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First Strike PBEM

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  • God, I played anyway, but keep things English from now on.


    The pollution meter has reached 4 bars. This is it. The US urges, no, orders, every nation to drop whatever they are building and build as many Public Transport and High-Speed Rail systems as possible in as little time as possible.

    We don't care how you do it, but do it. Disband units, sell improvements to get the money to rushbuild them, just do it.

    Global warming would have a very, VERY drastic effect on future US policies. And not a very positive one.

    The US currently has 40 engineers, 15 public transportation systems and 8 high-speed rail systems. Many more will be finished next turn.


    Although we asked the USSR to withdraw their subs from western hemisphere waters, they are still there.

    We still do not know what's in the stacks, we can only assume that it is an invasion fleet since the Russian don't have submarine-based nukes yet.

    We will use force to remove the submarines if they do not start retreating next turn.
    Attached Files


    • Academia, this is for you.
      Attached Files


      • mmm... for some reason the barter isn´t working...

        i decided to play anyway...

        9 VPs
        Attached Files
        South Atlantic Conflict v1.2 - Civ II Scenario
        Iron Curtain v1.1 - Civ II Scenario


        • The Marxist-Leninist guerilla group Revolutionary Armed Force of Colombia (FARC) launch attacks in Colombia.
          The U.S. and South African supported UNITA guerillas continue to fight the Marxist MPLA for power in Angola.


          submarines get new orders

          @eurisko... isch habsch da ne kleinigkeit wohl nicht ganz gecheckt
          gehabt... ich hatte da nukes drauf und durfte das wohl gar
          nicht... ich schick die latürnich artig wieder nach Hause

          civil tech discovered = +1
          18 traderoutes established = +9 VPs

          USSR: 25 VPs (-4 pollution)
          Attached Files


          • Forgot to add last post: USA +1 VP (+6*0.5 trade -2 military tech).


            • zero pollution in europe and america?
              Find my civ2 scenarios here

              Ave Europa, nostra vera Patria!


              • It is safe to eat off the streets in the USA.

                But I see a square of pollution in northern Italy, and there are two near Munich, which will be given to Europe this turn.


                • Originally posted by Eurisko
                  But I see a square of pollution in northern Italy, and there are two near Munich, which will be given to Europe this turn.
                  northern italy? haven´t seen that. it might be an old american map/view.
                  i´m cleaning one of the polluted squares near munich.
                  South Atlantic Conflict v1.2 - Civ II Scenario
                  Iron Curtain v1.1 - Civ II Scenario


                  • Yes, sorry, that's the one I meant.


                    • China very much supports America's policy of disarmament and condemns the Soviets for their flip floping policy, where they first advocated disarmament and once confronted with agreement ignored the World. Unless the Soviet Union will abandon nulcear expansion, China will have to embark on the expensive nuclear armament race as well.

                      +2 (trade)

                      VP score board
                      1. USSR: 26 VPs (-4 pollution)
                      2. USA: 21,5 VPs
                      3. PRC: 20 VPs
                      4. Europe: 9 VPs (-1 pollution)
                      Attached Files
                      Find my civ2 scenarios here

                      Ave Europa, nostra vera Patria!


                      • Eurisko...
                        Find my civ2 scenarios here

                        Ave Europa, nostra vera Patria!


                        • I am a bit busy right now, will post later today.


                          • 5 trade routes + 1 civil tech = +4.5 VP

                            Americans concerned and unhappy about global warming, blame USSR and Europe, say democrats unable to handle crisis.

                            Despite being the most productive nation on the planet, the US are only third in the list of top polluters.

                            As the effects of pollution, most prevalent under them global warming, are evermore present in everyday life, the average American has started assigning blame for the disaster waiting to happen.

                            One citizen from Richmond, VA, says that the Soviets and Europe are to be blamed because of their warmongering attitudes and lack of devotion to fighting pollution.

                            "However, the problem lies with the US itself. Our president,Jimmy Carter, and of course the democrats, are unable to handle and contain the socialist threat. I voted for them in the hope that they would help the stagnating economy, but not at the price of leaving the globe for the communists. The next elections my vote will go to the republicans."

                            Many US citizens share this view, and rumors are around that Jimmy Carter may be impeached for a more capable president should the environmental problems grow more dire.

                            Reagan, the top candidate of the republican party for the next elections, has vown to pursue a much harsher and more unforgiving line in fighting communism and the lesser evil, socialism, across the globe.

                            It remains to be seen how the loaded political situation in DC will play out. However, scientists say that the world is on the verge of global warming and give it around half a year before the polar caps start melting.

                            CENTCOM spots Soviets intruding in Pakistan, advises NATO to be ready for war, readies heavy bombers.

                            AiC, stop intruding further. If you want a limited war say so, but intruding well past the border and building roads in the middle of Pakistan is more than enough of a reason for me to declare war on you. I will bomb the engineers if they are not gone next turn.

                            Not all submarines withdrawn.

                            I accidentially blocked a submarine of yours which was still near the Canadian coast.

                            Remove it after I have moved the destroyer.
                            Attached Files


                            • no news
                              9 VPs (-2 pollution)
                              Attached Files
                              South Atlantic Conflict v1.2 - Civ II Scenario
                              Iron Curtain v1.1 - Civ II Scenario


                              • bump
                                South Atlantic Conflict v1.2 - Civ II Scenario
                                Iron Curtain v1.1 - Civ II Scenario

