Originally posted by Cyrion

not a very constructive post, I know, sorry Exile...
For repentence, I promise to play your scenario as soon as it is released!

not a very constructive post, I know, sorry Exile...
For repentence, I promise to play your scenario as soon as it is released!

Never mind Vincent, the Swiss pikemen had their time in the sun in the second half of the 15th C. Maybe someone can make a scenario about this period

@Phenix - I'll see if I can draw the odd culverin and falconet
@Gagliaudo - The 'relationship' between Francis I and Charles V has always amused me. Charles, ever the dour and honourable gentleman, was forever defeating Francis and agreeing to ransom him as long as he'd be a good boy in future. Francis, the Machievellian Prince if ever there was one, broke his promises without fail as soon as he'd reached the safety of France.