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Seriously Tricky Sticky Game

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  • Well I played the turns last night, and got up to 1899. Unfortunately I forgot to write a log until about 1897, which was a little too late.
    The game is effectively over, with only one French city left, and more than enough howies to take it down. The bloody senate, after ages of passing peacekeeping resolutions, decided to sign peace with the French, so you may have to wait another turn to win with a spotless reputation, and take advantage of all the celebrating cities. After I saved though, I just caused an incident, the government fell but the game was still won.

    Chalk another game down to the Civ 2 succession team.
    Attached Files


    • If you are going to say this is over now, then Stu could have said as much last Oct.

      Perhaps this is another version of " depends on what the definition of is, is." Or, put another way, when does "inevitable" allow us to declare victory and retire??

      One city left. Who wants next...anyone from the original list?? I suggest waiting til mid-month when Stu returns from annual leave. But that is probably the old romantic in me speaking.

      so long and thanks for all the fish


      • Well done, duke !
        IMO you should send some kind of public private message to stu, so that at least he knows that this game is over
        Aux bords mystérieux du monde occidental


        • The Monk beats me by 2 minutes ... with a much more serious reply (as usual).
          I agree with him though: this game should at least be sent to stu , so that HE declares game over.
          Aux bords mystérieux du monde occidental


          • agree

            so long and thanks for all the fish


            • Finally.


              • Well the game can be won now (as I was hoping that it would be, because there are quite a few barbs threatening the mech inf in whichever city it is on that island), but it wouldn't be won with a spotless rep, and since this is 'poly then maybe it ought to be...
                Anyway, it'd only be a case of waiting until the French start to annoy us again - and there is a howie left in position to facilitate this.


                • What took you so long Dukey???
                  I had all bar one of the French cities down in the first turn - it was that damned outlier that I could not seem to get the logistics right for ...

                  The game is won - and I don't have to manipulate a monster hew:

                  "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
                  "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit

