Re 2nd Punic Wars
Certainly debatable, but imho Hannibal didn't even play a factor in the resolution of the 2nd Punic Wars. What decided Rome's continued domination of that area was the same twist of fate that led the US to defeat the Japanese in the Pacific. Intercepted intel.
All chance of conquering Rome died with the defeat of Hasdrubal at Metaurus.
"The first intelligence of his return, to Hannibal, was the sight of Hasdrubal's head thrown into his camp. When Hannibal saw this, he exclaimed, with a sigh, that Rome would now be the mistress of the world."
- Byron
The defeat of Hasdrubal's larger army and Hasdrubal's death made the rest of the conflict as meaningless as the battles after Midway and Yamato's assassination. The turning point was decided and even Hannibal knew what the final outcome would be.
Not suprisingly the battle at Metaurus was decided doubly by cavalry. When Nero intercepted the message meant for Hannibal, he took only his cavalry on a death march to reinforce Livius. The speed of his cav to reinforce allowed Livius to attack. Even against Livius' augmented army, Hasdrubal's army fought them to a standstill, until Nero took his cavalry and flanked the core of the Carthaginians, the Spanish and Numidians. Once this elite core fell the Gauls and others quickly fell as well.
Cav > All
Certainly debatable, but imho Hannibal didn't even play a factor in the resolution of the 2nd Punic Wars. What decided Rome's continued domination of that area was the same twist of fate that led the US to defeat the Japanese in the Pacific. Intercepted intel.
All chance of conquering Rome died with the defeat of Hasdrubal at Metaurus.
"The first intelligence of his return, to Hannibal, was the sight of Hasdrubal's head thrown into his camp. When Hannibal saw this, he exclaimed, with a sigh, that Rome would now be the mistress of the world."
- Byron
The defeat of Hasdrubal's larger army and Hasdrubal's death made the rest of the conflict as meaningless as the battles after Midway and Yamato's assassination. The turning point was decided and even Hannibal knew what the final outcome would be.
Not suprisingly the battle at Metaurus was decided doubly by cavalry. When Nero intercepted the message meant for Hannibal, he took only his cavalry on a death march to reinforce Livius. The speed of his cav to reinforce allowed Livius to attack. Even against Livius' augmented army, Hasdrubal's army fought them to a standstill, until Nero took his cavalry and flanked the core of the Carthaginians, the Spanish and Numidians. Once this elite core fell the Gauls and others quickly fell as well.
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