Sure, I can do that. I think a small line, "Converted for Test of Time" might still be appropriate. What do you think?
No announcement yet.
Mongols for ToT
If it were up to me, I'd make a title screen more in the spirit of the original, with portraits of both leaders and mentioning the full title (and nothing more than that, I never liked the practice of mentioning authors' names, and it should be pretty self-evident that it's a ToT version). This image, and the mock-Chinese font, makes me think of bad, over-budget Hollywood remakes.
The Mongols don't and didn't use Chinese ideographs (well, they probably did during the Yuan dynasty).
Oh, and did you know that the two portraits in the title screen that Harlan used are both portraits of Genghis Khan?
Here's an, admittedly rather boring, attempt:
Mmm, both are good. As an aside, the pics of Genghis and Kublai are the ones I copied for the people graphics, so they fit in nicely.
Might as well do as Curt says and have them both.
That seems a little silly and will unnecessarily increase the size of the download. It's not like you see the title a lot anyway. I'm just a little touchy when it concerns Mongolia or Genghis Khan.
I just got myself sufficiently wound up to have a shot at making one I'd like for myself. Now if I ever end up playing this conversion I'll have a title screen handy.
Go with techumseh's title image.
In fact, I won't allow you to include mine.
I don't really care that much, Curt. I did it just for fun.
Originally posted by curtsibling
Why not upload you title here as an alternative to tech's standard one?
Everyone is already happy (with techumseh's title image). I'm just being a pain in the ass as usual, turning a non-issue into a painful discussion.
Originally posted by Mercator
I already did, didn't I? Or can't you see it in this thread?
Originally posted by Mercator Everyone is already happy (with techumseh's title image). I'm just being a pain in the ass as usual, turning a non-issue into a painful discussion.
Go on Curt, ban him, he's a disruptive influence
Just to p1ss off Mercator, I'm going to include both titles with Techumseh's as the default. As for file size issues, it's a gif ferchrissakes so it won't add much to the final zip size.
Tech: I'll send you a zip tonight.
Can you ban me then?I never had banning powers.
bi-polar antics...