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Looking for some help on a Discworld scenario...

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  • #16
    I've decided that this is the perfect time to begin abusing my privileges:

    As is noted in the readme, I recommend using the 32x65 map as the basis for the scenario. After all, this is not Tolkien and there are no 200 campfire descriptions between points of interest.

    BTW, we could also cut off the North (Uberwald and M-something) off the large map (leave AM, Klatch, and Omnia) and use that.

    Hey, Discworld! Fantastic. Don't forget to add Cohan the Barbarian and his silver horde (a band of geriatric heroes) as units.

    Cohen will probably get in, but we'll (they'll?) probably focus on the City Watch character set.

    I always thought about a DW scenario set in Ankh-Morpork with the guilds (wizards,assasins etc) battling each other for supremacy of the city (kinda like Roman riots.)

    Go, Seamstresses, go!
    Blog | Civ2 Scenario League | leo.petr at


    • #17

      "Thank you, floor, for not collapsing under the weight of my genius." - Gimpy, Undergrads
      Attached Files
      Blog | Civ2 Scenario League | leo.petr at


      • #18
        About the map...

        Nice (and fast!) work St-Leo

        Just a remark before I take a real look at your map: I would leave the northern part of the map in: Uberwald, Lancre and the Wyrmberg would give SOOO MANY interesting opportunities!!
        Ankh-Morpork, we have an orangutan...
        Discworld Scenario:
        POMARJ Scenario:
        LOST LEGIONS Scenario:


        • #19
          If you need a name and context for the Appollo wonder, how about The Kite (from the Last Hero, the craft that circled the disc?)

          I love both idea of the A M Dollar as a defense, and the Merchants. Give the Merchants the higher defense, so they get killed first, and the attackers lose their own money before they attack the dollars.

          Also, have you considered using the barbarians for the Things from Beyond?

          If you make them an "Exotic" civilization you might well make their city "The Lost City of Ee." Why not? Consider putting it beyond the circumference of the disc.

          What time range are you looking at using? The face of the disc has changed over time no doubt.

          What place are you planning for nonhumans? The Trolls, Dwarves, etc? Can some be their own civilization?

          Possibilities Mr. Pratchett hasn't tackled yet could be open. There is no reason Leonard of Quirm or a later genius could not invent the railroad, or equivalent.

          Lucius Alexander

          Palindromedary Enterprises
          Lucius Alexander


          • #20
            Probably won't be using Apollo, but thanks for the suggestion (unless we remove the SS improvements from play and reduce the cost for building Apollo/the Kite, so that it only reveals the map... hmm...)

            We thought about using barbarians as the Dungeon Dimensions, but at the moment seems like we're going to have them as the main threat in the scenario, so barbarians don't quite fit that role.

            I won't comment about the Lost City of Ee, since I haven't read the relevant book.

            As for the time range, it'd probably start somewhere near the first novels, and then proceed through time as the civs work their way up the tech three.

            Some of the civs will be able to produce nonhuman units, and they'll be often mentioned in the events/Discopedia entries, but probably not more than that. Giving some their own civ is a possibility, but seven civ slots really isn't a lot - they'll get one if we'll have any surplus ones (which I doubt).

            We'll see about the "future tech". They'll probably have the same role as the non-human civs, that is, they'll be included if there are any extra tech slots to spare.
            Last edited by Xuenay; May 2, 2002, 14:58.
            The breakfast of champions is the opposition.

            "A japaneze warrior once destroyed one of my modern armours.i nuked the warrior" -- philippe666


            • #21
              About the civs

              Ok, so it seems we will be using the biggest map describing the region around the Circle Sea!!

              So the nations would be (though some changes are still possible!! )

              1. Ankh-Morpork
              2. Klatch
              3. Omnia
              4. Uberwald
              5. Lancre

              and the 2 AI civs: Neutral and Dungeon Dimensions
              Ankh-Morpork, we have an orangutan...
              Discworld Scenario:
              POMARJ Scenario:
              LOST LEGIONS Scenario:


              • #22
                Time to make some lists...

                And now for something completely different...

                Ok, now it's time to think about the various techs, so first we should try to make a list of the "Discworld" techs and what they would bring as:
                - units
                - improvements
                - wonders
                - new techs

                For instance, "Golem making" could allow to build a "Golem factory" improvement that would work as a factory, and be a prerequisite for "Golem Freedom" which would allow to build "Golems" units!!

                And "Pigeon Messages" could be a prerequisite for the "Klaks communication"...

                Any ideas welcome!!

                When we have enough, we can make a list and discuss it!!

                And a second list which would be useful is one about the various cities/villages of the Discworld (as well as their location...)

                So let's start writing, and I'll compile the results !!
                Ankh-Morpork, we have an orangutan...
                Discworld Scenario:
                POMARJ Scenario:
                LOST LEGIONS Scenario:


                • #23
                  I'm a little unsure of including Lancre, considering its tiny size. A few excerpts from GURPS Discworld:

                  A kingdom on the Sto Plains side of the Ramtops, total population (humans, dwarfs, and trolls) about 500. This is admittedly small, even for a fantasy kingdom...

                  ...most human Lancrastians live in Lancre Town. "Town" is an extravagant name for it, but it is the biggest habitation, which gives it some of the privileges of a city, such as City Proclamations.

                  I'm not sure, but wouldn't there some larger civs around the Circle Sea that'd have a bigger right for that civ slot? Lancre could then be merged with one of the bigger ones.
                  The breakfast of champions is the opposition.

                  "A japaneze warrior once destroyed one of my modern armours.i nuked the warrior" -- philippe666


                  • #24
                    IMO, Lancre would be best implimented as one of the 'Neutral' cities (pehaps with some unique units in it). Really, as Xuenay pointed out, it's too small to compete with the other civs.
                    'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
                    - Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon


                    • #25
                      Suggestions? The relevant choices are probably in Jingo and Small Gods.
                      Blog | Civ2 Scenario League | leo.petr at


                      • #26
                        OK guys, I finished going through all the books looking for ideas (well, not all, but still over 20 of them...) and I'll probably post/mail something about it tonight!!

                        And we still need to find the 5th playable civ: Lancre would be too small, I agree, but if we choose Ephebe or Tsort it would be quite crowded down there, leaving to much room to develop for the northern civs!! Except if we prohibit settlers unit and give strong defense to neutrals??
                        Ankh-Morpork, we have an orangutan...
                        Discworld Scenario:
                        POMARJ Scenario:
                        LOST LEGIONS Scenario:


                        • #27
                          Yeah, you'd have to prohibit settler units if you use the large map.
                          Blog | Civ2 Scenario League | leo.petr at


                          • #28
                            Concrete proposals...

                            Ok, let's get a bit more concrete!! So this is what I propose:

                            we will choose the 5th playable civ later, between the following ones:

                            1. Ramtop Nations : including Lancre
                            2. Ephebe
                            3. Tsort
                            4. Djelibeiby
                            5. Combination of 2,3,4
                            6. something else...

                            To avoid problems with the fact that some would have more room to expand than others, NO settler units (or only created by events, to limit how many every country would get).

                            I would like every nation to have the same number of available units, a few from the start, a few to be researched and a few given by events. As many as possible of this units being civ-specific!!

                            oh, and why not make the Capitals nearly impregnable??

                            And here is what I have for the units (Initial means "not buildable but existing at the beginning!):

                            1. Ankh-Morpork

                            Initial defensive units: Merchants and A-M $, as described by Xuenay

                            First Unit: City Watch Constable

                            Defensive Unit: City Watch Officer (by tech)

                            Offensive Units: Wizards (by tech)

                            Diplo Units: Assassin

                            Flying Unit : Flying Wizard (by tech)

                            Special Unit: Rincewind

                            Total : 8

                            2. Klatch

                            Initial defensive units: Desert Wastes (??), unbuildable

                            First Units: Camel Riders ("Towel-Heads")

                            Defensive Units: Foreign Legion (by tech)

                            Offensive Units: D'regs (by tech)

                            Diplo Units: Assassin

                            Flying Unit : Magic Carpet (by tech)

                            Special Unit: none ?? (or Ahmed ??)

                            Total : 6 (7??)

                            3. Omnia

                            Initial defensive units: The Citadel

                            First Units: Divine Legion, evolutive

                            Defensive Units: Divine Legion II ?? (by tech)

                            Offensive Units: Moving Turtle (by tech)

                            Diplo Units: Exquisitor

                            Flying Unit : none ??

                            Special Unit: ?? Vorbis ??

                            Total : 6

                            4. Uberwlad

                            Initial defensive units: Dwarven Stronghold ?? (or none ??)

                            First Units: Dwarves

                            Defensive Units: Trolls (by tech)

                            Offensive Units: Werewolves (by tech)

                            Diplo Units: none ?? (or Igors ??)

                            Flying Unit : Vampires

                            Special Unit: Lady Margolotta ??

                            Total : 6 (or 7 ??)

                            5. Example of 5th Civ: Ramtop Kingdoms

                            Initial defensive units: none ??

                            First Units: Ogg Family

                            Defensive Units: Trolls (by tech)

                            Offensive Units: Nac mac Feegle (by tech)

                            Diplo Units: Witch

                            Flying Unit : Flying Witch

                            Special Unit: Granny Weatherwax

                            Total : 6

                            And then:

                            Common units

                            Ship 1, Ship 2 (by tech!!)

                            Trade unit (by tech)

                            Which would make a total of 35 units, leaving 27 for the 2 AI CIVs + the "event units" (and believe me, I already got nearly enough ideas to use a lot of those slots... )

                            So, what do you think about that ??
                            Ankh-Morpork, we have an orangutan...
                            Discworld Scenario:
                            POMARJ Scenario:
                            LOST LEGIONS Scenario:


                            • #29

                              And just to prove I have been working quite hard on it , a few things I found in the books...

                              Units Events (I mean units that appear via events and that give you something if you destroy them! cf Jules Verne scen...)

                              Temple of Bel-Shamharoth
                              Great Pyramid of Tsort
                              Tezuman Temple
                              Department Store (from Soul Music) (and Small Globes and Wire Trolleys??)
                              Holy Wood

                              Cities (neutral or others, everything related to them!)

                              Ephebe: Labyrinth (very strong defensive unit!!), Philosophers (Copernic's Wonder??)

                              Al-Khali: capital of Klatch

                              Gebra: mighty fortress in Klatch

                              Copperhead and Schmalzberg: in Uberwald

                              Units (neutral or others, everything related to them!)

                              Barbarian Heroes
                              4 Horsemen
                              Dragons (Wyrmberg)
                              Mummies (Djelibeiby)
                              Wooden horse (Tsort and Ephebe)

                              + DD units!!
                              + units for Neutral: Hubland Barbarians, Great Nef Nomads, etc...


                              Steam (for Steam Boat and Moving Turtle)
                              The Gonne
                              Music with Rocks in (for an Happy Improvement) and Free Festival Wonder (Shakespear??)
                              Golem use (for a kind of factory)
                              Forensic Dep.
                              something for The Boat (Submarine)
                              Carrier-pigeon Network (pre-req for next one)
                              Semaphore Shutters (pre-req for next one)
                              Clacks Towers (allows improvement, but what??)
                              Rubber vats
                              Printing Press

                              That's all Folks...
                              Ankh-Morpork, we have an orangutan...
                              Discworld Scenario:
                              POMARJ Scenario:
                              LOST LEGIONS Scenario:


                              • #30
                                Cyrion, what does your sig translate as?
                                'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
                                - Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon

