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Age Of War PBEM Game

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  • #61
    i doubt it

    i doubt it caspian everyone is scared of the access to the med that anyone with spain on their side would get so youve actually managed to keep your neutrality. Good on ya

    And an era of peace yeah right with germany and england against france and italy with russia and turkey yet to proclaim their alliegance things will probably keep cools for about 10 turns an then BOOM!! war
    Maps, Maps, MORE MAPS!!!!

    "You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"


    • #62
      Me thinks perhaps that Great Britain has the most to lose if Spain was to ally with its enemies. With disputed access to the med France and Italy would be able to carve up the British Empire in North Africa being that they have their own mediteranean ports.

      Of course, France would be hard pressed enough fighting on two fronts against Britain and Germany without a Hostile Spain across its Southern border


      • #63
        "Spain is in despair that we have not yet received a favourable communique from our noble french neighbours. Surelly they do not plan to shun our hand of friendship?"


        • #64
          "Spain is in despair that we have not yet received a favourable communique from our noble french neighbours. Surelly they do not plan to shun our hand of friendship?"


          • #65
            France scoffs at Germany imply that we are young, we were a power long before Germany was united and we shall be such long after the Prussian Eagle is slain.

            France accepts the Spanish Neutrality with apprehension.


            • #66
              something lost in the translation...

              This Editor wishes to point out that the German Protector, Ioanes, did not imply that France was young and impetus, but that her youth (aka young persons) , impetus as ever, must be curbed. The translation from German to English to Spanish to French must have had some complications in the translation.

              But seeing as France sees herself as an ancient sage, her self laudation must be crushed by words, something of which the Germans are known for, having sentances of some length that it often drives poeple of other linguistic backgrounds insane; however, if France does not wish to listen to reason, the sword must suffice for the pen. :doitnow:

              Protector Ioanes calls to America, for Germany's sons and daughters are now apart of her distict American culture, to refuse France help for her arogant speach. Please stay with Jefferson's advice and stay out of European polotics, as you have done before.

              End Editorial.

              Exile, I noticed that when I take Paris that America 'joins' the war. I haven't bookmarked all that happens, but I would suggest events that could prevent this, or have America join the Germans. Plus you need to have at least a text box for when Germany captures London, you know, since this scenario is largely a 'what if' scenario.

              Visit My Crappy Site!!!!
              -The Artist Within-


              • #67
                Not a bad idea.

                Most of the events have been removed in the mp events file. Instructions on how to implement this file instead of the normal events file are now in the readme file. Simple business of renaming the two files, not complicated at all. In the mp events file, there are no American units arriving in Britain for the simple fact that the alliance systems might not be historical. However, a text blurb remarking on the fall of national capitals is a good idea. I'll go ahead and write some things and put them in.

                Lost in America.
                "a freaking mastermind." --Stefu
                "or a very good liar." --Stefu
                "Jesus" avatars created by Mercator and Laszlo.


                • #68
                  King Caspian of Spain wishes why the French are apprehensive towards our request for neutrality? Do they believe we have some alterior motive? Do they not accept our words of honour? Is there a blemish on Spains history that would lead the french to beleive the Spanish anything other than honourable?


                  • #69

                    I was wondering if the Austrian country is supposed to be as under-developed as it starts out. Is this historical, or is it to keep Germany from being too powerful?

                    Visit My Crappy Site!!!!
                    -The Artist Within-


                    • #70
                      The Answer is . . .

                      A little of both, actually. I wanted the Balkan region to be an underdeveloped area with several competing interests; British, Russian, German, Turkish, and Italian. Also, I underrepresented the railroads in that region, in between France and Germany, and in Russia, to prevent the sort of "rail-line Blitzkreig" that is so common in developed scenarios that start with railroads. The reality is that there certainly were railroads connecting Germany, the Low Countries, and France, but if I'd put them in, it would have generated bad results, essentially making it too easy for the human player/s.

                      Has anyone spotted any flaws/bugs/problems lately? I've corrected what I hope were the last few, and am generally satisfied with the current version, but I'm always anxious to hear feedback from anyone who's played it recently.

                      Lost in America.
                      "a freaking mastermind." --Stefu
                      "or a very good liar." --Stefu
                      "Jesus" avatars created by Mercator and Laszlo.


                      • #71
                        This is a test.

                        But it is also an announcement. I will be sending the final version of Age of War to the European Civ2 site and the Civilization Fanatics site sometime today.

                        All those still interested; go for it.

                        Lost in America.
                        "a freaking mastermind." --Stefu
                        "or a very good liar." --Stefu
                        "Jesus" avatars created by Mercator and Laszlo.


                        • #72
                          I would like to be hmmmm who should i be, this game will be sooo interesting hmmm Russians or the Ottoman Empire..........I choose the Ottoman Empire
                          Who wants to ally with the Muslim Master?


                          • #73
                            I'm in. If anyone can just explain to me the basics of PBEM games, as I am new to this. I'll take the remaining Russians, if they're still available. Looking forward to it!

                            Morten Blaabjerg; email :
                            The Slim End Of The Long Tail -
                            Kaplak Stream


                            • #74
                              I made one little post in civfanatics and suddenly we have the two players we lacked
                              Lets get this game going!
                              What difficulty should we play?
                              No Fighting here, this is the war room!


                              • #75
                                Morten here is a description of Pbems (there are some good ones in the spanish forums if you would like to have a look at ongoing ones), you get the save which is a .net file, then you host a multiplayer (tcp/ip) game and load the file, don't wait for anyone to join and start the game, then you play your civs turn, but you do not hit end turn at the end of your turn (instead you use the "end player turn" in the "orders" menu (or you just hit ctrl-n)), then you save and send the save to the next player, and you also post the save here along whit a sort of proclamation of what you did during your turn (again for examples look in the spanish forum, the collonies III game and the European Crisis game are excelent examples).
                                No Fighting here, this is the war room!

