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Age Of War PBEM Game

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  • 1904, a Nation is Born.

    Belgrade Gazette

    Pan-Slavic Nation Granted Statehood!

    In an earthshatering move today, the Russians and Germans granted statehood to a coalition of Slavic states throughout the Balkans. The respective foreign ministers gave this surprising news at a press conference today in the soon to be Jugoslavian Captial city of Belgrade. Both governments agreed to help in the transition to self-reliace by granting some loans, and also some military divisions to aide in keeping the peace in the streets.

    General elections will be held in the following months and a Republic will take shape. Men and women above the age of 20 will be allowed to cast votes for their local, provincial and national parliaments. Registration for the parliamentary voting is being organized by officials appointed by the Russian and German governments. Voting will not occur for the Prime Minister however, as he has been appointed by the Russo-German delegation to ensure that the country will act in an agreeable fashion. This move is excpected to be highly popular, as the appointee is none other than Andreas Kleshnikov, a Ukrainian born scholar and civil rights activst well known in the Balkans for his work in helping to organize unions amongst the labour force. He is popular with these people and they couldn't be happier with his appointment.

    Due to the geographic location of the newborn nation, it is excpected that it will attempt to seek entry into the Mediterenean League. Jugoslavian politicians have pointed out that the Triste- Split/Montenegro railway is the most logical place to connect the ongoing Mediterenean Railway Project. No one seems to want to comment on the future of Jugo-Spanish relations were the new nation to join the Mediterenean League. Assuming this were to happen, the would probably have to agree to the recent exclusion of Spain from the project.

    Also in doubt is the future of Jugo- Germananic relations. Reports from improvised Police in the north reveal that German units have not passed the demarcation lines as per then official land grant. The report continued to say that the Germans appeared to be erecting ad hoc defenses in the area, seemingly waiting for further orders. Surveyers from the city of Pecs say the area being held by the Germans is vital for the city's future. The soil there is fertile enough that with proper terraforming, the land could provide unforseen benefits.

    Even with this tension in the air, the mood was jovial at the press conference. Toasts to the new nation were abundant, and in a surprise move, the Germans one-uped the Russian delegation, by giving a gift of two modern battleships, currently located in the Mediterenean. This moved surprised Kleshnikov, as he was overcome with appriciation and thanked the Germans in the name of his Slavic peoples. The ships are en route now to ports in the Adriatic for refitting. This can only mean a renewed sense of trust for our German neighbors.

    What will the future hold for this new Jugoslavian nation? Can peace finally come to the Balkans, and real progress be made for the people of this war-torn land? This reporter hopes so, for the sake of the Entirety of Europe.

    Nili Chorbajian
    Belgrade Daily Gazette

    I will give that colony in Africa to England when it is her turn next. I met up with Germany online, she gave me the 2 ships after I was done with my turn, and has taken her turn. She pill post that one to follow, I assume. I pretty much have to rebuild these cities. Not a church in one of 'em. Gonna be awhile untill I get the reigns tightened.

    -Andereas Kleshnikov.
    Last edited by klesh; June 7, 2002, 22:28.


    • CEU Minister Confronts Charges of Allegations

      Last Tuesday morning, after tea, the CEU defense minister responded to Jugoslavian allegations of troop activity just north of Pecs. He is quoted to have said:

      'Its ludacrace. And if I spell as badly as I speak you'd notice it in your typing of this. Anway there is no proof that troops are exercising in Jugo territory, and I for one did not authorize such activity.'

      Later he said:

      'Really, why would we grant two Battleships to them only to camp troops outside their walls? Proposterous. Their just an ungrateful bunch. The only reason they complain is their desire to have the industrialized city of Budapest.'

      This reporter does not want to be shot, he is only the mesanger.

      Berlin Daily Telegraph
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      -The Artist Within-


      • Adreas Kleshnikov Steps Into International Confrontation!

        In only his first few days in office as the appointed Prime Minister of Jugoslavia, and acting without even a Paliament to check his moves, Andreas Kleshnikov presentes reporters with what he said was proof of CEU border violations in and around the city of Pecs. He unveiled a photo showing an entrenched Austrian division along the banks of the Danube. He spoke in his typical harsh tones, and was firm in his stance, as seen in this excerpt from his speech:

        "Jugoslavia is not an ungrateful bunch. We have been granted legitimate sovereign status, and we intent to excercise this. For we have a sovereignty guarentee from Russia with her vast ranks. I am sure the Mediterenean League would strongly frown upon violent confrontation with Jugoslavia on the part of the CEU as well. We have proof of their actions, and we simply want action."

        He went on by saying:

        "As for the comment about Budapest. I, for one, do not see how that was not granted to Jugoslavia in the first place. This Pan-Slavic union is far more suited to the needs of the Hungarians than is the more Northern-minded CEU. We of course do not want to turn our CEU donated security forces agaisnt current CEU troops, but in defense, we will always resist!"

        With statements like that, this reporter wonders how long after the Parliamentary elections the current intrim Prime Minister will last?

        -Nili Chorbajian
        Belgrade Daily Gazette
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        • Rome Times:

          Jugoslavia enters the Mediterenean League!

          In a grand ceremony in the city of Trieste earlier today, in the old Austrian Miramar palace (which is being used since proper representation buildings have not yet been completed in Belgrade), the newly formed state of Jugoslavia where officially accepted into the Mediterenean league by Premier Abdul SunTzu II and Prime Minister Henriko Lohmandero.

          The Italian Prime Minister Henriko officially anounced that Jugoslavia is now a full member of the Mediterenean league, this will undoubtly present great economic opertunities for the young nation, in fact, the Chairman of Mediterenean Railways, Giovanni Lohamander, who is also the Italian Prime Ministers brother, was observed at the scene talking to the newly apointed Jugoslavian minister of the interior and the Jugoslavian minister of Finance.

          Furthermore an official complaint was made by the two other mediterenean nations as to the German keeping of Budapest.

          "The city is clearly in the Jugoslavian sphere of influence and should have been included in the original state formation, the Germans has no right to separete the hungarian people spliting thier nation in half!

          However I am sure a solution can be agreed upon, the Mediterenean league is prepared to financially compensate Germany for the loss of the city."

          Said the Italian Prime Minister during his speech to the press.

          No Fighting here, this is the war room!


          • can't post now, gotta get readyfor my baseball game ths afternoon.
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            • I don't know how to post pictures but I'll give it a whirl. Here is a corrected map made off of Grothgar's map. I'm going to try to get some other types of maps too.

              If this doesn't come out, someone please, please tell me how to do it!
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              Visit My Crappy Site!!!!
              -The Artist Within-


              • By unpopular demand (though I've been bugging myself about it) here is the population map.

                Key is as follows:

                Light Blue - low density (city pop 1-4)
                Light Green - medium low density (city pop 5-8)
                Yellow - medium density (city pop 8-12)
                Orange - high density (city pop 13-24)
                Red - super high density (city pop 25+)

                Blue Circles- City
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                -The Artist Within-


                • Also, I'd like to make an industry map (shields). But to do so I need everyone to e-mail me the industrial capacity of their cities. Specifics aren't necissary, just needs to be marked in one of five catagories, 1-10, 11-20, 21-30, 31-40, 41+. I would really like to do this periodicly, mabey every four years (in game). Since I don't like over posting, and I like maps near each other, I'll be posting the map here once I get the info. Thanks!

                  PS. Gary, its your turn.
                  Visit My Crappy Site!!!!
                  -The Artist Within-


                  • Nice work, JM! Gives a different perspective on the game.

                    I'm thinking, actually it might've been a smart move for the germans to grant the balkans independence, since you've cut loose a lot of less productive cities, and can concentrate your money on turning france into a major industrial engine. Gonna be interesting to see how this game turns out, but I believe germany has the lead in many regards. And allied with the UK and Russia, noone can touch germany without turning its allies against her first. Which is gonna be tough, since neither has the great benefit of a war.
                    The Slim End Of The Long Tail -
                    Kaplak Stream


                    • Hmmm, not so sure I want to give my production levels...
                      Wouldn't it be better to tell what industrial improvements has been built?
                      No Heavy Industry, Factory, Steel Mill/Munitions Plant.

                      That'd only be three levels though...
                      No Fighting here, this is the war room!


                      • Mediterenean railways has come to the conclusion that if we are to connect to spain, spain must grant us railroad monopoly, ie:
                        Portugal, Gibraltar and Brittish/German France may not be connected to the spanish railroad.
                        The spanish railroad cannot be profitable unless we are the sole foreign railway company in Spain.

                        Should Spain feel that these demands are too much, she must destroy the railway connection to the mediterenean railroad.
                        No Fighting here, this is the war room!


                        • Again nothing happened, although Yogoslavia will please move those two battleships because they are blocking quick access to the agean sea
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                          Maps, Maps, MORE MAPS!!!!

                          "You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"


                          • The Spanish government invites Mediterannean Rails officals to inspect the brand new railroad bypass of Barcelona. When opened next month, this bypass will allow foreign trade goods to easily enter the interior of Spain.
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                            'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
                            - Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon


                            • Is it just me or does Italy have more of the orange cities than Brittain does?
                              No Fighting here, this is the war room!


                              • Recent discoveries of purposeful scams in several states at last years election has forced forced prime minister Nicholas II to declare a new election in these trying times of our country, which is to take place this year. Hopefully this election will rid finally the russian republic from the ravages of corruption, inherited from the old regime.

                                Meanwhile, in other news, russian navies joined her allies in the naval exercises near Jutland and Crete, adding the two spankling new battleships MS Companionship and MS Ukraine to the combined fleets of the CEU.
                                Attached Files
                                The Slim End Of The Long Tail -
                                Kaplak Stream

