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Could anyone post some saves on higher diffs?

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  • #46
    Re: Armies

    Originally posted by Muad'Dib
    Is it a bug or something the programmers overlooked??? The AI NEVER use armies.
    I'm glad they don't, but it would be nice to have my armies go up against one.
    Who can say if it was a mistake or over looked or what. The AU mod is attempting some redress. Me I am happy with it as it is. You ignore their use in easier games and make full advantage in harder ones.


    • #47
      Originally posted by GTPoompt
      Well, I've been out of the Civ scene for a bit... finals coming up no time for civ (i can't believe i said that ) I will play as ai get the chance

      Isn't the chance for a MGL 1/12 compared to the 1/8 for being militaristic?

      so then thats actually a pretty big deal... but i suppose you really only need the first leader to make an army and you're set.
      Being militaristic has no direct effect on MGL generation. It's 1/16 chance, 1/12 if you have the Heroic Epic. Cut your odds in half if your unit is defending.
      "I used to be a Scotialist, and spent a brief period as a Royalist, but now I'm PC"
      -me, discussing my banking history.


      • #48
        Here's a save at the beginning of the Medieval Age.

        Wanted to have some fun with total sea domination and the (in)famous Man-O-War. Chose England (Seafaring, Commercial), Huge map, Archipelago, 80% Water, Random climate, Raging barbs. Emperor difficulty, using the AU Mod.

        Started on a large island together with the Ottomans. A good start with a natural Settler pump (producing a Settler every 4 turns). The surroundings not so great, but not very bad either.

        The Ottomans had to go. I used some really nasty tricks, planning an Arrian's Deception. Like signing peace for a tech and two of their cities, then going back to work... err.... to war on the next turn. The save is about 10 turns after the Ottoman empire became history. They didn't manage to tell anyone of the English way of politics.

        England built only 1 wonder so far, but it was the one that rules Archipelago maps - The Great Lighthouse (peaceful Golden Age for England included). It allowed me to do exploration and get lots of contacts fast.

        Not so long ago the AI civs started providing England with cash and luxuries, to keep our research rate as high as possible (selling one tech to all rich AI civs every 10 turns). How nice of them.

        Here I realized that I had way too few Workers and Settlers (didn't see it coming while I was "at work" with the Ottomans), so quick adjustments were made.

        Attached Files
        Seriously. Kung freaking fu.


        • #49
          Sumeria--1690 AD--1st Industrial Age battle (Before)

          Sumerian Game summary:

          Tied with Dutch in tech race. My Monarchy versus their Democracy. Techs we have, they don't: Electricity, Atomic Theory, Replaceable Parts & Corporations. Techs they have, we don't: Ironclads, Fascism, & Refining. Since all others Civs have just started to enter Industrial Age, I've decided to take out Dutch before they get to Replaceable Parts.

          So GTPoompt, here's the first shots of Industrial Age warfare.

          Can someone tell me how you post those screens shot from your game.

          Don't know how many more game files I'll be able to post. Files are now at 458KB.
          Attached Files
          "And his word shall carry
          death eternal to those who
          stand against righteousness."


          • #50
            Sumeria--After Action Report--1695 AD

            Two Dutch cities fell in opening moments of the offensive--Leerdam & Enshede. He sortied his navy. My privateer squadrons wait with breathless anticipation.
            His counter offensive, 1st turn, was feeble. Only one of his cavalry units actually attacked--died attcking one of my crusaders north of Spetum along the Gilgamesh Line.
            All other Dutch forces just ended their forced marches on the outskirts of Enshede between a mountain pass just south of Leerdam.

            Until next time.
            Attached Files
            "And his word shall carry
            death eternal to those who
            stand against righteousness."


            • #51
              for the screenshots, I opened up photoshop in the background and then pushed printscreen which copies the screen into the clipboard then opened a new document.

              As far as I know, windows paint works too. Print screen then alt+tab to paint and control+v or paste. Just make sure you save into a .jpg file or it will be rather large

              It seems like the computer really likes fascism for some reason.

              I can't really tell if the dutch have access to rubber, I'm sure they do somewhere, i'll just look harder. As for Oil - hopefully its floating around as well.


              • #52
                Sumeria--After Action Report--1695 AD--Part 2

                Dutch counter offensive broken at the gates of Enschede. Our military leaders are superior to theirs.
                General Meskiaggasher took over the administration of Enschede and its defenses and switched construction of a police station to that of a colosseum. He was quoted as saying, "We don't need civilians poking around while the frontlines are just minutes away. Our troops will enforce the peace, besides we need some diversions around here. The sight of so much Dutch blood will shock even the most hardened soldier. So let them have our famous Sumerian fan dancers. Any sumerian wants to fight for that." He sent his deputy commander--General Enmerkar to oversee Leerdam and also switched construction of a police station to that of a colosseum. "Boredom is the enemy in the rear. We need some enterainment while our boys rest before being sent back to the front." Back at the front, General Lugalbanda--commander of all crusader forces--decided to build a 3rd Crusader Army while the other two (Holy Crusaders of Sumeria & Gilgamesh's Righteous Fist) were recuperating from battle. A name has not been given to the new army. General Lugalbanda says he'll think of something. Meanwhile, General Lugalzaggesi--head of military intelligence--greeted members of the government & press to the dedication ceremony in Sumer of the new headquarters of the top spies. With the closing of the embassy in Amsterdam, it was essential to make sure that information on Dutch technological advancements, their city production schedules, their troop movements, their propaganda campaigns did not get interupted.
                On the high seas, our navy faired just as well. Two squadrons of privateers--one Spanish & one Dutch--intercepted Dutch naval units. Off the coast of New Lagash and just east of the Spanish city of Valencia, our Spanish privateers sank two Dutch vessels (one frigate & one caravel). No loses were reported, however, reports indicate that a new contigent of Dutch privateers was formed after the Spanish sunk the Dutch frigate and by all accounts proved formidable as they sunk the caravel. The Dutch commander loyal to the crown was promoted for his efforts. Off the Dutch coasts of Tilburg & Harlingen, our Dutch privateers intercepted 2 Dutch frigates & a galleon sailing out of Tilburg. Combat was fierce as 3 privateers were sunk in order to sink the Dutch floatilla. Only 2 privateers were created to replenish our loses. Damaged ships headed for Spetum to make repairs.

                The Dutch have access to 2 rubber and one oil.

                I have access to Dell Image Expert and something called Paint (is this Windows Paint you're talking about). Either way still can't copy screenshots. What am I doing wrong???
                "And his word shall carry
                death eternal to those who
                stand against righteousness."


                • #53
                  If you are on XP you should be able to hit the Prt Scr key. This puts it in the clipboard. You can put it into any app from there. Paint is a windows app and if you open it and go to edit you will see paste as an option. That will take the image in the clipboard and put it into paint.

                  BTW if you see paste is grey, then nothing is in the clipboard.
                  Last edited by vmxa1; November 21, 2004, 02:07.


                  • #54
                    Sumeria--1700 AD--After Action Report (Before)

                    General Enmerkar must've fallen alseep from boredom because the Dutch sent 14 divisions of Cavalry & Knights through his lines to the plains of Leerdom & Enschede. They were back by 12 divisions of Swiss Mercenaries.
                    General Etana, in command of 13 Sumerian cavalry divisions, sent his forces charging in without artillery support. Although the Dutch were decimated, it was a pyrrhic victory for Etana, some of his troops reported 80% casualties. They pulled back to the rear areas for rest and replenishment. Some cavalry units regrouping at Apisala were organized into an army calling themselves Etana's Elites.
                    On the plains of Leerdam, General Lugalbanda and his crusaders, backed by artillery support, crashed into the Swiss forces and mauled them. Imbeded reporters witnessing the crusaders hack the Swiss to pieces, referred to the 3rd Army (still un-named at the time) as Lugalbanda's Lunatics. Some Infantry and all available guerilla units finished what was left of the Dutch counter-attack. Lugalbanda was sent to Kish, home of the crusaders, to reorganize the military bureaucracy. He began construction of a 3 story, 5 sided building that would better coordinate military operations--he calls it the Pentagon.
                    Meanwhile back at Leerdam & Enschede, Generals Meskiaggasher & Enmerkar ordered the construction of Police Stations to combat the growing corruption and unrest from Dutch nationals.
                    In other news, a Sumerian privateer operating in Russian and Babylonian waters attacked and sank an Egyptian frigate; its crew were recruited and sent to patrol Egyptian water for prey.
                    Attached Files
                    "And his word shall carry
                    death eternal to those who
                    stand against righteousness."


                    • #55
                      Hmmmm, it seems like you have been steamrolling ahead of me. (Stupid Exams).

                      I shall resume my quest to conquer the dutch Monday ~8:00. Sunday is devoted to the library for approx 12 hours (good thing i don't have a laptop, or i'd probably be playing civ in the library instead of studying )

                      As for tuesday CIV time! Now that I have your games as reference, I'll start a little back and play some "follow fremen messiah"

                      Vxma1: Is The mandate of heaven (MM6) really that good? Should I give it a whirl?.... or is that your avatar because the picture is good?


                      • #56
                        Sumerian Times--Strange metallic ship seen in Dutch waters

                        After giving King Gilgamesh a briefing on Sumerian operations, sources close to General Lugalzaggesi confirmed that Naval units patroling off the Dutch port of Arnhem have seen a strange metal ship, barely above the waterline, escort transport ships sailing toward Tilburg. Sumerian ships exchanged shots with the vessel, but had to pull back. Reports indicate that Sumerian shells bounced off the Dutch ship. Sources close to Lugalzaggesi say the king has given the general explicit orders to find out what new break-through in naval weaponary the Dutch have. Whatever the costs.

                        Okay, I got the screenshots. They're in a .bmp file in my pictures folder. Now how do I transfer them to here???
                        "And his word shall carry
                        death eternal to those who
                        stand against righteousness."


                        • #57
                          Sumeria--1705 AD--After Action Report (After)

                          The Dutch seem to have an endless supply of horse soldiers. With Sumerian troops mopping up at Leerdam and cavalry forces being reorganized, the Dutch sent 3 divisions of knights and 10 divisions of cavalry against Sumerian infantry at Enschede. General Meskiaggasher's troops faced repeated charges from the Dutch. A statement released to the press by the General indicates that Dutch nationals have been pressed into service to clean-up the dead horse carcasses for health and sanitary reasons.


                          From: General Lugalzaggesi, head of military intelligence
                          To: King Gilgamesh


                          It is now confirmed that the Dutch do have a new class of warship. They call it an ironclad. Reports from our navy say their guns cannot breach the hull. Furthermore, observers confirmed that 3 ironclads are sailing north to Tilburg, escorting troop ships. Septum has been put on full alert, as with all other coastal cities in the event of possible Dutch amphibious operations. Our naval units will do everything in their power to stop these ships.
                          Attached Files
                          "And his word shall carry
                          death eternal to those who
                          stand against righteousness."


                          • #58
                            Re: Sumerian Times--Strange metallic ship seen in Dutch waters

                            Originally posted by Muad'Dib
                            Okay, I got the screenshots. They're in a .bmp file in my pictures folder. Now how do I transfer them to here???
                            You need to do two things. First, resize them, so that they are no more than 800 pixels width (the height is not important). Second, save them in .JPG format, so they are small enough and you can attach them in your posts. IrfanView is a good freeware tool that can do this.
                            Seriously. Kung freaking fu.


                            • #59
                              Re: Sumerian Times--Strange metallic ship seen in Dutch waters

                              Originally posted by Muad'Dib

                              Okay, I got the screenshots. They're in a .bmp file in my pictures folder. Now how do I transfer them to here???

                              As was mention, first resize them to 800 pixels and then save as jpeg. This will get them down to a size that will be easy to post.

                              Most tools such as paint have a "save as" function that will let you convert to jpeg. I prefer Irfanview as it has a resize function.

                              Once you have it in 800 kpeg you use the attach file function on the post reply. It is just below the window you are typing into and the browse button is used to find the pix to attach.


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by GTPoompt

                                Vxma1: Is The mandate of heaven (MM6) really that good? Should I give it a whirl?.... or is that your avatar because the picture is good?
                                It is hard to say, but for me I love the game. It is quite old now with very date graphics. In fact they were close to being date when it came out.

                                I usually get in 2 games a year on it. The only RPG's I still play are MM6/7/8 (more less the same game) and Diablo II LoD. I just finished two patriachs (barb and druid).

                                So I cannot say anyone that picked it up today would care for it, but I find that after awhile, I just have to fire it up.

                                My only other avatar was a Klac from Moo1. Anyway I use it to just annouce I like the game.

