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C3C PATCH 1.20 (finally here!)

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  • I hope so too. Thing is some bug are reasonably expected. What's far worse is refusing to finish the game after the bugs have been identified.


    • Exactly what bus are left in Civ3, and are any of them fixable by the comunity?
      "Build Ports when possible. A port gives you extra resources, as well as an extra tile for a unit to stand on." - Infogrames


      • The barbarian bug mentioned above has a simple fix. Go into your conquests.ini file and change:
        "NoAIPatrol=1" (C3C default for slow CPUs)
        "NoAIPatrol=0" (PtW style wandering for barbarians)

        [correction: "NoAIPatrol=0" must be added to the conquests.ini file, as this flag is set by default and has no entry initially.]
        Last edited by Rommel2D; April 2, 2005, 03:47.
        Enjoy Slurm - it's highly addictive!


        • Nice to know. Any other bugs/fixes?
          "Build Ports when possible. A port gives you extra resources, as well as an extra tile for a unit to stand on." - Infogrames


          • Lots of the former, few of the latter.


            • Intersting
              The stupid shall be punished.
              "Never interupt your enemy while he is making a mistake." -- Napoleon Bonaparte


              • I feel this is appropriate.
                Attached Files


                • A nice example, yes.
                  I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


                  • Who said there would be no use for the 'popcorn smiley'?
                    Enjoy Slurm - it's highly addictive!


                    • I'm shocked- some people actually rate C3 over Civ 2?

                      I don't think I've ever witnessed such blatently bad AI cheating as in Civ 3 in any other game- ie: The programme AI is designed around the player, every action the AI player does is based upon your decisions-the AI then updates a repsonse in the next few turns, just to make it credible (see submarines as an example they forgot to deal with)

                      In other words, the nations are really non-existant as nations, although defensive actions on the map are represented via the standard two units you will encounter in a city etc.

                      I assume Civ4 feedback is now getting negative feedfack, hence the reason a patch is now being released for Civ 3- what a joke. The words "synical" and "b.....d's" spring to mind.

                      The third version of most popular games has largely been crap as it becomes a money making venture, not an improvement, the license is worth a lot of money as they have willing fans who will buy the next.

                      I'm not a programmer but I personally saw better programming in Norm Kogers Art of War, Colonisation, American Civil War et al, all made 10 years before this game and with only 2-4Mb to play with.

                      Lazy, greedy studio's are only a step away from having no gamers.



                      • When you bump such an old thread you might want to quote the post to which you are replying.


                        • Toby I would have to disagree with you. I had rated Civ2 has my number 1 or 2 game for years. I no longer play it at all.

                          CivIII is so much better, I just can't see any point in II, other than sentimental.

                          The flaws in II are legion, all games have flaws, so I don't care about that, except being able to kill a stack with one unit was a joke.

                          Anyway it is well understood that there is only one true cheat in III.

                          IV is not making me jump and shout, while 1/2/3 all did.

                          The bottom line is that lots of people enjoyed III, sorry you did not.


                          • C3 is probably better than C2, but compared to the games it had to compete against, it is not as awesome as C2 was.
                            In Soviet Russia, Fake borises YOU.


                            • I won't go into that debate, but I could note that III got an awful lot of game of the year awards for strategy.


                              • Some advice please. I am playing some Civ3 saves for Pad as he away. His system shows that he runs C3C Patch 1.22. Now Platypus Rex wants me to advice if he running 1.29, told him of 1.22. I find it strange that Pad is running 1.22 if 1.29 has been out since July 2002.

                                Should we be running 1.29?
                                Long Live The Horde
                                Marshal of the Concordian Armed Forces
                                Membership Officer of the Axe Grinders Guild

