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Looking for some help on a Discworld scenario...

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  • The units description is finished!

    Digging in the books for quotations, and modifying/inventing when necessary, proved a bigger task than expected!

    But I'm glad with the result (except for 2-3 units where the description is weaker)

    The work on the Wonders and techs has begun
    Ankh-Morpork, we have an orangutan...
    Discworld Scenario:
    POMARJ Scenario:
    LOST LEGIONS Scenario:


    • Originally posted by Cyrion
      The units description is finished!
      Well done
      Originally posted by Cyrion
      Digging in the books for quotations, and modifying/inventing when necessary, proved a bigger task than expected!

      But I'm glad with the result (except for 2-3 units where the description is weaker)
      I'm sure the results will be worth the effort.
      Originally posted by Cyrion
      The work on the Wonders and techs has begun
      Hang on in there.

      RJM at Sleeper's
      Fill me with the old familiar juice


      • Quick update

        I wrote this yesterday evening, but Poly crashed just as I hit "submit"!

        So here are the latest news!

        I found the last unit I needed, the one for the Temple of Bel-Shamaroth. I took it in a rip-off compilation from Age of War, done by St-Leo: thanks my friend, your overall contribution is proving decisive!

        On the graphical side, I just need 3 icons graphics and it's done! CHeck the NonUnit graphic showcase, and help me!

        And things are proceeding smoothly about the descriptions:

        1) Units : done
        2) Wonders : done
        3) Improvements : 85 %
        4) Techs : 15 %
        5) Terrain and ressources : haven't started, but as I'll be able to keep much of the original, let's call it 75 %
        6) Trade goods list: 75 % (I'll submit a list one of these days...)

        After that, I'll just need to write the definitive Readme and launch the final playtest!

        And taking into account Arthedain's comments, I "tweaked" some units stats:

        I've just realised that I have to trade some, though it takes ages to get anywhere. And my army has no chance against the independents crossbowmen.
        The changes are:
        1) Merchants : movement up from 1 to 2
        2) Scout : movement up from 2 to 3
        3) Crossbowmen : defense down from 4 to 3

        This should do the trick, we'll see in the final playtest...
        Ankh-Morpork, we have an orangutan...
        Discworld Scenario:
        POMARJ Scenario:
        LOST LEGIONS Scenario:


        • Great changes Cyrion.. and I will look for the icons you need when I get home
          "Peace cannot be kept by force.
          It can only be achieved by understanding"


          • posted some icons in the other thread.. hope them helps you some..
            "Peace cannot be kept by force.
            It can only be achieved by understanding"


            • Yep, they do!! Thanks mate!
              Ankh-Morpork, we have an orangutan...
              Discworld Scenario:
              POMARJ Scenario:
              LOST LEGIONS Scenario:


              • you're welcome

                edit: spelling
                "Peace cannot be kept by force.
                It can only be achieved by understanding"


                • Re: Quick update

                  Originally posted by Cyrion

                  After that, I'll just need to write the definitive Readme and launch the final playtest!
                  The finishing line is in sight

                  I'm very impressed with the thought that's gone into the game. New units, new graphics, new terrain, etc. Is there anything left of the original? (I play with the sound off - do you have new sounds?)

                  RJM at Sleeper's
                  Fill me with the old familiar juice


                  • Re: Re: Quick update

                    Originally posted by rjmatsleepers
                    The finishing line is in sight
                    Yep, at last...

                    I'm very impressed with the thought that's gone into the game. New units, new graphics, new terrain, etc. Is there anything left of the original? (I play with the sound off - do you have new sounds?)

                    No, there isn't much left of the original, except for a few terrain and improvement descriptions, and the sounds: as I often play without sounds, I didn't replace the original ones (I might one day, but I rather doubt I will...).

                    As it is, I think I have been ambitious enough, for my first scen ever... And without your help (and the help from others in this forum), I would never have come to this point! (to be honest, I wouldn't even have started... )
                    Ankh-Morpork, we have an orangutan...
                    Discworld Scenario:
                    POMARJ Scenario:
                    LOST LEGIONS Scenario:


                    • Terrain Description: done
                      Ressource description: not started yet
                      Trade list : done

                      And here is the trade list:

                      Rat on a stick,
                      Manufactured Goods,
                      Vermine Fur,
                      Sapient Pearwood,

                      If you have some comments on the list, or want some change in it, please say so!
                      Ankh-Morpork, we have an orangutan...
                      Discworld Scenario:
                      POMARJ Scenario:
                      LOST LEGIONS Scenario:


                      • No comments on the trade list??

                        Ressource description: done

                        Improvements description: done

                        Tech description: 25%

                        Readme: 0%

                        If all goes as expected (and above all if the weather is as bad as forecasted tomorrow, meaning no skiing...), it should be finished for the end of next week!
                        Ankh-Morpork, we have an orangutan...
                        Discworld Scenario:
                        POMARJ Scenario:
                        LOST LEGIONS Scenario:


                        • Originally posted by Cyrion
                          No comments on the trade list??
                          Just a small thought ...

                          ... have you chosen the new trade names in such a way that demand and supply are appropriate for particular cities? For example Ankh Morpork should demand rat on a stick.

                          RJM at Sleeper's
                          Fill me with the old familiar juice


                          • ...making my belated entry into this thread

                            Originally posted by Cyrion
                            No comments on the trade list??
                            How about you replace 'weapons' with 'magical services'. The books describe a brisk trade in these, with magicians, witches, etc, constantly moving around plying their trades.
                            'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
                            - Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon


                            • I received a few interesting comments from Case, and I would like your opinion/comments on them, and on the solution I propose!

                              They were a few compliments too (proving that Case is indeed a man of taste ) which I'll leave apart...

                              3) The independants are too strong. As there are so many cities in
                              this civ, the civ behaves very agressively and tends to wage
                              ceaseless war against the smaller human-playable civs. I'd sugest
                              that you do something to cripple the independants, such as only
                              allowing them to build weak/slow units and have their cities start
                              out less developed then the playable civs.
                              Yes, they are strong! Actually, they have a VERY limited choice of units/improvements to build: they can only build crossbowmen! And I lowered their defence from 4 to 3! Do you think their offense should behave the same way (from 3 to 2)??

                              And I might raise their cost from 40 to 60??

                              4) IMO, civs should start further into the tech-tree then they do at
                              the start of the scenario. It's a little frustrating having to
                              slowly progress through the tech tree to be able to build some
                              important basic improvements and units. At the minimum, all the
                              playable civs should start up being able to build barracks,
                              graneries,temples and fishing harbours(?).
                              Actually, all the (playable) civs can build from the start: Palace, Shrine to the Gods (temple), Marketplace and Library.

                              Making them able to build Barracks, graneries and fishing harbours would be easy.

                              And what is the opinion from you all other playtesters on this??

                              Here are the 3 ways I propose to handle this:
                              1) leave it as it is (in case it's not a problem for the other testers)
                              2) change the improvements prerequisite so that they are buildable from start; this wouldn't shorten the tech tree
                              3) give the prerequisite techs from the start, which would shorten the tech tree a little bit (though not that much, by 2-4 techs at most!)

                              So please, I really need the feedback from all of you on this!

                              5) I'm sure that you've fixed this by now, but for the record,
                              Ankh-Morpork is doomed to starvation!
                              I know, and I haven't fixed it, because this was done on purpose: while playing A-M, you need to take a city quickly, and them use food caravans at intervals to sustain A-M...

                              I wanted to make something original! What do you think about that?? If I keep it that way (which I would like), I could include a popup at the start to remind of the situation and the need to supply A-M...

                              6) As a minor sugestion, have you considered using the forrest
                              terrain from Favoured Flights Lord of the Ring Scenarios? I think
                              that it would be a little more suitable then the default civ
                              forrest. The trees FF's used for the grassland 'shields' would also
                              fit in nicely IMO.
                              Yes, it's right: I was looking for a better looking forest and didn't find it! It's excellent, and will be used! And the same is true for the grassland ressource! Thanks! :-)

                              7) The map looks rather empty. As the books are somewhat vauge on
                              geography, I can't see how this can be helped. However, you could
                              spread more roads and village/minor town units across it. If you
                              give them weak defence stats and and don't place them on the roads,
                              these units should liven up the map while not affecting the scenario
                              in any major way.

                              Yes, I agree: I should have started with a smaller map...

                              What do you all think about the emptiness of the map??

                              About spreading villages/minor town units: not possible, because the 2 village units are really useful as they are: they are the Barbarian Heros "recruiting centers"! So I would have to use another slot, and I haven't got any free one... At first, I intended to use some "treasure" units that could replace huts and encourage exploration! But I sadly haven't got any slot left.

                              I decided to make the scout faster (from 2 to 3) to quicken exploration: maybe with that the "emptiness" problem would prove less critical, what do you think??

                              So I hope you'll all give me your opinion on the few points mentioned above so that I can (at last) finish the scen!
                              Ankh-Morpork, we have an orangutan...
                              Discworld Scenario:
                              POMARJ Scenario:
                              LOST LEGIONS Scenario:


                              • I can't really help with these questions, but here is my 2-bits worth.

                                One of the bad guys (orange I think, but I can't remember and I can't play it on this computer) is very strong and difficult to deal with. Playing as AM, I lost a large slice of my empire when they started attacking and took a long time to get it back. I had similar problems playing as (I think) Ramtops.

                                I never came close to finishing the scenario, but I don't know whether this would be improved if I could build barracks earlier. I'm not sure how dedicated / patient the average scenario player is. I suspect La Fayette finishes a scenario in one hundredth the time I do.

                                With the second playtest version I let AM starve down to a sustainable size despite capturing a few cities. I suspect I never discovered trade, so food caravans were not an option - but I may be misremembering this. It wasn't a big issue as far as I was concerned, but remember that I didn't finish and this may have contributed.

                                I found the emptiness of the map one of the factors that slowed me down. I didn't have enough settlers to fill it up, but it took a long while to move units to position them to attack other cities. I don't think I ever used a scout unit and I never found a recruiting centre - perhaps I didn't explore enough. My play style is to explore until I find a city to conquer and then conquer it, repeating as many times as necessary.

                                I'm not sure how helpful these comments will be, since I am not a frequent scenario player.

                                RJM at Sleeper's
                                Fill me with the old familiar juice

