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First Strike PBEM

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  • The EPRDF alliance continue to fight the pro-Soviet Marxist-Leninist military junta, the "Derg", in Ethiopia.


    Pakistan asked Russia for assistance against the capitalistic intruders.

    We´ll fight for their liberty!

    (I´ll attack in January with max. 3400 shields worth of units... ok?)

    4 traderoutes established = +2 VPs

    USSR: 27 VPs (-4 pollution)
    Attached Files


    • VP score board
      1. USSR: 27 VPs (-4 pollution)
      2. USA: 25 VPs
      3. PRC: 21 VPs
      4. Europe: 9 VPs (-2 pollution)

      Jeez, 5720 gold for wheat from Dalian to Sydney! Must be a record...Filled up 2/3 of the science progress!

      I also observe that Alejandro have 1 more pollution square than last turn, and AiC havn't removed a single square this turn. Abondon terrain improvement jobs and start cleaning! Soon we'll all be doomed!

      +1 trade
      Attached Files
      Find my civ2 scenarios here

      Ave Europa, nostra vera Patria!


      • Just realised all the spy options wern't working properly. Works now.

        (Also updated the download zip at the SL wiki download section for future reference)
        Attached Files
        Find my civ2 scenarios here

        Ave Europa, nostra vera Patria!


        • I also observe that Alejandro have 1 more pollution square than last turn, and AiC havn't removed a single square this turn. Abondon terrain improvement jobs and start cleaning! Soon we'll all be doomed!
          how can you possibly know that? remember that the "pollution map" you see during your turn doesnt reflect reality. you can´t actually see my current situation... you dont have an updated map of european, american or russian pollution.

          for instance, i see lots of polluted squares in america. but i know it´s not true, because denis always reports that he is cleaning everything. i knowt that the "american pollution map" i see is useless.

          PD: its your turn in iron curtain
          Last edited by academia; January 23, 2007, 14:47.
          South Atlantic Conflict v1.2 - Civ II Scenario
          Iron Curtain v1.1 - Civ II Scenario


          • I can because you're pollution score was -2 the last turn as well. You're obviously not fighting the pollution agressively enough, because if you were you would be free of pollution as Denis is.

            Btw, the same applies to AiC.

            Also, just a little btw, if Iyou trade maps with someone with an old map, the polltuion that guy has will reoccur. It's an annoying game bug, so be aware!
            Find my civ2 scenarios here

            Ave Europa, nostra vera Patria!


            • Originally posted by Eivind IV
              I can because you're pollution score was -2 the last turn as well. You're obviously not fighting the pollution agressively enough, because if you were you would be free of pollution as Denis is.
              the problem is that denis gave me munich last turn, and it had two polluted squares nearby. i had to send my engineers to clean the area.

              in any case... do you still want to mantain the pollution in the game? is it really worthy?
              South Atlantic Conflict v1.2 - Civ II Scenario
              Iron Curtain v1.1 - Civ II Scenario


              • Originally posted by academia
                in any case... do you still want to mantain the pollution in the game? is it really worthy?
                Of course, why wouldn't it be?

                I don't doubt that global warming will occur. It's too late for the other nations to start caring about pollution now.

                The US more than halved their pollution output and are polluter #3 despite having the highest industrial output. Europe and Russia preferred to prepare for war and now they can have their war in the barren wasteland which this world will become.

                I am not bothered much because most of what I produce I do with the trade money I make such that the loss of shield squares is not too tragic, but I wonder what tightly packed, industrial Europe and Russia with almost no trade revenue will do when their indutrial land squares turn into swamps.

                Anyway, the turn:

                Global warming on the doorstep.

                Due to the government's inability to contain communism and avert global pollution, an official impeachment process has been initiated against president Carter.

                Reagan, who is expected to take office if Carter is impeached, has sworn to fight communism whereever it rears its ugly head, and to assert American global hegemony with more vigor.

                Political analysts say that global warming will be the deciding issue for future American politics.

                If it is averted and Carter stays in office, the US will continue on their peaceful course of improving their own country.

                Should warming occur and Reagan take office, the US will see a rearmament only rivaled by the wartime production of WW2, such that communism can be contained more effectively.
                Attached Files


                • +5 VP by the way (6 trade routes and a civil tech)

                  And again 0 pollution.


                  • Alejandro...
                    Find my civ2 scenarios here

                    Ave Europa, nostra vera Patria!


                    • oops, sorry! i forgot to play this one
                      South Atlantic Conflict v1.2 - Civ II Scenario
                      Iron Curtain v1.1 - Civ II Scenario


                      • no news

                        9 VPs (no polluted squares)
                        Attached Files
                        South Atlantic Conflict v1.2 - Civ II Scenario
                        Iron Curtain v1.1 - Civ II Scenario


                        • Mega bump AiC! And fix that damn pollution of yours, pronto!

                          (Eurisko will return in 4 days, so we can play and have it ready for him then)

                          Btw, all should download the game.txt I posted, if they want their spies to work properly. Also, after this PBEM I'm thinking of making a little update. I think I'll release a new little MP version, where the Non-Aligned will be made barbarian, and introduce India. And if you have any7 more suggestion, I'd be happy to hear the. Just so you know.
                          Find my civ2 scenarios here

                          Ave Europa, nostra vera Patria!


                          • The U.S. supported guerilla war in Nicaragua rages on.


                            Russia started to build Public Transports

                            civil-tech discoverd = +1 VPs

                            2 traderoutes established = +1 VPs

                            USSR: 29 VPs (-4 pollution)
                            Attached Files


                            • Techs go in +/-2, so it's +2 for you there, AiC!

                              Public transports are good, but what about removing the pollution you already have? We'll have global warming soon for sure, and then the I'll join the blame game against you!

                              +2 in new civil tech (Modern Industries)
                              +1 Trade

                              VP score board September 1977
                              1. USA: 30 VPs
                              2. USSR: 30 VPs (-4 pollution)
                              3. PRC: 24 VPs
                              4. Europe: 9 VPs

                              Shouldn't you start trading soon, Alej?
                              Find my civ2 scenarios here

                              Ave Europa, nostra vera Patria!


                              • Opps:
                                Attached Files
                                Find my civ2 scenarios here

                                Ave Europa, nostra vera Patria!

