Shoot, we'll need another Turkey. Well then, here is the game. I'll post the treaty tomorrow, I'm skipping breakfast to give you t his much!
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Age Of War PBEM Game
SunTzu, I really hope that you're planning on repeating your last performance (ie vanish on us without any explination, refuse to answer email's and PMs asking what you're doing, then pop up on CFC and anounce that you don't visit Apolyton anymore)Last edited by Case; April 17, 2002, 19:17.'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
- Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon
I also am in favor of letting Tzu back in. Plus, here is a copy of the new Democratic League.
The Democratic League
In a freed Europe, enlightened by the light of Democracy, it is necissary for all democracies to learn to settle disputes amongest themselves and not to resort to the brutish force of Tyrants. Therefore, the Democratic Alliance, which pits democracy against democracy, shall be reformed in this treaty, so that all may be included and have a forum to settle their disputes.
Article I-Membership
I. All democracies shall be allowed to join.
II. Republics may be voted in by democratic members.
III. No dictatorships shall be admited.
IV. Should a member state fall into anarchy, they shall have no vote in assemblies untill Democracy is restored in their nation.
V.Each member shall have one vote in the assemblies and elections.
Article II-Assemblies
I. An assembly may be called by any voting member to present grievences or proposals.
II. In a grievence case, the initiator of the case shall present his side, and then the defendant shall present his side to the assembly. After which, both sides may give rebuttles. After the case is presented, the remaining voters shall set a voting date and then may discuss the matter untill that date, where they shall vote. After the voting day, the results shall be tallied and a fair settlement agreed upon.
III. In a proposal, the proposalee shall present his proposal, after which any voter may present a counter arguement. A day shall be set to vote and discussions may be presented untill that day. After the voting occurs, the votes shall be counted, and if passed, the proposal shall be implimented.
IV. No grievence or proposal that deals with cession of original holdings, a bank account, or technology shall be passed without a 3/4 vote in favor. All others shall be a simple majority.
V. In the case of a tie, the president of the League shall cast the deciding vote, save if he is the object of a grievence. In which case, an election for a temporary president shall take place.
Article III-Elections
I. The Election for a president shall occur every two years. Sooner should the president nation be no longer qualified to be a member in the League.
II. The nominees shall be presented, and a voting date set. Discussion may be held untill the voting day, whereupon the votes shall be given and tallied.
III. The president shall win by simple majority.
IV. In case of a tie, a new election day shall be set, and discussions may resume.
V. The job of the president is to. A. Cast deciding vote in case of ties, B. Help guide democracies to fair settlments.
With this treaty, all Democracies shall have recourse other than armed conflict. Therefore, let Europe prosper in a new age of enlightenment!
Abdul Sun Tzu II takes power in the Empire of Turkey, although the dictator Soundwave was in power for sometime, it seems that he did not damage the government plans set by Abdul Sun Tzu I.Attached Files
Heres my turn, nothing happenedAttached FilesMaps, Maps, MORE MAPS!!!!
"You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"
Spain has sucessfully invaded Britain. The proud Spanish flag now flys from the top of Big Ben (soon to be renamed "Large Leon")Attached Files'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
- Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon
What??? Your not serious are you? Large Leon is way too tacky, How about Humoungus Hal? Gigantic George? Immense Iphegenia? Fat Phil? But Large Leon? Give me a break.
CEU Nations in Shock at Spanish Betrayl
You get the idea.
Originally posted by JMarks
What??? Your not serious are you? Large Leon is way too tacky, How about Humoungus Hal? Gigantic George? Immense Iphegenia? Fat Phil? But Large Leon? Give me a break.
CEU Nations in Shock at Spanish Betrayl
You get the idea.It was a joke
I needed a Spanish sounding name in a hurry, and Leon was the first one that sprung to mind (though on reflection, I don't think that Leon is a Spanish name)
In reality, nothing happened during my turn'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
- Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon
Peace and prosperity on all fronts.Attached FilesThe Slim End Of The Long Tail -
Kaplak Stream
Not much happening in italy this year.Attached FilesNo Fighting here, this is the war room!
Nothing new on the homefront (though Gary, I do need to talk to you about something). However...
Germany Expands overseas Empire!
German colonists have decided to take the tropical life and have set up new colonies, as of July 1903, in places like Indonesia (even though its probably already taken) and Alberta. The moola should be pouring in from these exotic places, so join a colonist outing today! Only 500 gold coins (plus tax) or the volunteering of a sea going vessel required! Act now!Attached Files