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Resources, or lack thereof

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  • Resources, or lack thereof


    I get a bautiful start position: 2 cows, and fish, playing as the Dutch.

    I start Rexing, and soon the entire area is filled with lots of wooden shoes.

    Then I get iron working, and... no iron.
    Now, the miniscule Japanese to my norht have got themselves what appears to be the only iron on the continent.

    And then comes more and more Samarai. Guess what starts happeing to my Northernmost cities?

    What is with the distribution of resources here? Can't get iron, can't get saltpeter, one lousy horse.


    Thanks for listening. I don't feel better now, but it is nice to unburden myself.

  • #2
    Sounds like a nice starting position, despite the lack of resources. What level are you playing?

    If the Japs were miniscule, perhaps you might have hit them with hordes of Archers a little earlier on to capture their Iron before they could use it.
    So if you meet me have some courtesy, have some sympathy and some taste
    Use all your well-learned politesse, or I'll lay your soul to waste

    Re-Organisation of remaining C3C PBEMS


    • #3
      I've thought about restarting and doing just that. The capital city pratically spews out settlers. Just set it to go, and look elsewhere...

      My experience with C3C is that by and large it is stingy with resources.

      Did someone forget to tell Firaxis/Atari that I play this game to enjoy myself, and unwind, not to get more stressed out?


      • #4
        Scarcity in C3C is a feature.


        • #5
          Scarcity in C3C is a feature.
          For the game's sake, I hope it's a bug.

          Did someone forget to tell Firaxis/Atari that I play this game to enjoy myself, and unwind, not to get more stressed out?
          Well put.

          Bring back the butter!


          • #6
            Hehe it can be frustrating, but I think they meant it. One can never be sure though, particularly since they claim to have meant the FP not to give new city ranks all along.


            • #7
              aye the scarcity is a problem that thankfully ive managed to work my way around so far so it gets my


              • #8
                Originally posted by DrSpike
                Hehe it can be frustrating, but I think they meant it. One can never be sure though, particularly since they claim to have meant the FP not to give new city ranks all along.
                I sincerely hope they didn't mean to bare the game of the option of peaceful expansion and trade. It would make Civ a war game, which it's not meant to be. And not even a good one, there are way better war games out.

                Since the AI knows the location of all resources from start and with it's big bonuses in the higher levels without any doubt will beat you to them, every game is doomed to be an eternal war for resources. Trade is not an option either, with less deposits of a resource than civs alive. Don't misunderstand me, I don't demand that everyone has every resource guaranteed (which would obviously make them pointless), but you should at least be able to buy it then.

                Unfortunately, despite of the good level of cooperation with the developers on the corruption/FP issue, there is not a single statement so far, that the resource issue will be addressed. This disturbs me somewhat.

                Bring back the butter!


                • #9
                  I admit I liked the frequency in vanilla/PTW more than the one used now. However I'm not sure there are enough people complaining to get it changed.


                  • #10
                    Whatever. It's on the shelf now, and if things don't change, it will remain there.


                    • #11
                      It´s weird, I´ve hardly noticed the resource scarcity in C3C... but I almost never play anything smaller than huge maps
                      You saw what you wanted
                      You took what you saw
                      We know how you did it
                      Your method equals wipe out


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Sir Ralph
                        Whatever. It's on the shelf now, and if things don't change, it will remain there.
                        /me whispers so JT wont hear.

                        You could always change it in the editor.


                        • #13
                          There you go with the "don't like it - change it in the editor" attitude. Yes, JT doesn't like it. Neither do I. If each of us would change in the editor what he doesn't like, any sane game discussion on the board would be impossible.

                          Sigh, Conquests has the potential to be the best Civ game ever. At least so it seemed throughout the beta phase. Unfortunately, the post beta experiences with it are rather unpleasant, despite the very good feedback from the company and the beta patches. The f'd up corruption and it's fixing at the expense of the customers was a huge killjoy (this is what the beta test is for, and it was well manned!), and now the resource issue too. We're so close to get an awesome game. Still there is hope.


                          • #14
                            Sigh, Conquests has the potential to be the best Civ game ever. At least so it seemed throughout the beta phase
                            not having been around then i cant really comment on that, but imo that seams a bit like "the grass is greener on the other side of the Hill". basically wishfull thinking about something u couldn't have yet.

                            my own opinion is that Civ conquests is merely another incremental step in something that is an ever evolving product (which we, as punters will cough up the money for every few years). Perfection is a great ideal, but unreachable imo.


                            • #15
                              It is curious, is it a bug or did they do it deliberately? I am not sure. Now the question is will they do anything about it either way? So far, nothing has been mentioned by Devs.

                              I lean towards the idea of it going back to the PTW disribution model. It offered players a chance to get hit with a resource poor start, but it was not common to be missing more than two. If you were missing them, they were usually to be found some place.

