The Altera Centauri collection has been brought up to date by Darsnan. It comprises every decent scenario he's been able to find anywhere on the web, going back over 20 years.
25 themes/skins/styles are now available to members. Check the select drop-down at the bottom-left of each page.
Call To Power 2 Cradle 3+ mod in progress:
Not much progress here. I didn't care, since from may till octobre I can work at this all day and night but a slightly more developped unit list should be no match for now. If a unit is not available for every civ the possible builders will be shown by these shortcuts:
W = Wallenstein
H = Habsburg
E = Spain, if the unit is event-created on Spanish territory or placed there at the beginning
C = Catholique Leaque/ Bavarians
P = German Protestant/ Saxons
F = French
S = Swedish
D = Dutch
Mercenary Dragoons
French Dragoons [F]
Carabiniers [W, H, C, P, D]
"Black" Cuirassiers [W, H]
Heavy Curiassiers [C, P, D]
Light Cuirassiers They are light amoured at breast and back alike the carabiniers but shoot with two pistol instead of a carabiner
Light Ritsmen or what it means in swedish [S]
Oriental Lanciers Croats, Polish [W, H]
Oriental Hussars Magyars [W, H]
French Carabiniers [F]
French Cuirassiers [F]
Field Marshal
Great Leader
Looking really good!
I think that maps with ocean rivers are much more interesting to play on! The units list looks great too. Can't wait for this one as it is one of my favorite periods!
I noticed on your screenshot that you are using the german names for the cities (Brüssel, Köln, etc...).
I´ve made a scenario long time ago with the same city names and the events didn´t work because of the ä, ö, ü, etc... So i decided to use the english city names. Same applied for the units and civs. It was on Civ2 FW.
Originally posted by civ2units
I´ve made a scenario long time ago with the same city names and the events didn´t work because of the ä, ö, ü, etc... So i decided to use the english city names. Same applied for the units and civs. It was on Civ2 FW.
Is the scenario for TOT?
I've seen no problems whatsoever using ToT with umlauts and many other accents and symbols, but I do make sure I'm always using the Windows Western character set.
Thanks @ Eivind and Arthedain. Lätt Ryttare - another "Umlaut"!
No, i will change the city names to english. I'd prefer to use the language which belongs to any city if all the specific accents (á,à,â, ñ) work with the event file.
And no, I don't make it for ToT. At first i use all the fine comfortable functions for MGE Editing, then maybe ToT, and ulitmately for SMAC. *mwahahaha*
very nice map indeed ! and with space between cities..
I wonder if someone has never been able to REDUCE/CHANGE the FONT size in wich town's name are written on the map..
sometimes they look so big.. that i always prefer to choose a town with "short name" to one with longer .. just for "spacing problem" on the map..
btw.. im really curious to see how/why you use Wallenstein as a "civ".. sure he was very powerful in land and money.. but wasnt him under the nominal rule of "Habsburg"?
just to ask..then im sure you have thoughts it a deeply..if u choose this way..
Originally posted by Von Bert
btw.. im really curious to see how/why you use Wallenstein as a "civ".. sure he was very powerful in land and money.. but wasnt him under the nominal rule of "Habsburg"?
just to ask..then im sure you have thoughts it a deeply..if u choose this way..
That was a mistake! Now I will explain you my masterplan in each detail, no way to stop me.
Wallenstein and Habsburg depend on each other as well as they distrust each other, so does the Catholic league (but it`s a more independent civ). There is a way Habsburg can murder Wallenstein and annect his whole armies and provinces, although it has not to fight a war.
Well, let's start at the beginning, April 1631. At this time the Emperor depended financially and military either on the Catholic Leaque or Wallenstein but actually both. So, finances and income of (Austrian) Habsburg will be lower than the ones of Maximilian and Wallenstein, while their military influence in Germany is weaker due to the boundaries at the long turkish-hungarian border. The only infantry Habsburg is able to build at start is the Mercenary tercio (the older battle order) and the pikes hile Bavaria might sooner get the line tactics from the Swedes.
Wallenstein, however, can't build any military unit until Habsburg starts a negotation (event if nego -> give tech). That represents the effects of Wallenstein's fire (late 1630)and hire (late 1631/early 1632) as the Emperor's generalissimo. All units (infantry, cavalry, artillery) Wallenstein gets by this "ressurrection tech" will be identically the same as Habsburg has but have their own slots. Some advantages now will help him to build up a big army quickly.
His seven cities in Bohemia and Mähren (?) , where he historically has bought most of the private estate part after the counterreformation since 1620 and became the richest and mighties man in this country (maybe mightier than the emperor himself) are very productive. Factories play a major role in every civ's management but Wallenstein even has the Pyramides, King Richard and the Hoover Dam cause he was the pioneer of a total war economy, which makes him much more genius than his abilities in leading an army. In fact, his troops were always better feeded and supplied (and thus survived longer) than the armies of Gustav Adolph or Tilly. Therefore I think of shrinking the shield price of his units compared to the others by some 33% or so.
Well, there's another world wonder for Wallenstein, which does have not so nice impacts on him, Leonardo. This wonder is indeed the prequesist of his fall. While the year of the war marches on, Wallenstein becomes an old, excentric man and eventually gets rid of the great effects of his wonders but this one will stay "loyal" - to the emperor. As you should know, Wallenstein's hybris leads him to fall off from the emperor and become murdered by a handful of scottish adventurers (read "Wallenstein" from Frederick Schiller or the one from Golo Mann ). In the game some events shall help Habsburg to proceed this, too. My thoughts were, that some time late 1633 there comes a unit onto a field next to Vienna or whatever. Habsburg now has the choice to let it stay ther or kill it. If the unit it kills, an event is triggered "give tech xxx to civ=Wallenstein" which gifts him a new unit type - the Loyal. The trick is, that now every unit Wallenstein got able to build by the first tech will become obselete - and automatically upgraded to a loyal, i guess his stats will be 0/0/1/1/0. Maybe there will be different loyal types to better help the next step of the proceeding. To wipe out Wallenstein the emperor naturally kills all of his units, and gets the equivalent unit type - if there is enough place in the rules file - for his own by a "trigger: if unit killed then create unit on xx,xx" etc."-event. At least the whole army of poor Wally has ran over to the crown and all of his ciuties will have capitulated restistanceless.
Every city? No! A last village is departed at the end of the world to keep the 1st civ alive. The player will get a second chance at the other side, now as another great mercenaries' leader: Bernhard from Saxony-Weimar who served for the Swedes and the for the French. This "rebirth" is the most difficult part of all in my opinion. How does Bernhard gets a city from the Swedes without fighting them? I thought of using a "move units" event to clear a city in the room of franconia/north bavaria, maybe Würzburg, from units and place a "great leader" unit and perhaps some fellowship next to the cityl, so Bernhard has a little chance to survive this part. It'll be could if this happens not before the Swedes have captured Würzburg (which became the realm of Bernhard for a short meanwhile) but then the Habsburgs should have killed Wallenstein before.
Or Bernhards starts when France declares war to Habsburg, which would be historically accurate, too. He became their major leader at the Rhine front and as French gets only few generals who ignore zocs, the alliance with Bernhard could be crucial, especially as he can produce units cheaper then France (with must pay an additional cost of 50% for every infantry and cavalry unit due to its still feudalistic army structures) and in PBEM it might not seem too artificial if France gifts some cities or units over to him, or France is forced to transfer mone to him by an event. It should alo be not too bad for the game blance if Bernard receives Sun Tzu, since his recruiting capacities will be much lower than Wallenstein's.
Did I forget anything? Oh, i didn't mention that their governtment form is Fundamentalis in contrast to the Despotism of Habsburg and the Monarchy of France.
Phew,actually i wanted to explain my battle system today.
Last edited by battosai; February 13, 2007, 15:20.
i really love that fascinating era..n never had such "insight" about Wallenstein role..
im happy to see that i'll play a surely well designed Thing soon.. !!!