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Resources, or lack thereof

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  • #61
    I am too lazy to read all the posts inside this thread therefore I challenge the luck posting again

    On original Civ I found resource appeareance ratio too low therefore I tweaked it into the editor to suite my preferences.

    This because on old CIV3 ( still have to try Conquests due to patch reasons ) the AI knew in advance where in the future resources will spot and in addition I do not tolerate that a good game is ruined from the luck only, even if this luck kissed me.



    • #62
      They still know where the resources are.


      • #63
        It's not like they get all that much benefit from knowing where the resources are. When I see a lone Japanese city on the tundra 35 tiles from the nearest Japanese city all I think is "Is it oil or aluminum?" and then proceed to take the city.


        • #64
          I think that the best solution would be to duplicate the existing units that require resources with the same units that don't require special resources but cost more. Maybe 20% or 50% more sheelds than the cost of the original unit.
          This in my opinion would lead to more accurate modeling of real history.
          I don't know what would be the effect on the AI however.
          Quendelie axan!


          • #65
            So,the problem is still present and you gave different good suggestions to fix it or at least to workaround the problem.

            The next step I would expect is the patch to fix it out but I'm afraid I will have to raise the appereance ratio or as you suggested to wacth closely enemy tundred cities


