BTW do you have a second topic on hexediting? If so what's the URL?
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Thanks for looking at my post. Do you know a good hex editor, that's free? And if not, anything that's good.
I use Hex Workshop. It's ok. You can download it here: .
It's shareware but if you type in 90401-426325-78F0 as the code, it gets free(on the 3.x version, not older ones).
There might be some better ones, but I doubt for free.
BTW do you have a second topic on hexediting? If so what's the URL?
no, why would I make two threads about the same?
I personally find A.X.E. rather nice. And best of all, it's a legallyfree HEX-editor. It can be found at
Keep up the good work everyone!
Edit: Nevermind that link, try this instead:
Last edited by Mercator; September 21, 2003, 08:40.
A few more things I've learned since my last posting.
In the second tribe record (the big one), location Hex 69, is a city count. It shows up in MGE when you start a multiplayer game. Otherwise, I think it has no effect on the game.
In MGE a unit entry is 32 bytes long versus 26 for earlier versions and city entry is 88 bytes long versus 84 for earlier versions. What the extra bytes are I don't know yet.
"Cease fire! Please! Cease fire. What a dreadful waste of ammunition!" -- General Horatio Herbert Kitchener
Thanks a lot Nemo!
Call me Gyren Zabi, now....
[This message has been edited by Prometeus (edited June 22, 2000).]"Io non volgo le spalle dinnanzi al nemico!!!" - il Conte di San Sebastiano al messo del comandante in capo, battaglia dell'Assietta
"E' più facile far passare un cammello per la cruna di un ago che un pensiero nel cervello di Bush!!!" - Zelig
"Live fire, and not cold steel, now resolve battles" - Marshall de Puysegur
I did point out eailer that the city information in FW contains only 84 bytes, not 88. Perhaps in MGE format it is 88 and 85+86 is the city index number as stated above.
There is a really great (free) Hex Editors I use. Hex Wizard , allows you to compare two files. But it doesn't allow to pasting information.
"The man who can smile when things go wrong has thought of someone he can blame it on""I didn't invent these rules, I'm just going to use them against you."
By earlier versions, I meant FW and CIC. I didn't mean to contradict you. Your city hex editing page has been of enormous help to me!
When I started hacking around an MGE saved file, I realized the city entry was longer for the MGE format only. I suppose ToT is different yet again. I haven't poked around there yet."Cease fire! Please! Cease fire. What a dreadful waste of ammunition!" -- General Horatio Herbert Kitchener
Allard: Thank you for your very prompt help!
You prevented me from restarting my scenario after more than a year of work...
Gothmog mentioned "city count showing upin MGE"...
This brought me to the question about another kind of "city count": Where is the number of built cities per civ stored... I mean the value that determines which city name# will be picked out of city.txt when the next one is build?
I remember that in good old Colonization it was quite easy to find, and I already thought I had located it, but then I realized I was wrong...
Just wondering if anyone's been doing any hex editing based on this great research done last year?
Originally posted by Allard HS on 05-05-2000 06:20 PM byte 16 - Government. Valid values are 00-07 (though 07 does
not normally exist). A value of 08 or higher causes
the game to crash. 00 is of course Anarchy, 01 is
Despotism, etc.
You can give the barbarians Democracy (06) to prevent
their cities being subverted.
Could someone please elaborate on this? What happens whit a 07 govt, how will the game handle it?No Fighting here, this is the war room!
Hey, I was reading through this topic, and saw that one could place cities next to each other. I was wondering, could one possibly place the cities on top of each other? If that could happen, what would the effects be? If everything was satisfactory, could it be the answer to the Americans based in UK in WWII scenarios without combining the two countries?
In fact, I've discovered the way to put cities on each other without
hex-editing some time ago. it's very nice thing, it can be very very useful."I realise I hold the key to freedom,
I cannot let my life be ruled by threads" The Web Frogs
Middle East!