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Looking for some help on a Discworld scenario...

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  • #61
    After some checking, I'm still glad I ordered the Mapp: there are still many "numbers" whose legend I'll be glad to have!
    Ankh-Morpork, we have an orangutan...
    Discworld Scenario:
    POMARJ Scenario:
    LOST LEGIONS Scenario:


    • #62
      As the Discworld Mapp arrived much earlier than expected (so no excuse, I'll have to start the implantation ), here is the legend for the numbers on St-Leo's map (if some Pratchett fanatic is interested...):

      1. Tsort
      2. Djelibeybi
      3. Ephebe
      4. Crinix
      5. Papylos
      6. Erebos
      7. Jowser Cove
      8. ParaMountain
      9. F'twangi
      10. Koom Valley
      11. Oolskunrahod
      12. Ankh R.
      13. Heliodeliphilodelphiboschromenos
      14. Holy Wood
      15. Chirm
      16. Sto Lat
      17. Sto Kerrit
      18. Sto Helit
      19. Kom
      20. Al-Ybi
      21. Il-Drim
      22. N'Kouf
      23. Otherz
      24. Quirm
      25. Pseudopolis/Psephopolis
      26. NoThing
      27. Rham Nitz
      28. Re'Durat
      29. Leaping Mountain

      BTW: work on the scen is going on well! The graphics are nearly done; check the topped graphic thread "Speculative Graphics Showcase" in the coming days for a few (last?) requests on units!
      Ankh-Morpork, we have an orangutan...
      Discworld Scenario:
      POMARJ Scenario:
      LOST LEGIONS Scenario:


      • #63
        Wonder names

        I still need a few WoW names, those are:

        - something for the Lighthouse, which will be built in Ephebe.

        - something for Hoover Dam; it has to do with the Golems and can only be built once the Golems become "aware"

        - something for Cure for Cancer, with a tech name for the tech that'll allow to build it
        note: other happiness WoW are: Free Festival (Music with Rocks In), Patrician Vetinari, Centuries of Fruitbat Click Company, The Truth, Witch Supervision and Temple of OM

        - something with Tacticus for Sun Tzu's War Academy

        ideas, anybody??
        Ankh-Morpork, we have an orangutan...
        Discworld Scenario:
        POMARJ Scenario:
        LOST LEGIONS Scenario:


        • #64

          In case that could interest somebody, I just uploaded an unit on the Speculative Graphics Showcase thread!

          Quite a good way to BUMP this thread...

          BTW, still nobody feeling like helping me on the above questions??
          Ankh-Morpork, we have an orangutan...
          Discworld Scenario:
          POMARJ Scenario:
          LOST LEGIONS Scenario:


          • #65
            Ladies of negotiable affection could be one of the happiness wonders!
            Grenski Timyfovich Sladkov, People's Armaments Commisar of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and winner of the Valient Labor Medal.


            • #66
              Thanks Greeny, your idea is excellent!

              I'll use it!! (the idea, I mean, not the ladies... )
              Ankh-Morpork, we have an orangutan...
              Discworld Scenario:
              POMARJ Scenario:
              LOST LEGIONS Scenario:


              • #67
                adies of negotiable affection could be one of the happiness wonders!

                Would "The Ankh-Morkpork Whore Pits" be a bit too concise of a label?:P

                - something for the Lighthouse, which will be built in Ephebe.

                What's wrong with "Lighthouse"?

                - something for Hoover Dam; it has to do with the Golems and can only be built once the Golems become "aware"

                "Golem Self-Determination"
                "Worker Control of the Means of Production"
                "Golem Cooperatives"

                - something with Tacticus for Sun Tzu's War Academy

                "The Prince's Art of War"
                "Veni, Vidi, Vetinari"
                "Genuan War Academy"
                "How to Become a Strategos in 21 Easy Steps"

                Blog | Civ2 Scenario League | leo.petr at


                • #68
                  Thanks St Leo

                  Originally posted by St Leo
                  adies of negotiable affection could be one of the happiness wonders!

                  Would "The Ankh-Morkpork Whore Pits" be a bit too concise of a label?:P
                  You mean concise or precise??

                  I think I'll stick to the Ladies...

                  - something for the Lighthouse, which will be built in Ephebe.

                  What's wrong with "Lighthouse"?
                  Oups, was there a Lighthouse in Ephebe?? I think I now remember something like that...

                  If yes, then of course Lighthouse it will be!

                  "Golem Self-Determination"
                  "Worker Control of the Means of Production"
                  "Golem Cooperatives"
                  As the tech is called "Golem Awareness", I think "Golem Cooperatives" will be good!

                  - something with Tacticus for Sun Tzu's War Academy

                  "The Prince's Art of War"
                  "Veni, Vidi, Vetinari"
                  "Genuan War Academy"
                  "How to Become a Strategos in 21 Easy Steps"
                  As it can be built anywhere, I would prefer no reference to a place (as in Genuan W. A.)! So maybe the "The Prince's Art of War" will do!
                  Ankh-Morpork, we have an orangutan...
                  Discworld Scenario:
                  POMARJ Scenario:
                  LOST LEGIONS Scenario:


                  • #69
                    Technical question

                    I have a question about the events: what happens if, via the events, I try to substract more money than the civ has?? does it stop at 0 or "flow over" and restart from the max ??

                    And thanks to your suggestion, I have my last Wonders now:

                    1) The Lighthouse in Ephebe

                    2) Golem Cooperative for Hoover Dam

                    3) Ladies of Negociable Affection for CfC

                    4) Tacticus Notebook for Sun Tzu

                    Now the tech-tree is ready, the wonders too, the improvements too, as well as the unit list!

                    The graphics are nearly finished, just a few units are still lacking (I still would like some help on those, See Speculative graphics thread! ), as well as the improvement/wonder (I should be able to find existing ones that would be alright)!

                    I'm now working on the various .txt files and I'll start implementing the events too (I'm afraid there might be too many of them... we'll see!)
                    Last edited by Cyrion; May 8, 2003, 17:24.
                    Ankh-Morpork, we have an orangutan...
                    Discworld Scenario:
                    POMARJ Scenario:
                    LOST LEGIONS Scenario:


                    • #70
                      It goes down to zero.
                      Blog | Civ2 Scenario League | leo.petr at


                      • #71
                        OK, as I found no volunteer for the units, I had to do it myself...

                        So on the Speculative thread, you'll find a new one!

                        I still need a few ones... Anybody willing to help on the "multi-units"?? Case, I read somewhere you had spare time...
                        Ankh-Morpork, we have an orangutan...
                        Discworld Scenario:
                        POMARJ Scenario:
                        LOST LEGIONS Scenario:


                        • #72
                          Hi, cirion!

                          I want to playtest your scen, as I told you

                          If I can help you with the multi-units (are you refering to units that are in the same slot but in different RULES.TXT?), please tell me
                          Trying to rehabilitateh and contribuing again to the civ-community


                          • #73
                            Hi Javier!

                            By "multi-units" I meant the graphics showing different people in the same unit!

                            You can see an example and which units I need at this link:

                            And there is another thing you could help me with: finding the icons (no need to create them, I think there are enough existing) for the improvements and the Wonders! If you have the time, I can send you a list of the improvements and you can start searching for the graphics??

                            BTW, are you familiar with Discworld?
                            Ankh-Morpork, we have an orangutan...
                            Discworld Scenario:
                            POMARJ Scenario:
                            LOST LEGIONS Scenario:


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by Cyrion
                              Hi Javier!

                              By "multi-units" I meant the graphics showing different people in the same unit!

                              You can see an example and which units I need at this link:

                              And there is another thing you could help me with: finding the icons (no need to create them, I think there are enough existing) for the improvements and the Wonders! If you have the time, I can send you a list of the improvements and you can start searching for the graphics??

                              BTW, are you familiar with Discworld?
                              First of all Discworld. Regretabily, I'm not familiar with Discworld, although I've tried to buy the books some times - It's a perfect example of bad luck, because all times that I've tried to buy them, the bookshop ran out of them In fact, in my last birthday I ask for them as a present, but no one buy them for me

                              Send me the list of icons/wonder and I'll try my best
                              Trying to rehabilitateh and contribuing again to the civ-community


                              • #75
                                Name for cities needed

                                No, the project is not dead yet, rather the contrary…

                                I just finished “tweaking” St-Leo’s map, trying to make the “right” special resources available to the various cities.

                                I used the middle map, and I think it might have been better to take the little one (yes St Leo, that was your opinion form the start), as the world might prove to be too huge as virtually no new city can be built! But that will be shown in the playtest!

                                So I chose and placed nearly all the cities! Each playable civ will start with 5 cities, with around 30 other ones available for trade or conquest… I still need a few names for the cities (or in some case countries/regions): I used the ones I found in the books and the map, as long as they were on the terrain represented on my map (I have to admit I cheated to include a few more, but not much…).

                                And, as some purists might notice, some cities are not exactly at the right place; for 1 of the 3 following reason:

                                1) as written above, to bring in the map a place that would have been barely outside
                                2) to make better use of special resources: I always find so sad to have a city with 3 juicy specials just outside its radius…
                                3) to better the playability of the game (rather subjective concept, I admit…)

                                So here is the list, please suggest a few names for the 5-10 cities still needed, coming from Mr Pratchett (even if I think I considered most of them and had a reason to leave them out: geography, in most cases…) or your own imagination!
                                Ankh-Morpork, we have an orangutan...
                                Discworld Scenario:
                                POMARJ Scenario:
                                LOST LEGIONS Scenario:

