Originally posted by Kobra
Spanks, curt!
I can winterize the rest of what I need myself, but I'm lazy so we'll see
Attached: We've started a project over at CDG. Pablostuka, Jim Panse and myself are making a scenario together: The African Campain. More info will be given later, but here's a microscopical preview: some desertised units and a brand new Opel Blitz.
Spanks, curt!
I can winterize the rest of what I need myself, but I'm lazy so we'll see
Attached: We've started a project over at CDG. Pablostuka, Jim Panse and myself are making a scenario together: The African Campain. More info will be given later, but here's a microscopical preview: some desertised units and a brand new Opel Blitz.
Great news that you and the gang are doing an Afrikan Campaign. I have been wanting someone to do one for quite some time now.
Since I am a big fan of desert warfare/Afrika korps, I went ahead and privately re-did J. Petroski's scenario "Afrika korps", with updated graphics, events, gameplay, new sounds, etc.
I even emailed him asking him if I could release this updated scenario. But I have never heard back from him. So I have been enjoying playing this scenario as the Afrika Korps and have been having a blast - I finally have a good, playable Afrika Korps scenario.
I also did a Battle of Britain scenario (playable only as the British) and the German AI whupped my butt. . .
Best of luck.