CORRUPTION is a bug.
At least I hope it is.
Corruption has such a catastrophic influence on gameplay it would be terrible if it had been intended this way.
You can`t expand, you can`t conquer.
But the Computer adversaries can of course.
Where`s the use in that??
Courthouses have only minimal to no effect.
I have cities where I have a Courthouse and STILL over 90% corruption.(Republic, 20 cities)
That`s just silly.
From what I`ve heard Democracy doesn`t help much either, despite the fact that corruption is supposedly "minimal" it still cripples lots of cities. I have the feeling that corruption does not change when switching between governments.
I think that maybe the corruption setting for Despotism is somehow valid for all types of government.
I implore Firaxis to PLEASE dampen the effect off corruption to a LARGE extent. In a Republic or democracy with a courthouse corruption in a self-started city should never exceed 30 % no matter how far from the capitol city or how big the empire.
Corruption is making the game highly frustrating.
The Hidden Palace is of VERY limited use as it can`t be built within a reasonable time where it is needed most!

At least I hope it is.
Corruption has such a catastrophic influence on gameplay it would be terrible if it had been intended this way.
You can`t expand, you can`t conquer.
But the Computer adversaries can of course.
Where`s the use in that??
Courthouses have only minimal to no effect.
I have cities where I have a Courthouse and STILL over 90% corruption.(Republic, 20 cities)
That`s just silly.
From what I`ve heard Democracy doesn`t help much either, despite the fact that corruption is supposedly "minimal" it still cripples lots of cities. I have the feeling that corruption does not change when switching between governments.
I think that maybe the corruption setting for Despotism is somehow valid for all types of government.
I implore Firaxis to PLEASE dampen the effect off corruption to a LARGE extent. In a Republic or democracy with a courthouse corruption in a self-started city should never exceed 30 % no matter how far from the capitol city or how big the empire.
Corruption is making the game highly frustrating.
The Hidden Palace is of VERY limited use as it can`t be built within a reasonable time where it is needed most!
