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Conquests Bug Thread (post BETA 1.12-patch)

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  • Duh
    Illegitimi Non Carborundum


    • The end of game map review screen gets covered in MP.

      If I am running my treasury into the ground, I get a pop-up as usual at the start of my turn telling me a barracks or something has been sold. The problem is when it is the last turn of a MP game the pop-up gets stuck over the talking end leaderheads bit and the map bit so you cannot see who built what where.

      Sometimes my economy is so ruined by war that I cannot stem the costs and so cannot see the review.
      Safer worlds through superior firepower


      • My first turn loading a PBEM game under 1.12, I was shown the end of the turn of the previous player. After playing my turn, I was taken to the next player's starting location. No passwords were requested. After reloading, everything worked as it is supposed to, although the game is now ruined.

        The game was started with 1.12 supposedly, by a referee. He set passwords for us and changed the setup so that we all start in 4000BC and play the full game. The player before me (the 2nd) could not load the game with the 1.12 patch installed, so he played his turn unpatched.

        Also, the first player was given a seafaring civ without a coastal start. [edit: the non-coastal start ended up being due to scenario settings]
        Last edited by Rommel2D; January 18, 2004, 15:34.
        Enjoy Slurm - it's highly addictive!


        • seafaring civs starting on non coast still happens..


          • I thought Jesse said it would still happen, but they have improved it?


            • smellymummy, it should be more seldom, but not completely excluded.

              i don't know what the odds are, but i think i remember seeing a change-log entry just saying "increased chance of seafaring civs starting near the coast" and nothing about "every time". don't know which patch (1.12, 1.13, 1.15?)

              i may be wrong however...
              - Artificial Intelligence usually beats real stupidity
              - Atheism is a nonprophet organization.


              • sorry, crossposted... (did i really take 4 minutes? )
                - Artificial Intelligence usually beats real stupidity
                - Atheism is a nonprophet organization.


                • Yes, it said mush increased chance of that I think it was 1.12 BETA
                  Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


                  • Never mind the bad seafaring start, it was due to how the referee set up the game.

                    Gramphos, I didn't receive an email notification for this thread, even though I'm pretty sure I made my last post from the regular reply screen. I don't suppose it's a problem that can be fixed (besides manually subscribing I mean)?
                    Enjoy Slurm - it's highly addictive!


                    • I'm not sure if this is new, or old, but I just took the aztec capital, and it moved to the forbidden palace location. I guess the 'tecs cant build a new fp anywhere oh, 1.15, and its not the only aztec city


                      • That would seem to be a bug. You probably should not have both in the same city.


                        • but it does make sence. if one capital falls, the other becomes the new capital! in civ2 you lost a part of your empire when losing your capital, this is a good loss (besides losing the space**** parts)

                          however, one should be able to rebuild a new FP somewhere else...
                          - Artificial Intelligence usually beats real stupidity
                          - Atheism is a nonprophet organization.


                          • shield bug

                            It seems that stealth bombers, radar artillery, cruise missiles and even armies are unaffected by mobilization. Was this meant to be?
                            Last edited by Beltz; January 20, 2004, 09:15.


                            • A very minor bug, hopefully not mentioned yet:

                              When you open the editor by clicking on a scenario file (in your OS), the help function does not work when the editor loads up (the "Help" button does nothing). However, if you lanch the editor program and then open a scenario file, the help works just fine. This undoubtedly has something to do with the editor's initialization process.

                              And her eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming...


                              • .
                                Last edited by ZEE; December 22, 2010, 19:57.
                                Order of the Fly
                                Those that cannot curse, cannot heal.

