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  • #46
    Originally posted by AGRICOLA
    The last time I used delevent.exe was a couple of years ago with Red Front. Could you please be nice to us players and include a copy and a few words about what we are supposed to do with it.

    Oh yes, the play test. The scen seems to be running pretty well except for the glitch you know about.

    Presently Oct 1941. Progress? Took Moscow in Aug 1941. RAF has been shot down and Brit fleet sunk around Home Islands. Britain is next, probably in Nov 1941. That's about the time that 50 full strength, vet, German units will cut loose from Moscow on the next offensive phase in Russia.

    Them there pretty little Panthers sure are h*ll on wheels.

    EDIT: Cross post
    Wow - You got to Moscow by August?

    Even when I went all out (but preserved units where I could) I only drove into the Red Square by October!

    Someone get this man a schnapps and a Knight's Cross!

    I am eager to see how you get on with Stalingrad...

    AGRICOLA, how do you deal with the bomber and battleship attacks?


    • #47
      Now, onto delevent!

      All you do is copy the little delevent.EXE file into the Dictator folder....

      To renew the events, all you do is save your current game...

      Then enter the Dictator folder and drag the SAV file
      onto delevent.EXE...A DOS window will flash.

      Reload your game and play a turn, the new events
      now will assert themselves...With any new changes...

      You might see previous events happening again,
      like invasions or rewarded units being given again.

      Of course, when I got that 2nd SS Pz Division due to delevents, I disbanded it right away...Hmm-mmm!

      Now I am off to make some new event tweaks,
      and fine tune the British unit rewards...


      • #48
        Here's what I used to do without ever using delevent in Red Front:
        1. Finish my turn, but the last move.
        2. Save game
        3. Replace events, units and terrain for the versions I need (for the new part of the scenario)
        4. Load game and go to cheat mode
        5. Save the scenario
        6. Begin that scenario
        7. Repeat every 3 months

        Hope that can help


        • #49
          Agricola :
          you're right, it was in 1941...

          Curt :
          In your unit2.bmp file, US infantry and partisan seem to be inverted.


          • #50
            @ MacGalleo
            Yes, I also got tired of U.S. Infantry wandering around in Finland and switched the icons.


            Thanks for the directions about delevent..

            From what I can tell, there are no changes in Rules from the version that I have. Correct?

            Re scen:
            I've been running Barbarossa strictly by Guderian's immortal words that "Klotzen, nicht Kleckern !" (Rough translation: "Slug 'em, don't just slap 'em.".

            The main axis of advance into Russia has been Kovno - Vitebsk - Rzhev - Moscow. There has been no offensive action either north or south of Kovno and all offensive units from the south were moved north to take part in the main, and only, attack. That's a force of about 65 units, almost all of them vets by now.

            RAF Fighter Command happily committed suicide by attacking a fighter trap set up as a joint operation by the Kriegsmarine and Luftwaffe. A few Brit bombers were shot down by city defenders but most made successful attacks before they were subsequently shot down by fighters based in other cities. Bombers have been more of a problem in the Med than in northern Europe, particularly in the southern Balkans.

            I'm afraid that the only way to handle big ships has been to grin and bear it until they get a bloody nose from coastal defences and then hit them with a fresh, vet, German BB or CA. Meanwhile, German ships have either stayed safely in port or only ventured out with a bomber flying overhead.

            I'm breathing a bit easier now because I've been churning out a tech per turn and got the Panther tech in Sept. Right now RB vet Panthers are being fortified in front line cities and Barracks are being RB. Their D=9 makes them very good defenders against most attackers. Also, I have been impatiently waiting for Panthers before reviving Sea Lion.
            Excerpts from the Manual of the Civilization Fanatic :

            Money can buy happiness, just raise the luxury rate to 50%.
            Money is not the root of all evil, it is the root of great empires.


            • #51
              Originally posted by MacGalleo
              Agricola :
              you're right, it was in 1941...

              Curt :
              In your unit2.bmp file, US infantry and partisan seem to be inverted.

              Unit2 is still to be updated - The GI unit was moved when the
              American civ was changed from fundie to commie government.



              • #52
                Originally posted by AGRICOLA
                @ MacGalleo
                Yes, I also got tired of U.S. Infantry wandering around in Finland and switched the icons.


                Thanks for the directions about delevent..

                From what I can tell, there are no changes in Rules from the version that I have. Correct?

                Re scen:
                I've been running Barbarossa strictly by Guderian's immortal words that "Klotzen, nicht Kleckern !" (Rough translation: "Slug 'em, don't just slap 'em.".

                The main axis of advance into Russia has been Kovno - Vitebsk - Rzhev - Moscow. There has been no offensive action either north or south of Kovno and all offensive units from the south were moved north to take part in the main, and only, attack. That's a force of about 65 units, almost all of them vets by now.

                RAF Fighter Command happily committed suicide by attacking a fighter trap set up as a joint operation by the Kriegsmarine and Luftwaffe. A few Brit bombers were shot down by city defenders but most made successful attacks before they were subsequently shot down by fighters based in other cities. Bombers have been more of a problem in the Med than in northern Europe, particularly in the southern Balkans.

                I'm afraid that the only way to handle big ships has been to grin and bear it until they get a bloody nose from coastal defences and then hit them with a fresh, vet, German BB or CA. Meanwhile, German ships have either stayed safely in port or only ventured out with a bomber flying overhead.

                I'm breathing a bit easier now because I've been churning out a tech per turn and got the Panther tech in Sept. Right now RB vet Panthers are being fortified in front line cities and Barracks are being RB. Their D=9 makes them very good defenders against most attackers. Also, I have been impatiently waiting for Panthers before reviving Sea Lion.
                The rules as you are using them are not changed...But
                there will be buildable commandos and Shermans for
                the British in the next update...

                The old BB/fighter one-two is a good tactic, unless an
                enemy plane gets lucky...Like when a sneaky Spitfire
                took out my BB and Fw190 near Hamburg - Bugger!

                Incredible that you have managed to squeeze out the
                Panther and one tech per turn...You are a top general!

                Although I tend to play my games with a sort of RPG
                history mindset, changing the beat is what CIV2
                scenarios are all about...!

                Any units that strike you as being non-balanced?
                Or do you think that the battle and play/flow is OK?

                I have added the 'ignore walls' flag to PaK88s and the US howitzer...



                • #53
                  Like when a sneaky Spitfire took out my BB and Fw190 near Hamburg - Bugger!
                  Redundancy pays! Use 2 BB's. Heck, throw in a CA for good measure.

                  Incredible that you have managed to squeeze out the Panther and one tech per turn...
                  I'm a good, though thoroughly unprincipled, trader.

                  Battle flow and ebb? Yes, they are coming at me in droves, like when 5 assorted Russian tanks hit the Moscow city walls on the same turn. Or a couple of little Brit amphib ops were a bit too weak or, unfortunately for them, coincided with the arrival of a Panther in the target city. There is no shortage of brush fires to extinguish. The Partisans are particularly nasty.

                  The only unit question so far is why the PaK 88 doesn't have AA capability. It was an excellent dual purpose gun.
                  Excerpts from the Manual of the Civilization Fanatic :

                  Money can buy happiness, just raise the luxury rate to 50%.
                  Money is not the root of all evil, it is the root of great empires.


                  • #54
                    Indeed - Good point!

                    Ack-Ack abilty added to the 88mm - It will serve as an good alternative to the AA Gun.

                    I have increased the cost to 70 shields, so the generic AA Gun remains a cheaper option.



                    • #55

                      I tried some unscrupulous trading of my own, and also managed to fast track the Panther before Oct 1941!
                      It made a big difference, but not unbalancing, it just adds a small edge to the early battles...!

                      I tried out the battleship/fighter combo, and found out how effective it is to lure and destroy enemy ships!
                      With a Super Battleship/cruiser/fighter group, I might have enough power to challenge the US navy fleets that
                      are inbound to North Africa and France. I have placed SBB/CA/fighter traps near Nantes, Hamburg and Algiers.

                      The first attack bagged about 10 unspecting vessels at no loss...This represents the hunting tactics of the
                      surface raiders in WW2. Considering it takes Germany forever to make battleships, this is quite balanced.

                      Leads to fun battles, and giving the AI a good whupping - Which is the point of Dictator!



                      • #56
                        In my current game, I am up to my neck in the Stalingrad battle...
                        Endless waves of T-34s, tough commie troops and those damned Katie rockets!

                        Zhukov is about to unleash the red symphony...

                        The 'Stalingrad Defence' tech which ends this madness is a looong way off!



                        • #57
                          Hey! You're giving too many hints. Such as making sure that one has a dozen freights on hand when Stalingrad is captured.

                          Nice work on the high seas, Admiral.

                          The Americans hit Nantes very hard in April and May '42. Thank goodness for Coastal Fortresses, Tigers and the restorative properties of Barracks.

                          Minor Problems:

                          Iraklion is missing the 'n'.

                          The sub icons by Nemo look a bit large. Patine's EotRS has a great icon, drawn by fairline, that is just perfect. Also, it is simple to modify its conning tower and remove the gun to make a Type XXI.
                          Excerpts from the Manual of the Civilization Fanatic :

                          Money can buy happiness, just raise the luxury rate to 50%.
                          Money is not the root of all evil, it is the root of great empires.


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by AGRICOLA
                            Hey! You're giving too many hints.
                            As if you were needing any...

                            @Curt: seems brilliant, mate!

                            Too bad I've no time to try it now, I'll have to wait for the release version.
                            Ankh-Morpork, we have an orangutan...
                            Discworld Scenario:
                            POMARJ Scenario:
                            LOST LEGIONS Scenario:


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by AGRICOLA
                              Hey! You're giving too many hints. Such as making sure that one has a dozen freights on hand when Stalingrad is captured.

                              Nice work on the high seas, Admiral.

                              The Americans hit Nantes very hard in April and May '42. Thank goodness for Coastal Fortresses, Tigers and the restorative properties of Barracks.

                              Minor Problems:

                              Iraklion is missing the 'n'.

                              The sub icons by Nemo look a bit large. Patine's EotRS has a great icon, drawn by fairline, that is just perfect. Also, it is simple to modify its conning tower and remove the gun to make a Type XXI.
                              Even one month in Stalingrad can catch out the unprepared...

                              (although AGRICOLA does not fall into that category!)

                              What is the proper spelling for the city on Crete?



                              • #60
                                try here..

                                so maybe is heraklion ...

