Thanks MacGalleo, much appreciated. Whats the purpose of giving bronze working?
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Peace in our times
Originally posted by McMonkey
Thanks MacGalleo, much appreciated.
Whats the purpose of giving bronze working?
Well it worked perfectly, thanks
I have placed most of the wonders now. I decided to place many of the important wonders in neutral countries to add to the diplomatic element of the game:
Swedish Iron Ore in Bergen (Adam Smiths)
This should make an occupation of Norway by either Britain or Germany a worthwhile option.
Skoda Works in Pilsen (Hoover Dam)
Britain and France would be wise to prevent Germany from taking over Czechoslovakia and her armaments industry.
Anschluss in Vienna (Great Wall)
With the Great wall Germany's effectiveness against the Neutral (Barbarian) nations will be doubled.
Blitzkreig Experience in Warsaw (Sun Tzu's)
In a scenario with no barracks this will give Germany a real edge!
Straits of Gibraltar (Lighthouse)
Can Spain be persuaded to join the war on the Axis side and seize Gibraltar, therefore denting Britain's naval supremacy?
Mediterranean Fleet in Valetta (Magellans)
Will the Axis take this strategically important island and gain the upper hand in the sea war?
Wall Street in New York (Colossus)
Trade with the US will be the most profitable payoff destination.
Ploesti Oilfields in Bucharest (King Richards)
No room on the map for Ploesti but the oilfields will still be represented.
Ukranian Grain in Kiev (Pyramids)
I may omit granaries to make this wonder really valuable.
Each nations capital has a happiness wonder and less useful wonders (in a multiplayer game) such as the Eiffel Tower and Statue of Liberty will merely act as prestige objectives.
It seems inevitable that in a WWII era scenario Germany would be the protagonist. By starting the game in 1936 the other nations have the opportunity to start the war if Germany breaks the treaty of Versailles by Anschluss with Austria or if it takes over Czechoslovakia or if they are really cautious when it invades Poland. If they allow these things to happen then Germany will become very strong militarily and will be able to fight its war. Will the west have more backbone than it did historically and stand up to German militarism before it is too late?
Germany can decide to act with no pretext whereas France and Britain will only be able to declare war when Germany violates the neutrality of a country or disregards the terms of the treaty of Versaille. A full set of diplomatic rules are being set out to add a realistic framework to the play. It is not my intention to stifle the players but I don't want a game where everyone gobbles up the neutrals with no consequences and builds their forces up for a showdown in the latter stages of the game!
Quick question. Does the SDI improvement boost a cities AA capabilities or just deflect nukes as stated in the Civlopedia?
I seem to remember seeing somewhere that it is doubled defence vs air but I may just have been dreaming!
Originally posted by McMonkey
Swedish Iron Ore in Bergen (Adam Smiths)
This should make an occupation of Norway by either Britain or Germany a worthwhile option.
Skoda Works in Pilsen (Hoover Dam)
Britain and France would be wise to prevent Germany from taking over Czechoslovakia and her armaments industry.
Anschluss in Vienna (Great Wall)
With the Great wall Germany's effectiveness against the Neutral (Barbarian) nations will be doubled.
Blitzkreig Experience in Warsaw (Sun Tzu's)
In a scenario with no barracks this will give Germany a real edge!
Straits of Gibraltar (Lighthouse)
Can Spain be persuaded to join the war on the Axis side and seize Gibraltar, therefore denting Britain's naval supremacy?
Ukranian Grain in Kiev (Pyramids)
I may omit granaries to make this wonder really valuable.
Each nations capital has a happiness wonder and less useful wonders (in a multiplayer game) such as the Eiffel Tower and Statue of Liberty will merely act as prestige objectives.
It seems inevitable that in a WWII era scenario Germany would be the protagonist. By starting the game in 1936 the other nations have the opportunity to start the war if Germany breaks the treaty of Versailles by Anschluss with Austria or if it takes over Czechoslovakia or if they are really cautious when it invades Poland. If they allow these things to happen then Germany will become very strong militarily and will be able to fight its war. Will the west have more backbone than it did historically and stand up to German militarism before it is too late?
Germany can decide to act with no pretext whereas France and Britain will only be able to declare war when Germany violates the neutrality of a country or disregards the terms of the treaty of Versaille. A full set of diplomatic rules are being set out to add a realistic framework to the play. It is not my intention to stifle the players but I don't want a game where everyone gobbles up the neutrals with no consequences and builds their forces up for a showdown in the latter stages of the game!
The Skoda works will give Germany a BIG industrial bonus. As well as the Industrial output (CKD/Praga/Tatra/Skoda/Avia) the Germans took over vast quantities of quality Czech armaments including modern artillery, small-arms, trucks and enough tanks to partially fit out the 6th, 7th and 8th Panzer Divisions for the invasion of France!
I think Britain and France should have gone to war in 1938. Germany would have had to commit the majority of her forces to overcome the well dug in and well equipped Czechoslovakian army, leaving her borders with France and Poland very thinly manned.
In this scenario the French and British should have several opportunities to declare war if Germany starts to expand (Austria/Czechoslovakia/Poland or any other neutral nation). Will they be ready in time?
I did toy with putting Poland and Czechoslovakia under player control but decided this would just get too messy. Pity there is not space for another nation Instead these Neutral (barbarian) nations will be heavily fortified with bunkers to slow the Germans down while the western nations launch an attack if they see fit to do so.
The human controlled nations are: Germany, USSR (including Republican Spain), Britain, USA, France, Italy and the Dictatorships (Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Finland and Nationalist Spain).
Re: The Lighthouse
This wonder adds one to ship movement AFAIK.
Anyone know about the SDI bonus vs air?
Excellent. So if Britain lose Gibraltar their Navy becomes slower and new ships less experienced. This will be important in a scenario with only a very small number of Port Facilities.
I must have imagined the SDI bonus vs aircraft. I know the Civlopedia does not detail all of the effects, for example it does not say that the Great Wall gives walls in each city!
I have rearranged the units and I am now about to start placing them. Does anyone know of a good online source of info about military strengths in 1936. At the moment I am basing my calculations on slightly scaled 1939 figures.
Originally posted by McMonkey
I must have imagined the SDI bonus vs aircraft.
I was looking for the following information in the Great Library
Partisans (or any unit in the partisan slot of units.gif) gain an attack advantage against non-combat units (any with attack value = 0). Their attack value is increased eightfold (8x).
when I came across the following
SDI defenses thwart any nuclear attack (except those set by spies) within 3 squares of the city in which it is built. It also doubles a city defender's defense strength against non-nuclear missile attacks. When combined with a SAM Battery (3.5), the defender's defense strength is quadrupled against missile attacks.
SAM batteries double the defense value of city defenders against attacks by air units. This bonus applies to any unit defending a city except a scrambling fighter, which receives a separate defense bonus. When combined with an SDI defense (3.10), the defender's defense strength is quadrupled against missile attacks.Excerpts from the Manual of the Civilization Fanatic :
Money can buy happiness, just raise the luxury rate to 50%.
Money is not the root of all evil, it is the root of great empires.
Thanks for clearing that up Agri. That thread is very interesting. I will be printing it out to add to my notes
I have just finished placing all the units and I have noticed something strange. I was testing that all barbarian bunkers were homed to a city by capturing them with Soviet Infantry. When I captured Warsaw a text event from WWII Europa popped up. I checked the scenario folder to confirm that there was no event file there.
I guess some of the events must be stored in the game memory until overwritten by a new event file!?
The file I am using is a save game but was probably once the WWII Europa scenario. Has anyone come across this before?
Originally posted by McMonkey
I guess some of the events must be stored in the game memory until overwritten by a new event file!?Ankh-Morpork, we have an orangutan...
Discworld Scenario:
POMARJ Scenario:
I have been working on the unit stats and testing the results. I am quite happy with the way they work but I was hoping for a second opinion. Jerec, you up for a little bit of testing? I thought you might be interested as, hopefully, you will be joining in the multiplayer game