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The Bloody Monk HOF Celebration Succession Game!!!

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  • Sorry guys. Frustration over inability to play and a heavy RL workload have conspired to keep me away. The opening post is updated.

    Lovely transitional turnset, solo. Ever my instructor and hero!!!
    Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008, 2010 & 2011
    RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms


    • Originally posted by Bloody Monk
      Andemange can play "after Monday" so if anyone else wants to step in now to finish by then...

      yes, I'm busy on sunday 16th and monday 17th, so theres 2 good days for someone to play before me.

      and I read the post #5 on page 1.

      feel a little exited, haven't led a republic for a while.....
      My Words Are Backed With Bad Attitude And VETERAN KNIGHTS!


      • What a difference! I am always awed by what a few turns of celebrating can do, but when all I can do is compare the "before" and "after" saves, it's even more impressive. Forevermore, Master solo will be honoured as the hero of the Great Spanish Revolution.

        We are about to research Democracy. Are we in a position to switch in the next oedo year? All cities supporting ships would get two unhappy faces and some of them (Seville, Barcelona and Bilbao) have only a +1 happiness surplus. More may be affected when we cut luxuries to 20 %. Even with the increased trade income from elimiating corruption, some cities could lose their happiness balance. Should we (a) try to cope by reassiging citizens, (b) rush temples in the cities affected or (c) delay the move towards Democracy?

        Good luck Andemagne!


        P.S.: You are correct, Bloody Monk, I did only play nine turns. My mistake was to count both the starting turn and the turn when I saved the game again.


        • I would wait until all ships upgrade before switching to Democracy, since 80% science is probably the best you could manage in Democracy with unhappy triremes.


          • I think we cannot go beyond 80 % in a Republic either because of the rate cap, but we do not get the trade lost to corruption (already 7 arrows in Valencia, subject to multipliers).

            However, I'm afraid that keeping order in a Democracy with just 20 % luxuries will require either temples or reassigning citizens. Both will slow down caravan production, so I would also say that it's best to wait. It shouldn't take that long because triremes upgrade to galleons, don't they?


            • ok, I'll take the helm now.

              and I think that we'll leave "these demoNcrafic reforms" to future generations.
              My Words Are Backed With Bad Attitude And VETERAN KNIGHTS!


              • ok, I played my turns. and heres the save.
                Attached Files
                My Words Are Backed With Bad Attitude And VETERAN KNIGHTS!


                • and heres what happened.

                  480AD Madras(indian) builds King Richards Crusade
                  Democracy, Navigation next
                  Leonando's Workshop

                  500AD Indian sneak attack, city of belfast lost
                  diplomat bribes attacking Indian Crusader and another Indian unit slaughtered

                  520AD Navigation, Physics next

                  540AD barbarians land near Valladolid
                  peace with India

                  560AD barbarians capture Valladolid
                  physics, next atomic theory
                  caravans to Greece

                  580AD Atomic theory, magnetism next
                  Spanish buy Valladolid from the barbarians
                  City of Leon founded

                  600AD Valencia builds courthaus, the SSC now produces 420 beagers per turn

                  620AD magnetism, steam engine next

                  640AD steam engine, gunpowder next
                  Japs build Sun Tzu's
                  cities of Burgos and Andela founded

                  660AD Madrid sends Magellan to a Voyage around the World
                  My Words Are Backed With Bad Attitude And VETERAN KNIGHTS!


                  • I feel that I played horribly. I should have dealt with those barbarians more swiftly, I let Indians destroy that town, caravans generated money but I didn't know what to do with (should have rushed more caravans), should have sent more food caravans to SSC, instead of irritation near SSC I build new cities, bilbao still lags harbor, .....

                    I haven't played for ages, and it shows. haven't played a republic for even a longer period of time and it shows. feel like you others had a strategy and I didn't have a clue about it. I think I'm a little too stressed out to play.

                    but luckyly its Xmas time, time to relax and take it easy.
                    I'm off to help Santa, merry xmas to one and all.
                    My Words Are Backed With Bad Attitude And VETERAN KNIGHTS!


                    • Great, we are moving again!

                      That was an exciting turnset. Now our very own version of Spanish history has its own "date that will live in infamy" and schoolchildren down the centuries will learn from the 560 AD barbarian occupation of Valladolid that money can solve almost any problem. There is little one can do about a sneak attack and at least you didn't sink a ship. If I ever get appointed chief minister again, I am certain that the command of the Spanish navy will be excluded from my commission.

                      I didn't look at the file yet (I need the CD to start MGE), but if our ships have been upgraded to galleons we could be ready to become a Democracy during the next turnset.



                      • we lost one ship when barbs took Valladolid. and yes, Galleons are sailing.
                        My Words Are Backed With Bad Attitude And VETERAN KNIGHTS!


                        • Originally posted by Bloody Monk
                          Trying to update our company of players...

                          ORDER OF PLAY
                          Player Name / Turns, Years
                          1) Bloody Monk / 20 turns, 4000 - 3050 BC
                          2) rjmat sleepers / 20 turns, 3050 - 2100 BC
                          3) DaveV / 20 turns, 2100 - 1150 BC
                          4) SlowThinker / 6 turns, 1150 - 900 BC
                          5) defrancoj / 10 turns, 875 - 650 BC
                          6) Sharkbait / 10 turns, 625 - 400 BC
                          7)rjmat sleepers / 10 turns 400 -150 bc
                          8)Verrucosus / 9? turns 150b - 60a
                          9)defrancoj / 10 turns 60 - 260a
                          10) solo / 10 turns 260 - 460a
                          11) next (Andemange)???

                          Waiting (Signed on) to Play
                          2)Elephant (hoping all is well )
                          3)J-rabbit (searching for a platform)
                          Lurkers, Possibles
                          4)StuporMan, Grigor, JCP, atomant, ???

                          Andemange can play "after Monday" so if anyone else wants to step in now to finish by then...

                          Still lurking... just back from exercise in queensland. Spent a couple of weeks observing my boys (and some girls) kick down 'hotel' doors and demolishing the Musorian hordes... Ah, what the hell.....Home for christmas, book me in for a slot or two...
                          "the bigger the smile, the sharper the knife"
                          "Every now and again, declare peace. it confuses the hell out of your enemies."


                          • Good turns, Andemagne. We are all of us prone to rust. Best anytime advice has always been, "Build more camels!!" We march along...

                            Sir Ant, please have a go. The rules/goals, such as they are, can be found on page 1, I think, post 5. If you want to play 10 turns, post your intentions and have a roaring good time.

                            I leave it to others to discuss strategy and general RCC.

                            To all my rowdy friends, Merry Christmas!! Good Cheer all around.

                            so long and thanks for all the fish


                            • ATOMANT!!!
                              Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008, 2010 & 2011
                              RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms


                              • OK, I'll call the ball. will download tonight and probably post on boxing day....
                                "the bigger the smile, the sharper the knife"
                                "Every now and again, declare peace. it confuses the hell out of your enemies."

