Originally posted by The_Aussie_Lurker
It's the story entitled "BETA PROGRAM SIZE, TYPE, AFFILIATIONS" and, oops, it's not hundreds of times larger-only at least "ten times larger"
. Sorry about that. Still, though, that this expansion is even 10 times larger (it could be more, 'cause she claims it will be AT LEAST 10 times larger) is a good sign that it will contain a HELL of a lot more features than PtW, and will certainly be more than eye candy plus bug-fixes!!! Sorry about getting you so excited, I just misread the relevent section-oops!!!!
It's the story entitled "BETA PROGRAM SIZE, TYPE, AFFILIATIONS" and, oops, it's not hundreds of times larger-only at least "ten times larger"

Considering it (C3C) is only 400 MB (and not 4 GB) in size, the same size as PtW, and the amount of time to finish the testing for release, it can't be too much more than what they have claimed so far. The amount of space needed for the scenarios is going to take a decent chunk of that 400 MB. A large amount will also go in the Art folder. Check out your PtW Art folder (amount of space required, mine shows 263 MB just in the Art folder) if you have PtW.