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The Bloody Monk HOF Celebration Succession Game!!!

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  • An advantage of getting Feudalism could be an earlier move towards Theology and Bach's Cathedral. With those, we will have an easier time celebrating and won't need as much luxuries to keep order when we are done. Bach's Cathedral will also cancel out our boat's unrest penalties when we adopt Democracy later on.

    I could play next, but I played the set before defrancoj and there are lots of people from the early days who did not have a second turn yet. Is there the chance of you playing again soon, Bloody Monk?


    • I'm not on the list, but am back home for a few days and could play a turnset if there are not any objections.


      • Excellent!! You are welcome any time, solo. The list is just an indication of interest, but this is a free-for-all format. Couldn't think of anyone more suited to whipping this game into shape.

        Have fun!!
        so long and thanks for all the fish


        • Thanks, will do.


          • Originally posted by solo
            I'm not on the list, but am back home for a few days and could play a turnset if there are not any objections.
            Objections? You can't be serious!


            • Lurkers rejoice at solo sighting!


              • I have played 10 turns, from 260 to 460 A.D.

                Thanks to the previous players I was all set to take advantage of all the caravans which had been made and were poised for delivery, and I was also presented with many good roads in place connecting most of our cities.

                My job, as I saw it, was to shift to Republic and start we love growth, work more on the SSC tiles, while adding a few more useful wonders. A summary follows:

                260 Make peace with the Indians and happy them up with tech in the hope they will not attack our colony. If they do, it’s no great loss.

                280 Hides to Bombay, 216 gold; revolt

                300 Government to Republic, prepare for we love by joining a few settlers to some of the size two cities, since a few of our cities are supporting two settlers and will not grow much without some more food. Move several settlers towards the SSC to start work on its tiles.

                320 Feudalism, not so bad for rushbuying since subsequent trades will supply more than enough cash to do this. Feudalism to Japanese and Vikings, Medicine to the Celts. An aqueduct built in the SSC. Two hides deliveries to Bomaby for 848 gold. We love commences in most cities.

                340 Theory of Gravity, 12 new caravans built and on the trail to riches. 1,000,000 citizens. Three caravans delivered for over 1100 gold.

                360 Chemistry, 7 more caravans built. 2,000,000 citizens. Two caravans delieverd for over 800 gold.

                380 Theology, harbor for Monky Town to help its growth. 6 new caravans. Two deliveries for over 1000 gold. Chemistry to Vikings and share maps.

                400 Economics, harbors to help out Sargasso and Seville. A sewer system in place for the SSC. 4 new caravans. Over 1000 gold again from deliveries.

                420 Chivalry, not by choice, but I wanted more gold from caravan deliveries before cutting profits by learning Invention or Navigation, which the AI are researching. Turns out they were not any help. Sir Isaac’s built in the SSC. 9 new caravans. Two deliveries for almost 1000 gold. Chivalry to the Japanese, trade maps. Bribe Indian horseman pestering our colony who joins a catapult bribed a few turns earlier. Now that Belfast is producing caravans for trade with home cities, it must be protected from the Indians.

                440 Invention, which slows down trade by cutting payoffs, but it’s time to start the move towards Corporation and freights. JSB’s Cathedral built so that luxuries can be cut back. Only the SSC remains in we love, as most other cities have grown the best they can. 6 new caravans. 4,000,000 citizens now. One delivery for 342 gold.

                460 Leonardo’s will be built by next turn. The SSC will get a marketplace, so we love can continue with only 20% luxuries instead of the 30% in place now. Next player should note that among the caravans on the home continent are two from our colony meant for trade with home cities. The silk from Belfast is headed to Madrid and its silver is headed for the SSC. Progress through techs is apt to be a bit slower during the next turnset, as deliveries to demanding cities have become a bit more difficult, but several loads of caravans are now headed towards AI cities wanting the goods. Several caravans may become freights by the time they are delivered and the fleet will upgrade fairly soon, too, thanks to Leonardo’s. SSC is still only mid-sized, as the hope to get it upto 2 turns per tech di not quite materialize.

                That’s it, a very enjoyable turnset, although all that IIRB making caravans was time consuming!
                Attached Files


                • maybe I could play too? next week after monday.....
                  My Words Are Backed With Bad Attitude And VETERAN KNIGHTS!


                  • Lurkers would love some screenshots...we would be players if we could open the saves...


                    • Well done, solo!! Your fledgling Republics are always a thing of beauty to me, so spare and focused!! Thanks for moving us into the new age.

                      My fingers are screaming at my attempts to type, but I must remark on the the big jump we have taken in beakers/turn, now 461 (soon to be around 200 higher when the tile work is finished and the city is size 20*). The efforts of our Spanish Academy of Science are admirable.

                      * by that point Strabo's folly will need a harbor or more tile work itself.

                      Once we get Magnetism, we will show even better numbers as a Democracy, of course.

                      Welcome and glad to see you again. If nobody picks up the game this weekend, it would be nice to have you play a turnset, or play after. Please check the post5 on page one for the general rules and goals.

                      I wish I could oblige you my friend. Will someone post some screenshots, please.

                      If anyone would like to get in a turnset this weekend, please jump in soonest. Otherwise, Andemagne will play early next week.

                      so long and thanks for all the fish


                      • Our SSC.

                        Attached Files
                        Fill me with the old familiar juice


                        • Part of our empire.
                          Please post request if there is something you would particularly like to see.

                          Attached Files
                          Fill me with the old familiar juice


                          • Even Homer nods

                            I have deleted a nonsensical post.

                            Last edited by rjmatsleepers; December 14, 2007, 05:35.
                            Fill me with the old familiar juice


                            • Might have been fun to leave it, RJM!

                              I should amend my previous post to note that if all techs are gifted to our key civ, the Indians, we are apt to have just enough city science for an advance every two turns when the science slider is set to 80% next turn.

                              Happy Holidays to all participants!

                              I am really happy to have been able to play a turnset in this game honoring our good buddy BM who has my admiration for almost singlehandedly keeping this forum alive and kicking. My wish is that BM continues to remain in good enough health to see this game to completion, and for any future games with all of our friends that still visit here.

                              I am off again in a few days to join other family members to visit my sister who is suffering from cancer.


                              • Trying to update our company of players...

                                ORDER OF PLAY
                                Player Name / Turns, Years
                                1) Bloody Monk / 20 turns, 4000 - 3050 BC
                                2) rjmat sleepers / 20 turns, 3050 - 2100 BC
                                3) DaveV / 20 turns, 2100 - 1150 BC
                                4) SlowThinker / 6 turns, 1150 - 900 BC
                                5) defrancoj / 10 turns, 875 - 650 BC
                                6) Sharkbait / 10 turns, 625 - 400 BC
                                7)rjmat sleepers / 10 turns 400 -150 bc
                                8)Verrucosus / 9? turns 150b - 60a
                                9)defrancoj / 10 turns 60 - 260a
                                10) solo / 10 turns 260 - 460a
                                11) next (Andemange)???

                                Waiting (Signed on) to Play
                                2)Elephant (hoping all is well )
                                3)J-rabbit (searching for a platform)
                                Lurkers, Possibles
                                4)StuporMan, Grigor, JCP, atomant, ???

                                Andemange can play "after Monday" so if anyone else wants to step in now to finish by then...

                                so long and thanks for all the fish

