit type" to upgrade anywhere." Anyone else have this problem or am I missing something.

                        Have to rush off and vote in the local election, but will be back with more later.

                        I cannot thank this wonderful group more as you have been the greatest source of pleasure for me in all the other Civ games I have enjoyed over the years! Thanks All!



                        • A small bug here: the [R] key doesn't work for railroad, only for road. For railroads I have to click the icon. The manual states that R key work for both.
                          The art of mastering:"la Maîtrise des caprices du subconscient avant tout".


                          • Enough with thre Raiload bug dudes


                            Use shift-R to build railroad, dudes! How hard can it be? Read the Giddamn posts in this thread!

                            And as for corruption: Switch to Communism! My empire is far less corrupt (albeit a couple of shields lost in the capital). All these people ranting about Democracy, it is Communism that works!

                            As for zone of control: My catapult was hanging outside a city for a smoke (well escorted) and it had used its turn. This totally unsuspecting archer tries to pass it, probably looking for some nice pebbles and my catapult bombarded it. I was quite surprised, however, there was no fortification or coastal fortress anywhere near the catapult.

                            And I still would like coal to be more common than gold and not vice versa, it just doesn't make sense (realisticly speaking).

                            Vincentz (no more railroad posts )
                            Last edited by vincentz; November 6, 2001, 20:35.
                            This might or might not be a signature


                            • Wow, another bug to report. Am I on a roll or what?

                              But first, I finally confirmed my initial report about the submarine bug. When I used the goto command on my battleship I happened to run into a hidden submarine belonging to the French, who I was at peace with at the time. Immediately my battleship opened fire, without giving the usual warning, and sank the sub. When I then opened the domestic advisor I was now at war with the French.

                              Here's a picture of the path by battleship took, with the big red X marking where the sub is. I'll include the save file in the following post so you can see for yourself.
                              Attached Files
                              Last edited by Seraphim; November 6, 2001, 23:23.


                              • I should note this bug only shows up when you use the goto command; if you just move it using the keypad you get the warning.
                                Attached Files

