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Aeterna Civitas

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  • Leo's is very iffy . . . .

    If, for example, you have a unit obsoleting tech that is preventing a specific civ's units being produced by other civs . . . and all the other civs have it . . . .

    Leo's will instantly give the player the obsoleting techs . . . which will prevent the player civ's units being produced by the player. Big problem.
    Lost in America.
    "a freaking mastermind." --Stefu
    "or a very good liar." --Stefu
    "Jesus" avatars created by Mercator and Laszlo.


    • OK, I'll forget about Leonardo's workshop. The only downside is that the older units will still show up in the production menu after the Marian Legions become available. I guess it would have taken some time to reform the entire army anyway. The Legion unit has better stats than the Principe and Trirarii and the Auxiliary is a cheaper garrison type unit with good stats so the player will probably be better off producing these new units.

      In the ToT version I won't have to use the once removed technique so the early Legion can be made obsolete. Regarding the ToT version: My plan is to finish the Multiplayer version first then use CivCity to give the non-Roman civs a majority of the barbarian cities for the Roman single player version. After that I can start work on a Test of Time version with more units, events etc and everyone will be happy

      Thanks for the ideas about governments guys. I think that covers everything.

      I decided to cut vanilla Republic government from the game so I have replaced the Republic tech slot with Guerrilla Warfare tech (renamed).

      I was making good progress on this scenario at the end of last year but a combination of Christmas/Rome Total Realism/Lack of energy had stalled me.

      Playing RTR was a blast and gave me lots of new ideas, now my creative batteries are recharged and I am ready for the final push. As far as I know the multiplayer game is playable now and I am just trying to get everything 100% before I release it.


      • Originally posted by McMonkey
        I decided to cut vanilla Republic government from the game so I have replaced the Republic tech slot with Guerrilla Warfare tech (renamed).
        But Rome was a republic for a good portion of the game time, so...

        Besides, I like playing Rome as a Republic - I like to think (hey! I'm making the Roman Republic last longer than it historically did!)
        The Ghost of the Disco is ... your mastermind, your mastermind!
        2013: A Union Divided|John III Sobieski|Red Storm


        • @Ghost

          I could call Despotism: Early Republic, Monarchy: Later Republic and Communism: Empire!?

          Might work with better names. I definitely don't want to use vanilla Democracy or Republic in the game as they unbalance things too much when players just make their citizens celebrate to grow their cities rapidly.

          You can still get the trade bonus effects of Republic when using a Monarchy by making your citizens celebrate 'We love the King' day!


          What dictates which units the barbarians can build (IE in cities, not random appearance)? Does it depend on the barbarian slots related to the tech tree?

          Also, is it possible to alter the commands in the order menu? I would like to change the word Paradrop to: Deploy Fort.


          • Originally posted by McMonkey

            I could call Despotism: Early Republic, Monarchy: Later Republic and Communism: Empire!?
            That sounds good. Actually, I think Imperium Romanum did just that (at least in the Roman SP game.)
            The Ghost of the Disco is ... your mastermind, your mastermind!
            2013: A Union Divided|John III Sobieski|Red Storm


            • Originally posted by McMonkey
              What dictates which units the barbarians can build (IE in cities, not random appearance)? Does it depend on the barbarian slots related to the tech tree?

              Also, is it possible to alter the commands in the order menu? I would like to change the word Paradrop to: Deploy Fort.
              Barb cities will produce only what they are originally set to in the beginning of the game. To make a unit available to build for the barbs, just in case, you make the unit's prereq on nil and make it obsolete on the tech all the civs have. At least, that's what I do!

              No. But you can change the unit's ability descriptions in the GAME.txt.
              Last edited by Jerec; January 21, 2008, 17:45.


              • Originally posted by McMonkey
                Was it the original Aeterna Civitas you downloaded from the Scenario League?

                Which version of Civ II are you running, FW or MGE?

                Do you have the patches installed?

                I reinstalled my Civ2UCC v1.3 patch and the scen started to work properly.

                exept that I get some ingame message like 4 times. "warriors discover standing army" x 4.
                My Words Are Backed With Bad Attitude And VETERAN KNIGHTS!


                • @Ghost of Disco
                  I should really look at some of the old classics again to poach ideas. No point trying to reinvent the wheel!

                  Thanks for the tip. Will add it to my list!

                  Glad you got it working. I hope the new single player version will be a vast improvement over the original Aeterna Civitas which I kind of rushed out to start playing as a PBEM. I have learnt my lesson and will not release this version until I am happy it is ready!

                  Not sure why that message keeps poping up. Something else to check!
                  SCENARIO LEAGUE FORUM
                  SL INFORMATION THREAD


                  • Finished off the new tech tree today and made a printout (attached) if anyone is interested. I will release the multiplayer version very soon now. After that I will make some changes and release the test version of the single player game so I can get feedback
                    Attached Files
                    SCENARIO LEAGUE FORUM
                    SCENARIO LEAGUE WIKI SITE
                    SL INFORMATION THREAD


                    • Full size tree!


                      • Originally posted by McMonkey
                        Glad you got it working. I hope the new single player version will be a vast improvement over the original Aeterna Civitas which I kind of rushed out to start playing as a PBEM. I have learnt my lesson and will not release this version until I am happy it is ready!

                        Not sure why that message keeps poping up. Something else to check!

                        wrong thread.

                        I downloaded Medium Aevum, not Aeterna Civitas. at first I was in the right tread but when I tried to post server went busy. when I tried again, the thread names were too similar, something latin. but the best thing is, the problem went away.
                        My Words Are Backed With Bad Attitude And VETERAN KNIGHTS!


                        • @Andemagne


                          The tree is basically the vanilla one with certain techs cut (Gunpowder/Railroad/Democracy etc...) and a few slots swapped around.

                          I find making the tree very hard as it is difficult to gauge how quickly the player will progress through it. The one I made for the original game started with placing the tech names and then units and improvements afterwards. This time I worked out where I wanted the units and improvements to appear and named the techs to suit. I tried to make somewhat separate branches (IE Army, Navy, Religion, Science etc...) but things will always get a little bit mixed up with the second prerequisite!

                          Each time I make a tech tree I learn some new tricks and things get a bit easier but it is still my least favorite part of scenario creation!
                          SCENARIO LEAGUE FORUM
                          SCENARIO LEAGUE WIKI SITE
                          SL INFORMATION THREAD
                          CIV WEBRING MULTIPLAYER FORUM


                          • Final shields

                            Could someone artistically inclined help me out with the last few units shields I am missing.

                            I need:
                            Dacian shield: Bear
                            Thracian shield: Lion
                            Slaves shield: Chains
                            Engineers shield: Some kind of engineering/surveying tool
                            Armenian shield: Rams read
                            Siege equipment shield: City wall/castle
                            Imitation Legion: Gladius

                            I will attempt some myself but I am sure there are people who could do a better job!

                            Example of current shields:
                            Attached Files
                            SCENARIO LEAGUE FORUM
                            SCENARIO LEAGUE WIKI SITE
                            SL INFORMATION THREAD
                            CIV WEBRING MULTIPLAYER FORUM


                            • Anyone?
                              SCENARIO LEAGUE FORUM
                              SCENARIO LEAGUE WIKI SITE
                              SL INFORMATION THREAD
                              CIV WEBRING MULTIPLAYER FORUM


                              • I might be able to tackle these over the weekend - Can you wait till Sat/Sun?


