Well, since much information is scattered here and there, I thought it was good to compile it all in one place. This is a comprehensive review of all new features in C3C that we know of.
I have necessarily forgotten some bit of info. Please tell me of any info that you know of and doesn't figure here
(please also link to a source, I wouldn't like to repeat rumours)
Here it goes:
From 4000 BC on.
Confirmed Civilizations: Babylonians, Sumerians, Hittites, Egypt, Persia, Greece, Phoenicians*
The scenario is a race for the 7 wonders of the ancient world. It stops when they are all built.
Special abilities: None known yet.
Rise of Rome
Fall of Rome
Starts in 324 AD
Confirmed Civs: Rome, Byzantines, Celts, Sassanids (Persians), Huns*, Franks*, Anglo-Saxons*, Vandals*, Visigoths*, Ostrogoths*
Rome is divided between the East and the West empire. Barbarian Civilizations emerge and attempt to gang up on them. Rome will win a Score Victory at about the 100 turn if it doesn't fall first.
- Mass elimination: a Civilization is eliminated if it loses 8 cities.
- Specific enslave: Units with the enslave ability may 'capture' fighting units instead of workers.
Middle Ages
Starts in 843 A.D, Ends in 1453 A.D
- Mass regicide: a Civ has lost when its two kings are killed.
- Relics: Each christian Civ starts with a relic, that can be captured. If it manages to get it to Jerusalemit gets 10,000 victory points
- Stealth Attack. The Muslim assassins can attack the unit they wish in a stack.
Confirmed Civilizations: Aztecs, Mayas, Incas, Moche*, Olmecs*, Toltecs*
This scenario mostly emphasizes culture.
Special abilities:
- Enslave: have a chance acquiring a worker after defeating an enemy unit)
- Sacrifice: sacrifice a worker in your cities for an immediate boost of 20 culture. This creates unhappiness in said city
Age of Discovery
Starts in 1490
Confirmed Civs: Portuguese, Dutch, French, Spanish, English, Incas, Mayans, Aztecs, Iroquois
This scenario emphasizes on the colonization of the new world, to acquire its resources and Wealth, if you play as a European power. The scenario emphasizes on keeping the Europeans at bay for as long as possible, in order to get a culture victory, if you're an American.
- The Portuguese start the scenario with a Golden Age
- The American Civs need fewer culture points per city to get a culture victory
- European cities that have a luxury in their radius can build a specific building that creates a "treasure" every 5 or 10 turns. Victory points ensue if this treasure is brought to Europe.
Sengoku: Sword of the Shogun
1467 - 1603 (540 turns !)
Confirmed Civilizations: 18 Japanese Clans*
This scenario emphasizes on Conquest, and is highly aggressive
Special abilities:
- Upgrade: The Daimyo unit upgrades and strengthens itself when you discover new techs (10 upgrades total)
- Stealth Attack: The Ninja Unit can strike one unit of his choice in a stack.
Napoleonic Europe
War in the Pacific
Confirmed Civilizations: Japan, America, China, Netherlands, England
This scenario retraces the epic battles of the Pacific between Japanese and US forces, with the presence of lesser actors as well
Special abilities:
- Japanese First Strike: Japan is the only Civ to move in the first turn
- Locked alliances: Alliances can not be renegociated. It is Japan vs. the rest of the world.
- Kamikaze: Sacrifice a poplation point to bombard a target 4 squares away.
- Ships and Planes take double damage in cites
- Most Aircraft has now lethal bombardment agains ships.
* Civilizations marked with * only exist in this scenario and are not full fledged Civilization for regular games.
Imperialism. Scenario specific
Tribal Council Scenario specific
Oligarchy Scenario specific
Protestant Monarchy Scenario specific (Age of Discovery)
New Civilization Traits:
- Agricultural gives bonuses to food production.
- Seafaring gives bonuses to Sea travel.
The traits of all existing Civs will be reassessed. The English will be Seafaring / Commercial.
Two New difficulty levels.
- Demigod is intermediary between Emperor and Deity.
- Sid is more difficult than Deity.
Random World sizes
Setting the AI agression level when starting a game. The AI agresseion level is separate from difficulty.
Volcanoes Appear randomly and spout pollution in one direction
Marshes are a new terrain type
Craters can happen when you bombard a tile. They destroy resources definitely.
Two new City Specialists:
- Civil Engineer produces shields
- Police Forces reduces corruption
Tweaked Diplomacy
- Communication trading now comes with Printing Press
- Map trading now comes with Navigation
All of the content of PtW will be included in Conquests
I have necessarily forgotten some bit of info. Please tell me of any info that you know of and doesn't figure here

Here it goes:
Civilization III: Conquests Publisher: Atari Developer:
Firaxis / Breakaway GamesAnnounced release:
4 November 2003 (US)
NEW CIVILIZATIONS Civilization Name Civ Traits Unique Unit Leader Name Starting Tech Hittites Expansionist, Commercial Three Man Chariot Mursilis Pottery, Alphabet Sumerians Scientific, Agricultural Enkidu Warrior Gilgamesh Bronze Working, Pottery Incas Expansionist, Agricultural Chasqui Scout Pachacuti Pottery, Masonry Mayans Agricultural, Industrious Javelineer Smoke Jaguar Masonry, Pottery Byzantines Seafaring, Scientific [url="http://image.com.com/gamespot/images/2003/pc/civ3conquests/1010/civ_screen002.jpg"]Dromon[/url] [url="http://image.com.com/gamespot/images/2003/pc/civ3conquests/1010/civ_screen001.jpg"]Empress Theodora[/url] Bronze Working, Alphabet Dutch Seafaring, Agricultural [url="http://image.com.com/gamespot/images/2003/pc/civ3conquests/1010/civ_screen004.jpg"]Swiss Mercenary[/url] [url="http://image.com.com/gamespot/images/2003/pc/civ3conquests/1010/civ_screen003.jpg"]William of Orange[/url] Pottery, Alphabet Portuguese Expansionist, Seafaring Carrack Prince Henry Pottery, Alphabet
NEW UNITS Name Att.Def.Move Requirements Cost Special abilities Enkidu Warrior 1.2.1 none 10 Specific to Sumerians Chasqui Scout 1.1.2 none 20 Enslave (scenario specific)
Ignores move costs of hills and mountains
Specific to IncasThree Man Chariot 2.2.2 The Wheel
Horses30 Wheeled
Specific to HittitesJavelineer 2.2.1 Warrior Code 30 Enslave (NOT scenario specific)
Specific to MayansSwiss Mercenary 1.4.1 Feudalism
Iron30 Specific to Dutch Trebuchet ? ? ? ? [url="http://image.com.com/gamespot/images/2003/pc/civ3conquests/1010/civ_screen002.jpg"]Dromon[/url] 2.1.3 Map Making 30 Boat
Lethal Sea Bombardment
Specific to ByzantinesDaimyo Variable ? ? Scenario-only
Gets stronger with new techsWooden Carrier ? ? ? Boat
Maybe scenario-onlyCurragh ? Alphabet ? Boat Carrack 2.2.4 Astronomy 40 Boat
Does not sink in ocean tiles
Specific to PortugueseScientific Great Leader ? ? ? Has a chance of appearing when you are the first to discover a tech Crusader 4.3.1 Chivalry
Iron40 Maybe scenario only Inquisitor 4.1.1 Religious Persecution 30 Treats all terrain as road
Detects Invisible
Scenario onlyAssassin 6.1.1 Assassination 60 Stealth Attack
Detects Invisible
Scenario OnlySpy 2.2.1 Intelligence Operations 20 Detects Invisible
Treats all terrain as roads
Scenario onlyLongboat ? ? ? Boat
Probably specific to Vikings
Scenario only
NEW BUILDINGS IN THE CORE GAME Name Requirements Cost Maintenance Culture Effects The Statue of Zeus Mathematics
Ivory200 0 gold 4 a turn Produces Ancient Cavalry (3.2.2) every 5 turns
Can become a Tourist Attraction
Golden Age for Religious / Militaristic
Obsolete with MetallurgyThe Temple of Artemis ? ? 0 gold ? Puts a Temple on every city in the same continent
Can trigger a Golden Age for Religious Civs
Obsolete with EducationThe Mausoleum of Mausollos ? ? 0 gold ? Makes three unhappy citizens content
May trigger a golden age for Seafaring or Scientific CivsThe Knights Templar ? ? ? ? Builds Crusaders (5.3.1) every five turns
From 4000 BC on.
Confirmed Civilizations: Babylonians, Sumerians, Hittites, Egypt, Persia, Greece, Phoenicians*
The scenario is a race for the 7 wonders of the ancient world. It stops when they are all built.
Special abilities: None known yet.
Rise of Rome
Fall of Rome
Starts in 324 AD
Confirmed Civs: Rome, Byzantines, Celts, Sassanids (Persians), Huns*, Franks*, Anglo-Saxons*, Vandals*, Visigoths*, Ostrogoths*
Rome is divided between the East and the West empire. Barbarian Civilizations emerge and attempt to gang up on them. Rome will win a Score Victory at about the 100 turn if it doesn't fall first.
- Mass elimination: a Civilization is eliminated if it loses 8 cities.
- Specific enslave: Units with the enslave ability may 'capture' fighting units instead of workers.
Middle Ages
Starts in 843 A.D, Ends in 1453 A.D
- Mass regicide: a Civ has lost when its two kings are killed.
- Relics: Each christian Civ starts with a relic, that can be captured. If it manages to get it to Jerusalemit gets 10,000 victory points
- Stealth Attack. The Muslim assassins can attack the unit they wish in a stack.
Confirmed Civilizations: Aztecs, Mayas, Incas, Moche*, Olmecs*, Toltecs*
This scenario mostly emphasizes culture.
Special abilities:
- Enslave: have a chance acquiring a worker after defeating an enemy unit)
- Sacrifice: sacrifice a worker in your cities for an immediate boost of 20 culture. This creates unhappiness in said city
Age of Discovery
Starts in 1490
Confirmed Civs: Portuguese, Dutch, French, Spanish, English, Incas, Mayans, Aztecs, Iroquois
This scenario emphasizes on the colonization of the new world, to acquire its resources and Wealth, if you play as a European power. The scenario emphasizes on keeping the Europeans at bay for as long as possible, in order to get a culture victory, if you're an American.
- The Portuguese start the scenario with a Golden Age
- The American Civs need fewer culture points per city to get a culture victory
- European cities that have a luxury in their radius can build a specific building that creates a "treasure" every 5 or 10 turns. Victory points ensue if this treasure is brought to Europe.
Sengoku: Sword of the Shogun
1467 - 1603 (540 turns !)
Confirmed Civilizations: 18 Japanese Clans*
This scenario emphasizes on Conquest, and is highly aggressive
Special abilities:
- Upgrade: The Daimyo unit upgrades and strengthens itself when you discover new techs (10 upgrades total)
- Stealth Attack: The Ninja Unit can strike one unit of his choice in a stack.
Napoleonic Europe
War in the Pacific
Confirmed Civilizations: Japan, America, China, Netherlands, England
This scenario retraces the epic battles of the Pacific between Japanese and US forces, with the presence of lesser actors as well
Special abilities:
- Japanese First Strike: Japan is the only Civ to move in the first turn
- Locked alliances: Alliances can not be renegociated. It is Japan vs. the rest of the world.
- Kamikaze: Sacrifice a poplation point to bombard a target 4 squares away.
- Ships and Planes take double damage in cites
- Most Aircraft has now lethal bombardment agains ships.
* Civilizations marked with * only exist in this scenario and are not full fledged Civilization for regular games.
Imperialism. Scenario specific
Tribal Council Scenario specific
Oligarchy Scenario specific
Protestant Monarchy Scenario specific (Age of Discovery)
New Civilization Traits:
- Agricultural gives bonuses to food production.
- Seafaring gives bonuses to Sea travel.
The traits of all existing Civs will be reassessed. The English will be Seafaring / Commercial.
Two New difficulty levels.
- Demigod is intermediary between Emperor and Deity.
- Sid is more difficult than Deity.
Random World sizes
Setting the AI agression level when starting a game. The AI agresseion level is separate from difficulty.
Volcanoes Appear randomly and spout pollution in one direction
Marshes are a new terrain type
Craters can happen when you bombard a tile. They destroy resources definitely.
Two new City Specialists:
- Civil Engineer produces shields
- Police Forces reduces corruption
Tweaked Diplomacy
- Communication trading now comes with Printing Press
- Map trading now comes with Navigation
All of the content of PtW will be included in Conquests