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Extended Original Succession Game

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  • Any one of Midgard, Sci-fi or Fantasy worlds is fine by me.

    I have never actually completed Midgard (and if we really wanted to make it tough we could attempt for a quest victory)

    There is also the TimeThreat scenario as well, but I have never completed it before and I don't think a lot of people have it.


    • How about a poll?

      How about openning a poll to decide next gameset?

      I believe everybody agrees that either Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Midgard or Time Threat are good options. So, we could start a poll with the
      following options:

      - Extended Game - Conquer - Emperor Level

      - Fantasy Game - Conquer - King Level

      - Sci-Fi - Conquer - King Level

      - Midgard - Conquer - Human - King Level

      - Midgard - Conquer - Infidels - King Level

      - Midgard - Events - Human - King Level

      There are still lots of other different sets to play!

      I remembered
      - Fantasy Game - Siege Engine (same as AC) - King Level
      - Midgard - Conquer - any other Civ - King Level
      - Sci-Fi - Space Portal (I believe this game is bugged, though) - King Level

      I don't know if we should start a poll with only the first options (they are many, already). Maybe we would wait some (3-4) days and other suggestions and then make the poll.

      Then we could follow the poll: most voted first, second most voted next..., or we could re-do the poll after the next Sucession Game.

      What do you think?

      P.S. Since you guys are so supportive I'll give a try and play along.
      Get ready to be challenged


      • A poll is probably a good idea... I thought of making one up, but I wasn't sure which options to provide. Your poll sounds good, though

        I'm right now in the midst of a Emperor/extended/large custom map game that has me sort of engrossed. I'd probably vote to play the same thing, since it's giving me a good challenge, and while it might be a tough go for the Prince/King players, the Deity types would bring our overall skill level up. FYI, conquering this game is going to be really tough... it's 1850 or so and I only just started building the spaceship, and the English and Egyptians and Japanese are right there with me...

        Anyway, I digress. My vote is for extended original... but if something else is decided, I'll jump in, provided of course you provide some hints as to what we're trying to do. I tried to play Midgard, but gave up once I couldn't find my way out of Despotism

        "I'm a guy - I take everything seriously except other people's emotions"

        "Never play cards with any man named 'Doc'. Never eat at any place called 'Mom's'. And never, ever...sleep with anyone whose troubles are worse than your own." - Nelson Algren
        "A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic." - Joseph Stalin (attr.)

